提起波士顿的名校,所有人第一时间想到就是哈佛、麻省理工、波士顿大学、东北大等耳熟能详的大U,今天,站长挑了三所位于波士顿近郊, 「B」字母开头的,低调、沉稳、有内涵的三所牛校给大家介绍一下。

布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University

布兰迪斯大学是一所犹太人创建的私立研究型大学。学校规模较小,崇尚小班授课,本科和研究生总数目维持在5000+人。学校位于Waltham, 距离波士顿市区乘坐火车25分钟,开车20分钟左右,周末去市区逛个街或者日常去工作面试、参加活动都是毫无压力。

布大在商科,生物,生物化学,经济学,物理,数学和人文科学等都在全美名列前茅,综合排名也是一直稳居US News综排35名以内,2018年最新US News综排为34名。 校友中有五位普利策奖得主,一点阵图灵奖得主及一位诺贝尔化学奖奖得主。



Master of Science in Computer Science for Non-Majors

此项目适合没有CS背景的学生申请,在文理学院,学生毕业后获得MS in Computer Science学位,适合无CS背景同学跨专业申请。

Recognizing the high demand for training in computer science, Brandeis created an innovative master』s program for majors in the sciences and humanities who wish to transition to the thriving computer industry. This means you』ll be learning alongside smart, motivated students who are not afraid of change.

The two-year, 12-course program provides training in the fundamentals of computing, as well as in 「hot」 areas such as big data. While the curriculum is demanding, the flexibility afforded by the wide range of electives means you can tailor your program to your own personal learning goals.

As a student of the master』s in computer science for non-majors, you』ll have access to the department』s dedicated, research-driven computer science faculty, to the thriving high-tech cities of Boston and Cambridge, and to a growing network of alumni who have found careers in the high-tech, high-demand, high-salary fields in both academia and industry.

Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance


①Brandeis Advantage

Ranked among the best U.S. universities by U.S. News and World Report. Located close to Boston, a multicultural hub of finance, technology and innovation.

②Quantitative Curriculum in Business, Economics and Finance

Combine sophisticated analytical skills with real-world preparation.

③1- to 2-Year Pre-Experience Program

Three options based on academic background. Applicants are not required to have work experience.

④Career Diversity

Graduates are hired by corporations, financial and economic organizations, consulting firms, governments and startups.


International students are eligible for up to 36 months of practical training in the U.S. after graduation. Learn more.

⑥Renowned Faculty

Study and work with faculty experts who are leaders in academic research or seasoned financial professionals.


100% of admitted students are considered for generous scholarships.

⑧A Close-knit Community

Learn more about our multi-cultural and supportive campus environment.

Master of Science in Finance


①Brandeis Advantage

Ranked among the best U.S. universities by U.S. News and World Report. Located close to Boston, a multicultural hub of finance, technology and innovation.

②Creating Global Financial Experts

Expertise in financial modeling and statistical analysis to influence decisions in major financial institutions and corporations.

③Multiple Career Possibilities

Practical skills for careers in risk management, transfer pricing and valuation, asset management, and corporate finance.

④Real World Expertise

Hands-on, quantitative skills in our Bloomberg Lab, company internships, consulting projects, and faculty-guided research projects.


Up to 36 months of practical training in the United States after graduation for international students. Learn more.

⑥16-Month Pre-Experience Program

Three semesters of coursework and a summer of practical training. No prior work experience is required.

⑦Renowned Faculty

Unusual access to faculty experts who are leaders in academic research and/or seasoned financial professionals.


100% of admitted students are considered for partial and full tuition scholarships.

⑨A Close-knit Community

Learn more about our multi-cultural and supportive campus environment.

Me留学全程无忧和文书全管家学员获得的Brandeis University以上三个专业的录取:

本特利大学 Bentley University

本特利大学同样位于波士顿近郊Waltham,学校以商科为主,闻名整个新英格兰地区。学校成立于1917年,最初是一所坐落在波士顿市中心的会计和金融学院,后来搬到了近郊。在最新的College Factual 专业排名中,本特利大学在商管领域高居全美榜首,并获得会计专业第1位和金融专业第2位的排名,在商业周刊评出的前100商业学校中排名第20位。2016年Bloomberg美国商学院排名中排名全美第10名。学校十分强调科技在商业领域的影响力,成立了Innovation Center专门训练学生的数据挖掘和分析能力,走在科技金融发展的前沿,同时,本特利还授予会计学博士学位,感兴趣的同学可以考虑。


MS in Accounting

此项目是Bentley University的王牌专业之一,89%的学生都可以在毕业3个月内找到一份工作,学校课程设置满足CPA的教育要求。

The Masters in Accounting program can be completed in as little as 10 courses, or as many as 13, which includes three foundation courses, four required core accounting courses and three accounting or non-accounting electives. Depending on a student』s prior coursework, the foundation course requirements may be waived or substituted. Accounting professionals can boost their marketability with a number of postgraduate credentials, the most popular of which is the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license. Many students pursue the MSA at Bentley to meet the education requirements for CPA licensing.

MS in Analytics

该项目下设三个分支分别是Audit Analytics, Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, 都是stem项目。

For more than 20 years, Bentley University has been training top analytics professionals like you. Here, you』ll develop a distinctive skill set, learning to translate data by combining analytics and business acumen, positioning yourself to add value in an increasingly data-driven world. And, with more than 2 million new analytics jobs expected to be created in the near future, a STEM-certified graduate degree in analytics from Bentley will set you apart in the fast-growing, competitive big data job market.

MS in Finance (12-course quantitative finance path)


Graduates of the Masters in Finance program gain the financial analysis and critical thinking skills to accelerate their careers in a field that will see nearly 15 percent growth over the next decade, with an average salary of $100,000. The new 12-course, STEM-designated quantitative track has a mathematical and capital market focus that will appeal to students interested in risk analysis, risk management, compliance, investment management, and financial technology careers. Evening classes are offered at our Waltham campus.

Me留学全程无忧学员获得的Bentley University的会计项目和商业分析项目录取:

巴布森学院 Babson College

巴布森学院位于波士顿近郊Wellesley,成立于 1919年,是全美最著名商学院之一。提到Babson, 所有人想起的第一个词就是「创业」。没错,学校的创业学课程连续21年位列US News全美第一,超过了哈佛和斯坦福,学校整体教育培养致力于商科教育与企业家培养上,有小众文理学院的feel,并不参与US News的综合排名。

Babson开设有100多门关于创业的课程,授课老师都是有实际创业经验,这些创业课程汇集成了一个学校特有的教学体系:Entrepreneurial Thought and Action。Babson录取的众多学生中有1/3有家族企业,其中著名校友包括日本丰田汽车的总裁。学校提供创业加速器,给学生提供创业上面的学术、技术、资金、人脉的支持,从Babson毕业的学生,有50%左右都会选择创业或者有过创业的行动。



Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership:


The Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership (MSEL) is a nine-month, cohort-based program that prepares students to lead in the workplace and world with confidence, creativity, and a focus on social, economic, and environmental responsibility and sustainability.

The program consists of two, 14-week semesters during which students will take an integrated set of courses in marketing, economics, accounting, operations, management, finance, and strategy. To complement and support the coursework, students will participate in leadership activities and two experiential learning projects.

We welcome candidates from all undergraduate academic backgrounds.

MBA (Entrepreneurship Concentration)


The Entrepreneurship concentration focuses on creating, identifying, assessing, shaping, and acting on opportunities that generate economic and social value in a variety of contexts and organizations. Students in the concentration practice the necessary skills of Entrepreneurial Thought and Action? including opportunity assessment, resource acquisition, building teams, and starting and managing new and growing ventures (broadly defined). Students also have the option to deeply explore various forms of entrepreneurship including startups, family business, corporate entrepreneurship, nonprofit entrepreneurship, and buying a small business. Learn more about the career paths Babson MBA students take in this field.





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