

2018/7/12 Savills Vietnam文章中指出

We see a lot of FDI into manufacturing from Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Thailand.”

Vietnam attracted FDI flows of $35.6bn in 2017, up a hefty 44.4% from the previous year, with Japan the biggest, contributing $9.11bn. Manufacturing and processing FDI made up 44.2% of the total. Asian manufacturers want to take advantage of a skilled, youthful workforce and wages, which are less than half the level of China for manufacturing staff. Vietnamese workers are also cheaper than their counterparts in Malaysia, Indonesia, The Philippines and Thailand.



1. 越来越多外国直接投资(FDI)来自日本、韩国、新加坡和泰国。越南在2017年吸引了外国直接投资$ 356亿美金,比前一年增加了44.4%,日本占最大,贡献$ 91亿美金。制造业和加工业外国直接投资占总数的44.2%🔝

2. 越南吸引外资的地方除了年轻的劳动力,当然还有便宜的工资,越南工人相较于马来西亚、印尼、菲律宾和泰国的工人便宜许多。

3. 政府在基础设施方面投入巨资。





