〈Dancing On My Own〉是在男低音成員 Avi Kaplan 離開之後釋出的第一首 Cover 歌曲

這首歌原本是 Robyn 發表於2010年的歌曲.當時還曾被葛萊美獎提名《Song of the Year》

Pentatonix 翻唱的比較抒情.而原唱 Robyn 唱的較為動感一些.兩首歌有著一番不同的感覺~~

我比較喜歡 PTX 的版本.因為有大提琴加上他們柔順的嗓音真的很催淚.更完整了詮釋了這首歌!!



Somebody said you got a new friend

我已聽到謠言 說你有了新對象

Does she love you better than I can?


And there's a big black sky over my town

我的城市 彷彿被黑暗的天空籠罩著

I know where you're at, I bet she's around

我知道在哪 你一定在她身旁


Yeah, I know it's stupid


I just gotta see it for myself



I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh

在街角 看著你輕輕的吻了她

I'm right over here, why can't you see me, oh

我就站在你們旁邊 你卻完全沒有注意到

And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, oh

我為你竭盡心力、付出一切 但我卻不是你的最終選擇

I keep dancing on my own

只好 自己跳著單人舞


I just wanna dance all night


And I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line


Stilettos and broken bottles


I'm spinning around in circles



I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh

在街角 看著你輕輕的吻了她

I'm right over here, but why can't you see me, oh

我就站在你們旁邊 你卻完全沒有注意到

And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, you're taking home

我為你竭盡心力、付出一切 但我卻不是你的最終選擇

I keep dancing on my own

只好 自己跳著單人舞


But you don't see me standing here


I just came to say goodbye



I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, oh

在街角 看著你輕輕的吻了她

And I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, you're taking home

我為你竭盡心力、付出一切 但我卻不是你的最終選擇

I keep dancing on my own

只好 自己跳著單人舞

I keep dancing on my own

我只好 自己跳著單人舞



 翻譯如有錯誤或有任何想法都歡迎留言!! 喜歡的話可以給個讚或分享出去ww




