美国圣地牙哥的沙克生物研究中心目前发现,从人类鼻腔的嗅觉接收区分离间叶干细胞(olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells, OE-MSC),再植入小鼠受损的大脑海马回区域,OE-MSC会自行跑到受损位置,分化成神经细胞,并促进神经细胞再生,因此可以恢复记忆力与学习力。这项研究已于6月13日发表在临床研究期刊[Journal of Clinical Investigation] 

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Stem cells from smell-sensing region of human nose could treat brain disorders

A study on mice suggests that adult stem cells from immune system tissue in the smell-sensing region of the human nose could provide a source of cells to treat brain disorders in which nerve cells are lost or irreparably damaged.

A team of researchers led by Emmaluel Nivet, at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, found that when human olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSCs) were transplanted into mice with damage to the hippocampal region of the brain (a region important for memory and learning) they migrated toward the site of damage, where they developed into nerve cells and also stimulated endogenous nerve cell generation.

The treated mice showed improvements in learning and memory. This suggests that OE-MSCs might be of tremendous utility in the clinic.

SOURCE: Journal of Clinical Investigation, published online June 13, 2011

