
(Photo: screenshot of a clip in the episode)


A coffee cup sits on a table in the great hall of Winterfell in the fictional realm of Westeros. Sharp-eyed viewers noticed the anachronism during the Sunday night’s episode “The Last of the Starks” in the fantasy saga “Game of Thrones.” 


Like most things in the final season of “Game of Thrones,” the item was overanalyzed and made into memes.

Maybe that's why the Battle of Winterfell episode was so dark -- no time to get rid of all the coffee cups! Without the low lighting, everyone would be able to tell the ramparts of Winterfell looked like the aftermath of an 8 am college lecture, CNN said in a story on Monday.

(Photo: screenshot from Twitter)


One fan joked on Twitter, posting Sansa Stark with a coffee cup in hand and the Starbucks cup in front of Daenerys. “Is it me or did Sansa plant the Starbucks cup in front of Dany as part of an elaborate plan to take her down?”





After remaining silent for much of the day, HBO acknowledged many inquiries about “the craft services coffee cup” and apparently decided to join the fun with this official statement: “The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered herbal tea.”

(Photo: screenshot from Twitter)


“We’re sorry!” Bernie Caulfield, an executive producer on the show, said in an interview with WNYC radio Monday. He said the offending cup was just a simple mistake, and quipped that “Westeros was the first place to actually, you know, have Starbucks.”

考爾菲德表示劇中出現這樣的情況非常罕見,“因爲電視劇的拍攝對於人物和場景都力求1000%的真實還原。” 考爾菲德說:“如果這是觀衆發現的最糟糕的情況,那麼說明我們其實做得還不錯。” 

Caulfield noted that the gaff is rare for the show since its “props people and decorators are so, you know, so on it 1,000 percent.” He said, “if that’s the worst thing they’re finding, then we’re in good shape.”  


(Photo: screenshot from Twitter)

Starbucks took the opportunity to plug its Dragon Drink, as it tweeted that “TBH we’re surprised she didn’t order a Dragon Drink,” which is a pink concoction with sweet mango and dragon fruit flavors.





(Photo: ABC News)

US Attorney General William Barr said on April 18 that, while the special counsel and his team "investigated a number of links or contacts between Trump campaign officials and individuals connected with the Russian government," they found no evidence of collusion.

Just moments after Barr concluded a news conference laying out his interpretation of Mueller's report ahead of its release to Congress and the public, President Trump took to Twitter with a "Game of Thrones" reference to declare: "Game Over. "


(Photo: The New York Times)

In November, announcing sanctions on Iran, the president tweeted out a picture of himself on a mock “Game of Thrones” promo, with the caption, “Sanctions Are Coming,” a variation of the show’s tagline, “Winter Is Coming.” He apparently liked the image so much that he bought the poster. A copy sat in front of him at his Cabinet meeting Wednesday.


However, HBO disavowed Trump’s reference to ‘Game of Thrones’ trademark phrase. In response to Trump’s tweet, its official statement was, “how do you say trademark misuse in Dothraki?” (Dothraki is a language spoken by a group of nomadic warriors, also called Dothraki, in “Game of Thrones.”) 



(Photo: screenshot of the application)

Computer science students at the Technical University of Munich have developed an application that scours the internet for data on the popular Game of Thrones series, and uses an algorithm to predict which characters are most likely to survive to the end of its final season, AP reported.


Project supervisor Guy Yachdav said survival rates are predicted using longevity analysis similar to scientific studies used to examine the effects of medical treatments. 

According to their prediction, Daenerys Targaryen has the highest chance of survival, at 99 percent, and Bronn is the most likely to die next.

Only time will tell the real results. And the series is notoriously unpredictable.


Sources: CNN; The Verge; The New York Times; ABC News; AP

Compiled by Zhan Huilan
