
責任編輯:康焯飛,蒙特利爾大學計算機系博士在讀文章發表於微信公眾號【運籌OR帷幄】:【新聞速遞】Google Scholar發布全球學術出版物排名及學術會議通知四則歡迎原鏈接轉發,轉載請私信 @留德華叫獸 獲取信息,盜版必究。敬請關注和擴散本專欄及同名公眾號,會邀請全球知名學者發布運籌學、人工智慧中優化理論等相關乾貨、知乎Live及行業動態:『運籌OR帷幄』大數據人工智慧時代的運籌學

12th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing 將於今年10月舉辦


Google Scholar發布全球學術出版物重要指數排名

Scholar Metrics provide an easy way for authors to quickly gauge the visibility and influence of recent articles in scholarly publications. Today, we are releasing the 2018 version of Scholar Metrics. This release covers articles published in 2013–2017 and includes citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar as of July 2018.

You can browse publications in specific categories such as Food Science & Technology, Sustainable Energy, or Public Health as well as broad areas like Engineering & Computer Science or Humanities, Literature & Arts . You will see the top 20 publications ordered by their five-year h-index and h-median metrics. You also can browse the top 100 publications in several languages - for example, Portuguese and Spanish. For each publication, you can view the top papers by clicking on the h5-index.


數學規劃(Math Programming)出版物的排名:

Further information is available in the webpage: scholar.google.com/cita



會議主題: 」新時代、新使命、新征程」背景下管理科學與工程學科機遇與挑戰

會議地點: 昆明,中國

會議時間: 2018年10月20日-10月21日

報名截止日期: 2018年10月18日




12th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing(IDC2018)

會議描述: 圍繞智能分散式計算領域的最新發現,研究成果和想法,促進和簡化討論

會議地點: Bilbao, Spain

會議時間:15th-17th October, 2018

會議主席: Javier Del Ser

he 12th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2018) will be held in October 2018 in Bilbao, Spain. The main goal of these series of symposiums is to gather researchers and practitioners to foster and ease rich discussions around the latest findings, research achievements and ideas in the area of Intelligent Distributed Computing. The IDC provides an open forum for enhancing the collaboration between researchers, lecturers, and students from Intelligent Computing and Distributing Computing communities.

IDC 2018 has a special interest in novel architectures, systems and methods that facilitate distributed / parallel / multi-agent biocomputing for solving complex computational and real-life problems. The scope of this edition spans further to embrace recent paradigms in Distributed Computation. Symposium topics include, but are not limited to:

Intelligent Distributed and High-Performance Architectures

Organization and Management

Intelligent Distributed Knowledge Representation and Processing

Networked Intelligence

Parallel metaheuristics for optimization

Distributed swarm robotics systems

Nature-inspired methods for supervised and unsupervised data mining

Intelligent Distributed Applications

For more information, please visit the conference website at idc2018.jrlab.science/

OR60 – The UK』s 60th annual OR Conference

會議地點: Lancaster University

會議時間:11-13 September 2018

The UK OR conference, 11-13 September 2018 celebrates its 60th anniversary. It will take place in Lancaster University, the first university in the UK with an OR department, with a long history of applied OR and liaision with industry and practice. The scientific programme will include practice-oriented talks from both academics and practitioners, as well as activities designed specifically to help practitioners outside academia become more effective.

Further information is available in the webpage:theorsociety.com/Pages/







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