Seeing how exams will be over in 7 days. Yes, SEVEN days. I know I'll be zombie-dead if I don't start getting serious now. 

One way to get serious: Lock myself up in a dungeon/cave/any location with an encolosed environment and act like a hermit and use my super-ultra-(also non-existent)-focus to study like crazy and ace the exams

Another way: sign a pledge with myself (again). 

I did do a pledge before and it didn't work out so well. I figured it might be because I just wrote it down somewhere and lost it on the second day in. So this time, I'm putting it on my blog. Wish me luck!

<--------------------------------------------------pledge is below-------------------------------------------------->


》I shall only check facebook, plurk, twitter and other social networking sites (other than gmail) once every hour. And I shall close the window(s) once I'm done with them. Each checking session shall be no longer than 30 mins.

》I shall finish all tasks I assigned for the day and NO EXCUSE FOR NOT FINISHING THEM

》I shall sleep before 12 and wake up before 10 EVERYDAY that I don't need to go to school/church/out. 

Results of breaching the pledge shall be:

》No any form of candy/chocolate for the rest of the summer until I find a co-op placement and start working. 

》Have to continue to wake up before 10 even after the exams are over. 


Sign on the dotted line: .................................................              Signed on: April 10, 2012

<--------------------------------------------------pledge is above-------------------------------------------------->

Assignment(s) of the day: 


- For Ling: 

    - Start writing notes. Start with things post-MT first, then move back to pre-MT

- For Latin:

    - Finish writing vocab definitions. 

    - Start writing notes

- Pour le Français:

    - Finis lire les littératures et écriver les notes pour eux.

    - Finis écriver les définitions des vocabulaires


- For Ling: 

    - Start writing notes. Start with things post-MT first, then move back to pre-MT

- For Latin:

    - Start writing notes

    - Look at vocabs

- Pour le Français:

    - Finis lire les littératures et écriver les notes pour eux.

    - Finis écriver les définitions des vocabulaires

    - Commences écriver les notes des lectures


- For Ling: 

    - Start writing notes. Start with things post-MT first, then move back to pre-MT

- For Latin:

    - Start writing notes

- Pour le Français: URGENT!

    - Finis lire les littératures et écriver les notes pour eux.

    - Finis écriver les définitions des vocabulaires

    - Finis lire les notes des lectures


- For Ling: 

    - Start writing notes. Start with things post-MT first, then move back to pre-MT

- For Latin:

    - Write notes


- For Ling:

    - Write notes and print them

- For Latin:

    - Write notes

    - Stare at vocab


- For Ling:

    - Read notes

- For Latin:

    - Finish watching online lectures

    - Read notes + vocab

