

un sag-gi6(-ga):黑头人(人+头+黑)dumu-gir15 / gi7:自由人;本地孩子,文明孩子(孩子+本地)


建议原本的发音:saj-ji6 [gig2]-ge,既,意为「本地人」,而不是字面上的「黑头」。

详见:John Alan Halloran

If you look at my published lexicons suggested reinterpretation of saj-ji6[gig2]-ga as having originally meant native persons, instead of its literal meaning of the black-headed, you will see that I am open to consonantal assimilation gradually changing words which were then reinterpreted in the popular understanding and writing.

John Alan Halloran,是《苏美语词典指南》一书的作者,自初版以来,至今已是第3版,第4版在筹备中。这本书带给很多不知晓苏美语的人,让这门语言不那么难以理解。




36. The Sumerian People

>I would like to ask you a question concerning the sumerian people. First , were>they indoeuropeen

I believe that the proto-Sumerian language predates the proto-Indoeuropean language.

> and second, were they blonde people with nordic white skin.

Probably not. They described themselves as the black-headed people and the book by Cavalli-Sforza et al., The History and Geography of Human Genes, suggests that their modern day descendants are the people of Kuwait.

Postscript added January 21, 2014. A 2011 study of the DNA of 143 Marsh Arabs and a large sample of Iraqi controls arrived at the following conclusions: "Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome lineage J1-M267*. Overall our results indicate that the introduction of water buffalo breeding and rice farming, most likely from the Indian sub-continent, only marginally affected the gene pool of autochthonous people of the region. Furthermore, a prevalent Middle Eastern ancestry of the modern population of the marshes of southern Iraq implies that if the Marsh Arabs are descendants of the ancient Sumerians, also the Sumerians were most likely autochthonous and not of Indian or South Asian ancestry." "In search of the genetic footprints of Sumerians: a survey of Y-chromosome and mtDNA variation in the Marsh Arabs of Iraq", Nadia Al-Zahery1, Maria Pala1, Vincenza Battaglia1, Viola Grugni1, Mohammed A Hamod23, Baharak Hooshiar Kashani1, Anna Olivieri1, Antonio Torroni1, Augusta S Santachiara-Benerecetti1 and Ornella Semino, BMC Evolutionary Biology2011, 11:288.



