粉丝们曾经注意过 i.e.e.g. 这两个缩写字吗?







 The term i.e. is a shortening of the Latin expression id est, which translates to “that is.” It is used to introduce a rephrasing or elaboration on something that has already been stated: “I like citrus fruits, i.e., the juicy, edible fruits with leathery, aromatic rinds of any of numerous tropical, usually thorny shrubs or trees of the genus Citrus.” In this example, i.e. introduces an elaboration on citrus fruits.


i.e.是拉丁文"id est"的缩写,翻译成中文是"也就是说"、"换言之"的意思,通常是用来重新讲一次已经提过的事物,让自己的语句更清楚明白


 例句:I like citrus fruits, i.e., the juicy, edible fruits with leathery, aromatic rinds of any of numerous tropical, usually thorny shrubs or trees of the genus Citrus.


(把citrus fruits的特征描述出来,让说话者要表达的意思个清楚。)


* rephrase ( v. ) 改变措辞

* elaboration ( n. ) 详细阐述

* citrus ( n. ) 柑橘

* edible ( adj. ) 可食用的

* leathery ( adj. ) 像皮革般

* shrub ( n. ) 灌木



 The term e.g. is an abbreviation of the Latin expression exempli gratia, meaning “for the sake of example” or more colloquially, “for example.” It follows that this term is used to introduce examples of something that has already been stated: “I like citrus fruits, e.g., oranges, lemons, and limes.”


e.g.是拉丁文"exempli gratia"的缩写,意思是"举例来说",通常会用来引导出例子


 例句 : I like citrus fruits, e.g., oranges, lemons, and limes.



* colloquially ( adv. ) 口语地




One easy way to remember the difference between these two is by employing a simple mnemonic device: think of the i at the beginning of i.e. as standing for the first word in the phrase “in other words,” indicating that the clause that follows will rephrase or explain what precedes the term. 


E.g. is a little more straightforward since e stands for exempli meaning “example.” To ensure your mastery over these terms is not tarnished by misplaced punctuation, remember that in formal writing, e.g. and i.e. are often set off in parentheses and followed by a comma; in less formal writing, it is standard to place a comma before and after these terms.


要分清楚 i.e. 和 e.g. 其实不难~

i.e.的开头 i,和 in other words 这个片语联想在一起,就可以清楚知道 i.e. 是「换句话说」; e.g.又可以更直接判断了,开头e可以联想到example。除了分清楚意思之外,要记得标点符号和使用的位置,如果在正式的写作中,e.g. 和 i.e. 通常后面会接逗号,在比较不正式的写作中,前后都要放置逗号。


* mnemonic ( adj. ) 有助于记忆的

* exempli 例如 (拉丁文)

* tarnish ( v. ) 失去光泽 

* parentheses 附带地



参考资料:What Is the Difference Between i.e. and e.g.?




