Speak like a normal decent man, now that you are born a man.

Say something decent and sensible as a human being.

1. While you are born to serve others,

cant you speak up for your brothers.

2. Since you are born as a man,

cant you speak like human can.

: "brother" 英文有“男性好友”的意思

我的瞭解 “生而爲人”有兩個意思:

1. 人的出生是爲他人服務。(每一句八個音,押韻)2. 人出生爲人類。(每一句七個音, 押韻)

Talk sense, cause youre born human.

Born a man, speak as one. (覺得還是差點啥,磚拋出來誰給打磨一下?)
