1. 許毅教授:Economy of Effort or Maximum Rate of Information? Exploring Basic Principles of Articulatory Dynamics Yi Xu1* and Santitham Prom-on 2

Economy of Effort or Maximum Rate of Information? Exploring Basic Principles of Articulatory Dynamics?



speech is generally produced at an overall maximum rate of articulation, due to which many of the syllables and segments are subject to undershoot because of lack of time, and the undershoot is much more severe in unstressed syllables than in stressed syllables. The high rate of undershoot in unstressed syllables may have led to a tendency for their measured stiffness in terms ofvp/dratio to be unduly high, as suggested by our modeling analysis. In cases where more time is given, as in the case of stressed syllables, the precision of target approximation, as required for the fidelity of information transmission, results in a reduced rate of increase in peak velocity as a function of displacement, as demonstrated by our modeling analysis. This may have led to a tendency for their measured stiffness in terms ofvp/dratio to be unduly low.

2. Hagoort, P. (2019). The neurobiology of language beyond single-word processing. Science, 366(6461), 55-58.

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/klyWUn7IkXU4GokfaZweCQ 這個公眾號有中文版的編譯和解讀,我最早也是在這個公眾號看到的,然後去看了Science的這一期語言與腦的特刊。


基本語言單元 (Elementary Linguistic Units, ELUs) ,即和語言本身有關的知識,包括語音、語義、語法、字形特徵(象形文字or拼音文字)等等,也就是語言的符號系統。

基本語言功能(洪波翻譯為:核心語言功能)? (Elementary Linguistic Operations, ELOs):即和語言理解和產出相關的加工、提取、組合等心理過程。




語言運用中基本語言組成單元ELUs的處理很大程度上是語言學專有的 (domain-specific),但基本語言功能?ELOs的一些關鍵部分,比如整合統一的能力可能也與其他認知功能(音樂、算術等)相一致。也就是說,語言運用中除了不同語言相關 (language-specific) 腦區負責語言的多種子功能外,其他腦網路(負責其他認知任務)的參與也都為充分理解語言語句所表達的含義,充分發揮語言在溝通交流中的重要作用提供了支持。因為語言的理解和運用遠遠不止單個字詞的加工和處理,也遠遠超出通過初級感覺皮層輸入的聲學或字形特徵所蘊含的信息。當然,這個多網路協同的觀點並非否認,將來研究者還需要對多個腦網路中不同節點在語言加工中的特定貢獻的進行更加深入的研究。



Lexical Ambiguity:

Rodd, Jennifer M. 2019. 「Settling into Semantic Space: An Ambiguity-focused Account of Word-meaning Access.」 PsyArXiv. January 30. doi:10.31234/osf.io/75m4k.


Cognitive effects of Bilingualism:

Antoniou, M. (2019). The Advantages of Bilingualism Debate. Annual Review Of Linguistics, 5(1), 395-415. doi: 10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011718-011820


Gotzner, N., Spalek, K. (2019). The life and times of focus alternatives: Tracing the activation of alternatives to a focused constituent in language comprehension. Language And Linguistics Compass, 13(2), e12310. doi: 10.1111/lnc3.12310


Nguyen, A. (2019). The radical account of bare plural generics. Philosophical Studies, 177(5), 1303-1331. doi: 10.1007/s11098-019-01254-8

Husband, E. M. (2019). Generic, kind, and subkind interpretations: Reflections on Brugger (1993). Unpublished manuscript.

Lazaridou-Chatzigoga, D. (2019). Genericity. In C. Cummins N. Katsos, The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics (pp. 156-177). New York: Oxford University Press.

van Rooij, R., Schulz, K. (2019). Generics and typicality: a bounded rationality approach. Linguistics and Philosophy, 43(1), 83-117.

Foster-Hanson, E., Leslie, S.-J., Rhodes, M. (2019). Speaking of kinds: How generic language shapes the development of category representations. doi:10.31234/osf.io/28qf7

Yi Xu et al.「?Economy of Effort or Maximum Rate of Information? Exploring Basic Principles of Articulatory Dynamics 」https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02469?

A Sketch of the Earliest Mongolic Language: the Brāhmī Bugut and Khüis Tolgoi Inscriptions





嘛,我的話毫無疑問是1986年出版的, Sperber and Wilson 寫的Relevance:Communication and Cognition 一書,當然在網上也能找到relevance theory在各個期刊上登出的縮略版。這本書也是影響我入坑RT的重要原因。

它的出現最主要的是徹底推翻了傳統認知裏覺得language is basically a code model。我們不是用語言來直接傳情表意的,像是摩斯密碼那樣。語言和暗號相比要隨性的多,且誤差特別大,在不同語境下一個句子所表達的意思可以很不一樣(包括肢體語言,聲調都能改變一句話的意思)。所以,Sperber Wilson 提出,在交流中,語言文字本身只是傳達說話人意思的一個『線索』,需要聽者結合當下語境的各種情況和他大腦中存儲的其他常識知識一起推理出說話人的意思纔行。是不是很酷?連我們平時最簡單的日常交流都需要推理才能完成。

另外,Relevance Theory是從人類認知的基礎機製出發解釋語言理解的理論模型,因為語言的處理和圖像處理,方位判斷這種一樣根本上都是大腦認知的過程。所以當然它的過程也應該遵循大腦的基礎思考方式,那就是用最少的精力得到最大的收益,這也是人類不斷進化的結果。所以我們在推理說話人意思的時候也會遵循這種『懶人路線』。
