




《第三軍醫大學學報》[ISSN:1000-5404/CN:51-1095/R]卷:35期數:2013年第05期頁碼:369-375欄目:論著出版日期:2013-03-15  文章信息/Info  Title:Epidemiological investigation of cases with complained AIDS-related complex (HIV negative)  作者:劉雅瓊; 林輝; 於磊; 王清青; 王太武; 馬翔宇; 凌華; 吳國輝; 張路; 周向東; 熊瑋; 黃君富; 黃國榮; 吳龍; 向穎; 熊鴻燕

  第三軍醫大學:軍事預防醫學院流行病學教研室,西南醫院呼吸內科,西南醫院檢驗科; 重慶市疾病預防與控制中心

  Author(s):Liu Yaqiong; Lin Hui; Yu Lei; Wang Qingqing; Wang Taiwu; Ma Xiangyu; Lin Hua; Wu Guohui; Zhang Lu; Zhou Xiangdong; Xiong Wei; Huang Junfu; Huang Guorong; Wu Long; Xiang Ying; Xiong Hongyan  Department of Epidemiology, College of Military Preventive Medicine, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Southwest Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, 400038; Chongqing Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chongqing, 400042, China  關鍵詞:陰性HIV; AIDS; 非結核分枝桿菌感染; 囊性纖維化; PPD; CD4+T淋巴細胞  Keywords:HIV negative; AIDS-related complex; nontuberculosis mycobacteria; tuberculin skin test (PPD test); CD4+ T lymphocyte; cystic fibrosis


  DOI:-  文獻標識碼:A  摘要:目的 對社區類獲得性免疫缺陷(AIDS)綜合徵(陰性HIV)「患者」進行病因探索。 方法 採用定性系統分析篩檢國內外相關綜合徵報道病例,探索類AIDS綜合徵「患者」臨牀特徵可能的聚類屬性;通過現況調查掌握「患者」人羣的一般特徵和臨牀特徵。 結果 定性系統分析顯示,目前在世界範圍,與類AIDS綜合徵(陰性HIV)「患者」相似的疾病有2種,即CD4+T淋巴細胞缺陷綜合徵(ICL)和非結核分枝桿菌感染(NTM感染);通過174例網路調查和52例現場觀察,發現「患者」人羣以男性為主,青、中年為主;在國內分佈地區廣泛;主訴癥狀涉及呼吸道、消化道、皮膚、肌肉、骨骼和神經系統;根據癥狀特點,病程有急性期和穩定期之分;羣體癥狀及體徵為:淋巴結部位腫脹感、骨痛、肌肉「跳」(痛)、淋巴結節、皮膚結節(皮疹)、舌苔白厚、關節彈響、皮膚乾燥;52例「患者」檢測發現CD4+T淋巴細胞&<500/μL 17例 (32.69%)、CD4/CD8比值異常16例(30.77%)、幹擾素-γ抗體陽性17例(36.69%)和PPD陽性39例(++~+++,75.00%);高危險性行為是可疑的暴露因素之一。 結論 類AIDS綜合徵(陰性HIV)「患者」現象不能完全用心理因素予以解釋,其呈現的臨牀特徵有明顯的一致性和規律性,亟待開展深入研究進行分析。

  Abstract:Objective To investigate the possible causes of AIDS-related complex (HIV negative) in community population. Methods Qualitative systematic analysis was used to screen the cases with AIDS-related complex (HIV negative) that had been reported. The possible clustering types of the clinical features of AIDS-related complex were explored based on a cross-section study that had been conducted to observe the personality and clinical features of the cases with AIDS-related complex. Results The qualitative systematic analysis suggested that the idiopathic CD4+ T lymphocytopenia (ICL) and infection of nontuberculosis mycobacteria (NTM) had similar characteristics with AIDS-related complex (HIV negative). Through network investigation of 174 cases and field observation of 52 cases, the data showed that the AIDS-related complex population came from different areas of China, and was dominated by young and middle-aged male patients. The complained symptoms involved respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin, muscle, skeleton and nervous system. The clinical course could be divided into an acute period and a stable period. The special symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, snapping joint, osteodynia, muscle throbbing pain, skin nodules (rash), greasy tongue coating and dry skin. The CD4+ T lymphocytes &<500/μL (32.69%), the abnormal ratio of CD4/CD8 (30.77%), the positive antibody of IFN-γ (36.69%) and positive PPD (++ to +++, 75.00%) were detected in the 52 cases, and high risk sexual behavior was a suspected exposure factor. Conclusion The AIDS-related complex (HIV negative) in population can not be completely explained by mental disorder. The clinical features have obvious consistency and regularity, and need further study to verify.






