在二月八号,DT发行了他们新专辑《Distance Over Time》的第三首单曲《Paralyzed》。这首歌中前卫的元素较少些,曲风更偏向于硬核摇滚。整首唯一的亮点在吉他solo之前的一小段过度,十分有灵气。这首歌的MV是目前为止最带感的。可惜,太套路化的歌词与歌曲无法撑起这种带有伦理探讨的科幻画面。整体感觉略显得有些无病呻吟。油管上的一位网友说得很好, 《Paralyzed》更像是出自于James LaBrie的个人专辑, 还是缺少了一些DT本该具备的韵味。还请他们再接再厉吧。

Dream Theater - Paralyzed (瘫痪)

词: John Petrucci

曲: Dream Theater

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]

The anger, the pressure这愤怒和压力Youre choking down your words again使你再次无法言语Feel the nerves set in感觉神经逐渐绷紧Unspoken frustration未曾说出的烦恼They see right through you


Paper thin, like the ghost within纸一般薄弱,仿佛内心的魂魄[Chorus]A heart that feels no pain一颗感觉不到疼痛的心Addicted to the game已对这游戏上瘾Breaking beneath the strain在僵持下崩溃

I am paralyzed

我已瘫痪[Verse 2]The stare of a stranger陌生人的注视Is like a wound that bleeds again仿佛再次裂开的伤口Silent as the dead像死人一般安静The victim, the martyr


Like Daniel in the lions den如同但以理在狮子坑里Time and time again日复一日地苟活著


A heart that feels no pain一颗感觉不到疼痛的心Addicted to the game已对这游戏上瘾

Breaking beneath the strain

在僵持下崩溃I am paralyzed我已瘫痪I am paralyzed我已瘫痪

[Instrumental Bridge]


A heart that feels no pain一颗感觉不到疼痛的心

Addicted to the game

已对这游戏上瘾Relentless mental trait?奋不顾身的心理特征What do you stand to gain?你能得到什么?Viewing life through such a narrow, fractured lens用狭窄,满是裂痕的镜头看待人生Well ensure you end up on the losing end我们将笃定你会失败

Breaking beneath the string

在紧弦下崩溃I am paralyzed我已瘫痪

I am paralyzed

I am paralyzedI am paralyzedI am paralyzed

