
*之前有幸受邀參加Dare2Draw的新企畫在kickstarter釋出了!這是一本關於超級英雄NEXUS的漫畫插畫選集,其中我也有負責一幅插畫。Dare2Draw也請來NEXUS的原作家Mike Baron和藝術家Steve Rude,為這個企畫更具可看性。
Dare2Draw是一個非營利的藝術組織,提供平臺教導和串連所有的漫畫創作藝術家,會不定期的舉辦速寫練習、比賽等現場活動。曾邀請各種不同風格的漫畫家如NEXUS創作者Mike BaronSteve Rude、曾參與星際大戰劇作家Ron MarzMarvel漫畫創作者Carl Potts…等名人,到現場分享心得與教學。

這個企畫有意義的地方在於與Joe Kubert School合作,幫助新進畫家展露頭角。在漫畫的劇本部分也與職業漫畫劇本家合作,包括曾經參與過綠燈俠、浩克的作家。如果喜歡超級英雄和NEXUS的朋友,請一定不要錯過這個企畫!


A project I had worked with from Dare2Draw had been released on Kickstarter! It is the project of a mentoring anthology, featuring “NEXUS” where I had illustrated a pinup illustration. The main idea of the project is helping new artists showcasing their talents through comic and illsutration. For the comic scripts, Dare2Draw had invited professional writers, including Ron Marz, Alex de Campi, Corrina Bechko, Amy Chu, Eric M. Esquivel, Teel James Glenn and Jason Sterr.

The illustration in this post was a draft I did for this project. If you are interested to this project, welcome to visit the kickstarter page below. It will be tremendous encouragement to Dare2Draw and myself. Thank you!

