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??Taylor Swift interview: 『What you didnt know about ME!』

Taylor Swift has shared a number of details about her hit single 「ME!」 ahead of her appearance on The Graham Norton Show. 在做客The Graham Norton Show之前,Taylor和我们分享了她的热单「Me!」的一些细节。The pop star spoke exclusively with The Independent about the track, which features Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and is the first single from her forthcoming seventh album.

Taylor独家向The Independent谈关于这首和Panic! At the Disco乐队主唱Brendon Urie合作的单曲,这是她即将发行的第七张专辑的首单。

In a review, The Independent said the song heralds a 「bright new era」 for Swift, suggesting that the new sound appears to 「signal a time – at least one she intends on practising – of positivity and acceptance」. 在一片乐评中,The Independent认为这首歌宣告了Taylor的光彩夺目新时代的来临,认为这首新歌预示了一段积极向上、接纳认同的时期,至少这是Taylor想要实践的一种生活。「The world is a dark enough place, she seems to say, without another album despairing at the state of it,」 it said. 」She』d rather let the light in, instead.」「她似乎在说,就算没有一张专辑来表达对世界现状感到失望,世界已经够黑暗了,相反,她更愿意让亮光照进。」「ME!」 broke a number of music industry records upon release, including the biggest 24-hour debut on YouTube. The video contains several clues about more new music, including references to the album title.「ME!」在发行之后打破了音乐行业的多项纪录,包括YouTube的首日最高播放量纪录。这部MV当中包括了关于更多新歌的几项线索,还暗示了新专辑名。Read our Q&A with Swift, below, for her thoughts on 「ME!」 along with insights into what to expect from TS7.下面来读读我们和Taylor的访谈问答,关于她对「ME!」的看法以及了解关于TS7我们可以期待什么。

There are so many musical references in the video – which did you draw particular inspiration from? I watch a lot of films and I』ve always loved musicals. With this video, I wanted it to be sort of a love letter to romantic, epic musical films, but always with a weird eccentric twist. Some of it was inspired by big Disney films, or classics like Singin』 in the Rain (or in this case, singing in a monsoon of fluorescent pastel paint). The love story between the two main characters in these films tends to be very performative, and that』s exactly what I wanted Brendon and my dynamic to be. Demonstrative and showy. Dramatic, but never taking itself too seriously.在MV里面有很多音乐剧的引用,具体灵感从何而来?我看了很多电影,我一直都很爱音乐剧。在这部MV里,我想要它成为一部浪漫伟大的音乐电影情书,但当中总会带一些光怪陆离和惊奇曲折。有些灵感是来自于迪士尼电影,或者经典电影《雨中曲》(在这个MV里就变成了在倾盆的荧光粉彩色颜料雨中歌唱)。在这些电影里,两位主角的爱情故事都倾向于流露许多情感,艳丽花哨。还很戏剧化,从来不会太过严肃。

What other pop culture references do you think people might have missed in the video?

I wanted to channel Pattie Boyd in the Sixties scene because I adore her. Two glasses of wine and I』m immediately yelling about how much I love Pattie Boyd. I also liked the idea of flipping some old romantic stereotypes, like how a man would make a grand gesture in the street for a girl up on a balcony to make it up to her. Instead it』s me and a bunch of bad ass women in business suits doing the wooing. Then he tries to win me back with a few cliched lady traps like flowers and a ring. But I』m like no, nah. But he hands me a cat? Okay, he must know me.你认为MV里还有那些流行文化的引用,人们还没有找出来的呢?我想要和60年代的Pattie Boyd联系起来,因为我很喜欢她。(注:Taylor在2018年8月号的《时尚芭莎》杂志采访过Pattie Boyd)喝了两杯红酒后,我立马就会开始大叫我超爱Pattie Boyd。我还很喜欢翻转一些陈旧的浪漫套路,比如男士会在大街上搞些隆重的仪式,给阳台上的女孩看,希望能弥补过错。然而,MV里却是我和一群狂拽炫酷西装革履的女士们一起撩汉子。接著,对方使尽浑身解数,用一些老土的撩妹方法,想要赢回我的芳心,比如送花和戒指,但我通通拒绝。不过,他给我一只猫咪的话?好,他肯定很了解我了。

What made you want to work with Brendon Urie on the song?

Brendon is the kind of performer I』ve always been in awe of. Endless energy, creativity and the desire to evolve every time he makes something new. You also never hear anyone in the industry say anything other than 「he』s the nicest, loveliest person」. He』s actually got so many great qualities it』s almost obnoxious. 什么原因让你想要和Brendon Urie合作新歌呢?Brendon一直都是令我惊叹的表演者,有无限的魄力和创造力,并且每次创作新东西时都渴望能够有进步。你只会听到同行对他的评价无非就是「他是一个超好超可爱的人」。太讨厌啦,因为他真的太优质。How many seconds was it before you decided to adopt Benjamin Button (the kitten from the ME! video)?I think for the sake of being extra, I』ll say 13. You know when people say 「I saw him and I just KNEW」 when they meet the one? Yeah I walk around saying that about a cat.你考虑了多少秒才决定要收养Benjamin Button(ME!的MV里出现的小猫咪)?为了要浮夸一点,我会说13秒。人们常说「一见钟情」,当我和别人聊起猫咪时候就会这么形容。 How many clues are there to the album title in the video?

I think you see it once and you hear it twice.



When did you learn to speak French and what made you want to include it in the video?I』ve always loved the French language. I think I probably love the French language as much as any non-French speaker can. I wanted to have a nod to that and to the language of love. I also wanted to drop a few hints in the dialogue of the argument.你什么时候学法语的,你为什么想要在MV里说法语?我一直都很喜欢法语,我觉得我对法语的热爱程度不亚于任何非法语母语的人。我想要表示出我对法语的爱以及爱的语言,同时我还想在吵架的对话中隐藏一些提示。What was the main or most important message you wanted to send to fans with ME!?

I wanted them to see that I』m heading in a different direction musically than they』ve seen in the past few years. This song was to change expectations and be a bit of a palette cleanser before they hear more of this new project. Plus, the chorus just makes me happy and lifts my mood when I sing it. I never want to be presumptuous, but I hoped it might do the same for someone who』s having a s***ty day.

你最想通过ME!来向粉丝表达什么主要的重要信息呢?我想要他们知道,我正在朝著一个不同的音乐方向走著,与过去几年他们看到的都不一样。这首歌就是要为了改变他们的期待,在他们听到新专辑之前,能够洗刷之前的看法。而且,每次唱这首歌时,副歌部分真的让我感到很开心,让我的情绪变好。我不是想肆意放纵,我希望这首歌对于正处于糟糕经历的人也能有我这样的效果。Have you ever wondered about whether your clues are too well-hidden or do you trust your fans』 detective skills enough that they』ll get there eventually? I trust them to eventually unravel all of them, even if it isn』t until they hear the full album. That』s how I designed these clues, so that different ones would reveal themselves over time. I know this makes me sound like a frustrating, magical elf making people guess my name or something. If the fans tell me they』re not having fun with it anymore, I swear I』ll stop!你有想过,你的线索会不会隐藏得太深,还是说你相信你的粉丝有足够高超的侦查能力,他们最终能够解密呢?我相信就算还没有听到整张新专辑,他们最终都能够解密所有线索。我是这么设置线索的,随著时间不同层次的线索会一一解开。我知道这听起来,我像是一个烦人的魔法小妖精,整天要人家来猜这个猜那个。如果粉丝告诉我这一点都不好玩的话,我绝对会消停。How long has this song been in the making? Because there are references that link as far back as 2012...I wrote the song this past winter, but I』ve known for quite a while what I wanted this album to look like, feel like, and evoke. I wanted it to be like the sky looks after a storm. Colourful, calm, somehow more beautiful than it ever had been before.这首歌用了多久制作?因为这里面有引用到2012的事物……


ME! is a song that seems to try and brush away cynicism about being a bit silly and just having fun – was this a message you were really intent on sending to fans, maybe especially in 2019?Absolutely. It seems like everyone is trying to be so cool and over everything and ready to criticise whatever people make. I mean there are even articles like 「Here』s how Twitter feels about _______!」 and people are actively being as scathing as possible or taking the piss out of everything because they get attention for it now.I wanted to put out something that, by nature of it being so buoyant, was actually the opposite of what culture is doing right now. Will it work? I don』t really care. It』s just fun to sing about being in a good mood for a change.「ME!」这首歌似乎想要试著去洗刷一切犬儒主义对于傻气天真尽情享乐的看法,这是你想要向粉丝传达的信息吗,尤其是在2019年现在?绝对是,似乎每个人都想要变得对一切都很不屑的样子,随时都准备著对人们的创作评头论足,甚至还有这样的文章「推特上的人是这样认为______的」,人们热衷于抨击嘲笑一切事,因为他们要博关注。我想要推出一些欢快,和现在盛行的文化截然相反的作品。能不能成功呢?我真的不在乎,唱著关于因改变而带来好心情的歌曲真的很欢乐。原文链接:independent.co.uk/arts-

