
SnaPEA: Predictive Early Activation for Reducing Computation in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks?





import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
import numpy as np
import math

threshold = 0

class LinearMap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.items = []

def add(self, k, v):

def get_by_key(self, k):
for key, value in self.items:
if key == k:
return value

def get_by_value(self, v):
for key, value in self.items:
if value == v:
return key
def get_size(self):
return len(self.items)

def dot(x, y):
x_width = np.shape(x)[0]
x_height = np.shape(x)[1]
y_width = np.shape(y)[0]
y_height = np.shape(y)[1]
result = np.zeros((x_width, y_height))
temp = 0
for i in range(x_width):
for j in range(y_height):
for k in range(x_height):
temp = temp + x[i][k]*y[k][j]
result [i][j] = temp
return result

def dot_snaPEA(x, y, index):
x_width = np.shape(x)[0]
x_height = np.shape(x)[1]
y_width = np.shape(y)[0]
y_height = np.shape(y)[1]
result = np.zeros((x_width, y_height))
for i in range(x_width):
for j in range(y_height):
temp = 0
for k in range(x_height):
temp = temp + x[i][index[k]] * y[index[k]][j]
if (temp < 0):
result[i][j] = 0
result[i][j] = temp
return result

##build a hush map of filter
def build_map(x):
x_sort = LinearMap()
for i in range(np.shape(x)[0]):
for j in range(np.shape(x)[1]):
return x_sort

##sort filter by sign
def sort_x(x):
hashmap = build_map(x)
sort_hashmap = []
hashmap_size = hashmap.get_size()
index = []
for i in range(hashmap_size):
if hashmap.get_by_key(i) > 0.000001:
for m in range(hashmap_size):
if hashmap.get_by_key(m) == 0:
for j in range(hashmap_size):
if hashmap.get_by_key(j) < 0:
for n in range(hashmap_size):
return sort_hashmap, index

##calculate sum of a list
def calculate_sum(x):
count = 0
for i in range(len(x)):
count = x[i] +count
return float(count)

#sort a dict by keys
def sortedDictValues2(adict):
keys = adict.keys()
return [adict[key] for key in keys]

#sort filter into certain groups
def sort_by_group(x, group_num):
sort_hashmap = []
index =[]
x_list = []
for i in range(np.shape(x)[0]):
for j in range(np.shape(x)[1]):
epoches = int(math.floor(np.size(x)/group_num))
dict = {}
for i in range(group_num):
temp = calculate_sum(x_list[(i * epoches): ((i+1) * epoches)])
dict[temp] = tuple(x_list[(i * epoches): ((i+1) * epoches)])
if np.size(x)%group_num != 0:
temp = calculate_sum(x_list[(np.size(x) - np.size(x)%group_num):(np.size(x))])
dict[temp] = tuple(x_list[(np.size(x) - np.size(x)%group_num):(np.size(x))])
dict_list_group = sortedDictValues2(dict)
dict_list_group_cp = []
for i in range(len(dict_list_group)):
temp_list = list(dict_list_group[i])
for j in range(len(temp_list)):
hashmap = build_map(x)
for n in range(np.size(x)):
return dict_list_group_cp, index

def count_non_zeros(x):
count =0
for i in range(np.shape(x)[0]):
for j in range(np.shape(x)[1]):
if abs(x[i][j]) >0.0001:
count +=1
return count

def img2col(img, width, height):
img_width = np.shape(img)[0]
img_height = np.shape(img)[1]
channels = np.shape(img)[2]
out_width = img_width - width + 1
out_height = img_height - height + 1
result = np.zeros((out_width*out_height, channels * width * height))
for i in range(out_height * out_width):
for j in range(channels * width * height):
result[i][j] = img[i/out_height + (j%(width * height))/height][i%out_height +j%height][j/(width * height)]
return result

def img2col_group(img, width, height):
img_width = np.shape(img)[0]
img_height = np.shape(img)[1]
channels = np.shape(img)[2]
out_width = img_width - width + 1
out_height = img_height - height + 1
result = np.zeros((out_width*out_height, channels * width * height))
for i in range(out_height * out_width):
for j in range(channels * width * height):
result[i][j] = img[i/out_height + (j%(width * height))/height][i%out_height +j%height][j/(width * height)]
return result

#the channels of input feature map
channels = 32
#filter size
fil_size = 3
#image size
img_size = 50

img = np.zeros((img_size,img_size,channels))
for i in range (channels):
img[:,:,i] = np.abs(np.random.randn(img_size, img_size))
fil = np.zeros((fil_size, fil_size, channels))
for i in range(channels):
fil[:,:,i] = np.random.randn(fil_size, fil_size)

imgcol = img2col(img, fil_size, fil_size)
filtercol = img2col(fil,fil_size, fil_size)

group_list = []
percent_list = []
for group_num in range(fil_size*fil_size*channels):
print the group number is: +str(group_num)
##build hashmap for snaPEA
a,b = sort_x(filtercol)
c , d= sort_by_group(filtercol,group_num +1)
original_result = np.dot(imgcol, filtercol.T)
relu_original_result = np.where(original_result<0, 0, original_result)
new_result_1 = dot_snaPEA(imgcol, filtercol.T, b)
relu_new_result_1 = np.where(new_result_1<0, 0, new_result_1)
new_result_2 = dot_snaPEA(imgcol, filtercol.T, d)
relu_new_result_2 = np.where(new_result_2<0, 0, new_result_2)
percent = float(count_non_zeros(relu_original_result - relu_new_result_2))/float(np.size(relu_original_result))
group_num1 = group_num + 1
print the error output percent is: +str(percent)

plt.plot(group_list, percent_list, linewidth = 5, color = mediumpurple)
plt.xlabel(group number, fontsize = 40)
plt.ylabel(error output percent, fontsize =40)
plt.xticks(fontsize = 30)
plt.yticks(fontsize = 30)
plt.legend(loc = best, fontsize = 25)
plt.grid(True, linestyle = -., linewidth = 1)
plt.plot(group_list, percent_list


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