Campus Cafe + Sunny Hills pinapple pie

@Nanjing Sanmin Station, Taipei

Dear Readers,


   First of all, I would like to explain why I start to write recommendation articles in English.

You can find plenty of articles about amazing Taiwanese restaurants and interesting places in Chinese by Taiwanese bloggers,

but how about  the people who can't read Chinese but crazily desire to know where local Taiwanese go and what magic food they eat?

   Me, as a truly local Taiwanese, would like to share with you my world-Taiwan. I can show you some secret and beautiful places that travel books don't show you.

Also some small food stands but sell incredible Taiwanese food that only local know. Follow me, and you will explore Taiwan deeper and have fun!

   Since English is not my mother tongue, if any mistake happens, pls forgive me. :)   Do enjoy!



Abby Chen.


Campus Cafe


I saw lots of bloggers recommand this cafe, so did the TV show in Taiwan.

Campus cafe is selected as No.1 cafe in Taipei.

So many credits, so many people visited it, so that's why I came to find out how amazing it is!!


Tip: This cafe is too famous, pls avoid weekend or dinner time, perheps a phoncall before you go there!~


Inside the restaurant is wide and clean

A big screen hung on the wall, so you can watch MTV while eating. btw, their music taste is nice too! ha!

The kitchen is open to customers, so you can see inside clearly

Campus cafe dosen't charge service fee 10%, so that means you have to serve yourself.

Take plates, forks, spoons ,fill water and go to counter for checking bill by your own .

Just simple steps before meal, you can save 10% of your bill, that's awesome!


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My friend and I, two people, ordered one Chicken Fettuccini w/Tomato cream sauce $ 200,

I like the cream sauce a lot, it's not greasy and tomato sauce makes it more tasty

But I have to say, as an Asian girl, it seems a bit small serving for me....

I saw other table ordered Risotto, the servings looks bigger than the pasta, if you are a eater, you may try!



Panini coms!!

We ordered one Grilled Chicken w/Mentailko Sauce Panini $180 (w/French Fried + $60)

Chicken stuffings is really nice, with toasted toast

I am so satisfied with this dish.

French fried is crispy and good with the yellow sauce- honey mustard.


Dessert time!!! My freind told me that I can't miss its Tiramisu $120  even though I am so full.

So we share one, coz it is big one as we are all full...

One bite and you will say: Oh, really good!!!

Sponge cake will melt with chocolate in your mouse, they are in harmony

I do recommand Tiranisu!!!




No worries, all with English!

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Where is Campus cafe?

Actually, Campus Cafe has 4 branches, you could check online :

The one I visited:

Near MRT Green line @ Nanjing Sanmin Station


Don't go back so soon! This trip hasn't ended yet!

I just found out my favorite pineapple pie shop-Sunny Hills is around here!!

If the weather were good and you need some walk to digest food, burn some calories, 

I recommand you take 15~20mins walk to there!


As you know, Taiwan is known of pinapple pie, so many visitors will bring it back as souvenir before leaving Taiwan.

As a local, I like Sunny Hills's pinapple pie, it is different from others, use fresh ingredients and expirary date is short, so you need to eat it fresh!

It's sour and sweat, and you can also eat pinapple itself inside!


Walking 20 mins to there, a bit tired and not sure this pinapple pie will suit your taste?

DON'T worry!! The waiter will ask you to sit and serve you a free cup of tea and a free pinapple pie to taste

If you like it as I do, you can just go to counter to buy it!

I found that lots of tourists from Japan and China visit here as well, maybe tourist books mention here!

Give it a try!


Box of 10 packs-$420

Box of 16 packs-$630



Sunny Hills






Environmental friendly bag



How to go Sunny Hills from Campus cafe:

By walking 15~20 mins




How to go Sunny Hills:

Near MRT Green line-Nanjing Sanmin Station


Other recommendation in Taipei:

Thai Made- The best Thai food in Taipei


Deli-Nice Breakfast choice

Xinjiang Noodle Restaurant



