地道英語句典A-Z #510(A)

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)



1. 在一個(以為是)1(真人演唱會)2上她因(鼓手)3(錯誤地/ditto)4(重播)5(剛才唱完歌曲的磁帶)6而(被當場發現假唱下十分尷尬/ditto)7: She was (caught with her pants [note: not 「pant」] down in lip-synching/embarrassed being caught in the act of lip-synching)7 in a supposedly1 (live concert)2 when the drummer3 (mistakenly/by mistake)4 replayed5 (on tape the song she just finished)6.

留意:1. supposedly: 以為是

2. live concert: 真人演唱會

3. drummer: 鼓手4. mistakenly/by mistake: 錯誤地5. replayed: 重播6. on tape the song she just finished: 剛才唱完歌曲的磁帶

7. caught with her pants [note: not 「pant」] down in lip-synching/embarrassed being caught in the act of lip-synching: 被當場發現假唱下十分尷尬

2. 他說: 「(我們時間差不多該走了)1.」: He said: 「(It』s about time we should get going)1.」


1. It』s about time we should get going: 我們時間差不多該走了

3. 他說: 「(我要改天再接受你的邀請)1.」: He said: 「(I have to take a rain check on your invitation)1.」


1. I have to take a rain check on your invitation: 我要改天再接受你的邀請

4. 他說: 「(把你的提議改天再帶過來吧)1: He said: 「(Bring your proposal over another day)1.」

留意:1. Bring your proposal over another day: 把你的提議改天再帶過來吧

5. 他是個(只顧自己利益)1(不能改變)2的(自大狂)3: He is an incorrigible2 egomaniac3 who is (out there for himself)1

留意:1. out there for himself: 只顧自己利益2. incorrigible: 不能改變3. egomaniac: 自大狂


