英文俚語: 「get along」 實用句子

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

「Get along」在人與人之間的相處。

A. 那(妻子)1和(公公婆婆)2互相(相處不和睦/ditto)3: The wife1 and the in-laws2 (are not nice to/do not get along with/do not play nice with [口])3 one another.


「nice to」和「play nice with」跟 「get along with」意思差不多

留意:2. in-laws: 公公婆婆3. are not nice to/do not get along with/do not play nice with: 相處不和睦

B. (能夠)1跟(同事/ditto)2(和睦相處/ditto)3會把你的(事業)4放在(成功)5的(快速道路)6上: The ability1 to (get along/work well with/gel with)3 (fellow workers/team members/colleagues)2 would put your career4 on (a fast track)6 for success5.


在工作地方是 「work well with」 和 「gel with」跟 「get along」 差不多留意

1. ability: 能夠

2. fellow workers/team members/colleagues: 同事3. get along/work well with/gel with: 和睦相處6. a fast track: 快速道路

C. 她說: 「我跟(父母)1(從來相處不來)2, 當我十八歲時他們(要求我)3(收拾行裝)4, (離去/ditto)5, 並(永遠不要回去)6.」: She said: 「I (never get along)2 with my parents1. When I was eighteen, they (asked me)3 to (pack my bag)4, (hit the road/leave)5, and (never go back)6.」


1. bad blood/bitterness: 很深的怨恨

2. are at each other』s throat/try to tear each other』s head off/fight like cats and dogs/go at each other viciously: 大吵大鬧

D. 那新員工(第一天就職時)1問我道: 「我聽說這裡的員工是(很難相處的)2, 是真的嗎?」, 我說: 「只是(例外的一些)3會(偶然/ditto)4(給你苦頭)5, 但(我們其他的)6是(友善)7和(樂於助人)8.」: (During his first day on the job)1, the new employee asked me: 「I heard the staff here are (hard to get along with)2. Is that true?」I said: 「Just (the odd ones)3 would (give you a hard time)5 (every once in a while/every now and then/every so often/occasionally)4, but (the rest of us)6 are friendly7 and helpful8.」

評論:一個新員工詢問公司的其它員工是否難以相處留意:1 During his first day on the job: 第一天就職時2. hard to get along with: 很難相處的3. the odd ones: 例外的一些4. every once in a while/every now and then/every so often/occasionally: 偶然

5. give you a hard time: 給你苦頭

6. the rest of us: 我們其他的7. friendly: 友善8. helpful: 樂於助人

E. 我的(舅母)1時常(哀訴關於)2在辦公室(所受的/ditto)3(不平等待遇)4, 而沒有(承認)5她(<是個>6a/<會是>6b)(偶然/ditto)7 (<相處>8a/<一起工作>8b)(<不容易相處的人>9a/<麻煩的人>9b): My aunt1 always (whines about)2 the (unfair treatment)4 that she (is subjected to/receives)3 in the office, without acknowledging5 that she (<is>6a/<can be>6b) a (<difficult person>9a/<pain>9b) to (<get along>8a/<work with >8b) (at times/occasionally/sometimes/every now and then/from time to time/every so often)7.

評論:形用舅母跟辦公室人相處不來投訴她所受到的待遇留意:2. whines about: 哀訴關於3. is subjected to/receives: 所受的

5. acknowledging: 承認

7. at times/occasionally/sometimes/every now and then/from time to time/every so often: 偶然9a. difficult person: 不容易相處的人9b. pain: 麻煩的人

F. 他說: 「我有(傾向)1以(不盡信的態度)2來(接受她的評語)3因為它們(時常似乎)4有一個(負面的歪曲)5, 特別是對著一個她不(<喜歡>6a/<能和平相處>6b)的人.」: He said: 「I tend1 to (take her comments)3 (with a grain of salt)2 because they (always seem)4 to have a (negative twist)5, particularly against someone she doesn』t (<like>6a/<get along>6b).」


1. tend: 傾向

2. with a grain of salt: 不盡信的態度3. take her comments: 接受她的評語4. always seem: 時常似乎5. negative twist: 負面的歪曲



