Dreamcatcher (excerpted from Wikipedia)


In some Native American cultures, a dreamcatcher (or dream catcher) is a handmade object(手工制品) based on a willow hoop(柳木圈), on which is woven(编织) a loose net or web. The dreamcatcher is then decorated with sacred items(神圣物品) such as feathers(羽毛) and beads(珠子).

It is believed that a dreamcatcher changes a person's dreams. "Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through(过滤)... Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day," said Konrad J. Kaweczynski. Good dreams would pass through and slide down(滑落到) the feathers to the sleeper.









据相信捕梦网可以改变人的梦。Konrad J. Kaweczynski说:「只有好梦才得以通过。恶梦会被网子困住,随著白天的日光而消失。」好梦会通过捕梦网,顺著羽毛滑落进睡梦中的人。









P.S. 本来是想按集数写一系列《看继承者们学英文》文章,但因为看韩剧的人多、想学英文的人少,几经考虑后决定就此打住。一开始我完全没有想到会是这样的结果,很遗憾没有办法引起大家的学习动机。这样也好,我也可以轻轻松松看韩剧,不必再边看边做笔记,想著有什么英文字词、句子、主题可以和大家分享了。大家新年快乐喔~~~(元宵节前都算数呢~)







