It was May

詞:蔡柏璋 曲:羅恩妮


It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke

那是某年五月 某個星期二的早晨 當我醒來

I saw the sun against your fair face


It was the year’s loveliest smile

那整年中 最動人的笑容

The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses

微風輕撫 庭院裡 玫瑰香氣瀰漫


It was May and I can not forget that we sang together

我無法忘記那年五月 我們一起唱著

The more time passes the more I remember

時光越流逝 記憶卻益發鮮明

The air was fresh and the song so sweet

空氣如此清新 曲調如此甜膩

Oh it was May, it was May



You sang love of my heart, love of my heart

你唱著 我的摯愛 我的摯愛

You’re going far away, you’re leaving me

你將遠行 將離我而去

And I will count the hours, when will you return

而我會數著你的歸期 何時回來呢

With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again

我輕點著頭說 當玫瑰再度綻放 就是我回來的時候


And I sang love of my heart, love of my heart

你唱著 我的摯愛 我的摯愛

You’re going far away, you’re leaving me

你將遠行 將離我而去

And I will count the hours, when will you return

而我會數著你的歸期 何時回來呢

And you said, I will return when I hear your voice again

而你說 當我再度聽見你的聲音 即是重逢的時刻

I will return, as promised, when the roses bloom again

我會回來 像我承諾的那樣當玫瑰再度綻放 就是我回來的時候
