

尽管存在著争议,但是Uber是2014年最亮眼的新创公司,它的创办人如今有4百亿美金的身价,在50个国家200个城市都有Uber可以使用。 外国客户口中的Uber是什么?既是身在国际职场,当然要用国际化的方式了解Uber,以下这两句英文颇为传神,把Uber将app、计程车、智慧型手机 这些元素都含在其中:

Uber is an app-based transportation network and taxi company headquartered in San Francisco, which operates in cities in many countries.

The company uses a smartphone application to receive ride requests, and then sends these trip requests to their drivers.

Uber目前面临许多争议,包括计程车司机的强烈抗议、政府的营业许可、驾驶人的招募资格宽松、消费纠纷等等。但是,学者专家指出,还有一个很大的 风险是Uber驾驶人在行车过程中,因为要操作智慧型手机,因而造成开车时的「分心」: distraction!这个字既是Uber的风险之一,也是多益测验的核心字汇!以下4点整理出Uber在distraction(分心)上的议题,可以用之与外国客户讨论:

1. To make money, Uber drivers must respond almost instantly to their smartphones, without regard to road conditions or safety.
* instantly [ˋɪnstəntlɪ] (adv.) 立即,马上

2. Failure to respond in 15 seconds means the fare goes to a different driver.
* failure [ˋfeljɚ] (n.) 失败,没做到
* fare [fɛr] (n.) 乘客;车(船)费

3. When the smartphone becomes an essential means of transaction, it is a potential source of driver distraction.
* essential [ɪˋsɛnʃəl] (a.) 基本的;必要的,不可缺的

4. Experts who study driver distraction say the system put drivers in a tough spot: answer or lose money.
* spot [spɑt] (n.) 场所、地点 ; 处境

文章来源 :  东森新闻