The Redshift Texture Options give you better control over texture filtering and MIP-mapping on a per-texture basis.

Redshift貼圖紋理選項為這種紋理提供了Texture Filtering(紋理過濾)和MIP-Mapping功能,這能讓用戶更好的控制紋理。

Unless absolutely necessary, it is recommended the Texture Options be left at the default settings, otherwise rendering and texture out-of-core performance can suffer.

除非絕對需要,建議保持Texture Options默認設置,否則可能導致渲染和Out-of-Core(出核)性能受影響。

In Maya, the option can be found under the Redshift tab of the 『file』 node, as detailed below:



Filter Enable開啟過濾

Selects the filtering enable mode of the texture sampler;


None (no MIP-mapping, point-sampled for 『minification』 and 『magnification』)

None無MIP-Mapping、Point-Sampled(點採樣)或者Minification(縮小) 和Magnification(放大)

Magnification (no MIP-mapping, point-sampled for 『minification』)


Magnification/Minification (recommended default. MIP-mapped, with full filtering)



Prefer Sharp Filtering優先弱化過濾

By default Redshift will attempt to bias texture filtering to produce the sharpest results. However, for very noisy tiled textures, sometimes this can produce interference patterns. Un-checking this option will disable the sharpness biasing, producing softer results that remove these interference patterns.


Note this option only takes effect when the 『Filter Enable』 mode is set to 『Magnification/Minification』.

『Magnification/Minification』.注意,該選項僅在Filter Enable設為Magnification/Minification時有效

MIP Bias MIP偏移

Allows you to bias the MIP level, such that values less than 0 result in sharper quality, but slower texture sampling. Values greater than 0 result in blurrier lower quality, but faster texture sampling.


Note this option only takes effect when the 『Filter Enable』 mode is set to 『Magnification/Minification』.

注意,該選項僅在Filter Enable設為Magnification/Minification時有效。

Filter Enable開啟過濾

Sometimes a texture may require special filtering treatment, where the global texture sampling mode (found under the Optimization tab) might not be adequate.

當紋理需要特殊過濾處理時,全局Texture Sampling模式(在渲染器設置的Optimization選項卡中)可能不合適。

For example, this can be the case when a texture has an alpha cut-out and the color part of the texture is not configured to take texture filtering into consideration. When this is the case, filtering and MIP-mapping will result in undesirable color bleeding artifacts that can manifest as a halo around the cut-out texture. If correcting your texture in this kind of situation is not an option, then it is recommended you change the 『Filter Enable』 property to 『Magnification』, so you still get soft, filtered results when magnifying the texture, but no filtering and thus bleeding when 『minifying』 the texture.



Below is an example of a poorly configured texture and a correctly configured texture:


Poorly configured, problematic texture, with white fill around the leaf這個貼圖有問題,因為在葉子周圍用了白色填充。

Properly configured texture with leaf color fill around the leaf正確的配置紋理貼圖,用葉子顏色填充葉子周圍顏色。

Below are example renders showing the undesired artifact that arises from the texture being poorly configured, with the solutions. Note the images are slightly blurred here because they have been enlarged from their original rendered size to better show the halo effect present when the texture has been poorly configured and is filtered. You can also clearly see the properly configured texture on the right has no halo effect, even with default texture filtering:


Poorly configured, problematic texture, with default filtering錯誤配置,有問題紋理貼圖,使用默認過濾方式。
Poorly configured, problematic texture with no 『minification』 filtering or MIP-mapping錯誤配置,有問題的紋理貼圖,使用Minificatoin過濾方式或MIP-Mapping。
Properly configured texture with default filtering正確紋理貼圖,默認過濾方式。

Another situation when you might need to disable filtering is when a texture contains non-color information, such as rotation, which could be used to drive the anisotropy rotation of reflection. When this is the case, filtering and MIP-mapping will result in 『in-between』 values that might not make sense for the rotation texture to function properly. So, setting the 『Filter Enable』 option to 『None』 is recommended to remove any undesired artifacts due to filtering.

另一種需要關掉過濾的情況是,紋理貼圖並非用於顏色上,比如用於驅動各向異性屬性的旋轉。這時過濾和MIP-Mapping將導致亮度被平均。對於驅動旋轉的紋理而言,這種做法沒有幫助。因此,這是建議把Filter Enable選項設置為None,去除過濾造成的負擔。

MIP Bias MIP偏移

When MIP-mapping is enabled Redshift will load and sample pre-filtered multi-resolution texture data that is optimal for how large the texture appears in the render. For example, when a texture is very far away from the camera, less texture detail is required, so a lower resolution MIP level can be loaded without any loss of quality or perceived detail. Conversely, when a texture is very close to the camera, more texture detail is required, so the highest, native resolution MIP level is typically loaded. MIP-mapping is a necessary performance optimization that is commonly used in rendering.


There are some situations, however, when the algorithm to select the appropriate MIP level may not produce perfectly detailed results due to a non-perfect combination of the MIP-level pre-filtering and the AA settings. In this case, setting the MIP Bias to negative values will bring forward higher resolution MIP levels and thus sharpen the texture. Or, there may be a situation when you want to purposely soften the texture, so setting the MIP Bias to positive values will bring forward lower resolution blurrier MIP levels.

也有一些情況,儘管演算法能夠選擇適當的MIP級別,但渲染效果仍然損失了細節。通常這是因為MIP-Level Pre-Filtering與AA(全局採樣)設置沒有很好匹配。此時將MIP Bias設置為負值,強迫渲染時調用更高解析度的MIP級別,這樣就可以得到更銳利的紋理。此外,如果希望讓紋理變得柔和一些,可以組MIP Bias設置一個正值,這樣一來,引擎將調用更低解析度,更模糊的MIP級別。

For example, a value of -1 will result in 2x the resolution of the MIP-level being used, while a value of -2 will result in 4x the resolution of the MIP-level, up to the maximum/native resolution of the texture. A value of 1 will result in 0.5x the resolution of the MIP-level, and a value of 2 will result in 0.25x the resolution of the MIP level being used, etc.


Be careful to not use too large negative values for the MIP Bias, as texturing and out-of-core performance can suffer, impacting render times.


The MIP Bias option has no effect when the 『Filter Enable』 option is not the default 『Magnification/Minification』.

如果Filter Enable沒有使用Magnification/Minification模式,MIP Bias選項不起作用。

