

Perspectives in Psychological Sciences上近期online了一篇和這個問題很相關的文章:

Gruber J, Mendle J, Lindquist KA, et al. The Future of Women in Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science. September 2020. doi:10.1177/1745691620952789





  • Steinbacher, R., Gilroy, F. D. (1985). Preference for Sex of Child Among Primiparous Women. The Journal of Psychology, 119(6), 541–547. https://doi.org/10.1080/00223980.1985.9915461

When queried about desired sex of their first child, the dominant response (59%) selected by pregnant women in the present sample was no preference.This finding was in stark contrast to the clear preference for a son demonstrated by samples of college students, as well as the earlier findings sampling pregnant women. ... Equally discrepant from earlier research was the finding that, of those pregnant women who indicated a preference, the majority actually chose to have a girl first. This preference was not significant, but it is the first published finding that does not indicate a boy preference no matter what the sample. ... The most obvious explanation is that society is becoming less biased, adn hence, male and female infants are perceived as equally valuable and desirable.


  • Spence, J. T., Losoff, M., Robbins, A. S. (1991). Sexually Aggressive Tactics in Dating Relationships: Personality and Attitudinal Correlates. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 10(3), 289–304. https://doi.org/10.1521/jscp.1991.10.3.289

As for the dating situation in particular, in a societally permissive climate in which it is accepted that sexual intimacies may begin as early as the first date and culminate in intercourse more frequently and more rapidly than was the case several decades ago, it is not surprising that yound men who have a general problem with impulse control tend to put more pressure on an unenthusiastic or resistant date than those with better control. Conventional sex-role attitudes and beliefs that demean women were also significantly related to sexually aggressive behaviors, these attitudes appearing to provide justification and impetus to mens use of coercive tactics.

The suggestion that women ought to take reasonable precautions to protect themselves does not in any sense reduce mens responsibility for their actions. Both sexes must learn, in particular, that women have a right to say no and to have their refusal respected.


  • Blake, K. R., Bastian, B., Denson, T. F., Grosjean, P., Brooks, R. C. (2018). Income inequality not gender inequality positively covaries with female sexualization on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(35), 8722–8727. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1717959115

Findings suggest that women are sensitive to income inequality when they sexualize or enhance their appearance, enacting these behaviors in environments where competition is fierce and attracting, a high-quality mate confers relatively great advantages. The conditional nature of these behaviors and the lack of evidence that gender inequality drives sexualization raises the possibility that sexualization may be an agentic and strategic act for some women.





  1. 弗洛伊德和勒龐並不是大多數,而且兩個人的理論在心理學和社會學中都有爭議
  2. 弗洛伊德和女性的關係明明很好,一點都沒有惡意
  3. 甚至弗洛伊德對性的態度,解放了西方女性的思想,他是婦女之友好嘛~





