




關於回憶錄內容已經有很多人寫,我就不再贅述,在此主要分享幾個我印象深刻的地方。這本書語言平實也不乏幽默,我讀起來覺得是部很有誠意的回憶錄。全書共 400 多頁,我建議不要每一頁都細讀,要不然絕對讀不完還會有壓力。

我最喜歡的是 Becoing Us 部分的內容,主要講她和奧巴馬的相識相戀,有迷茫掙扎也有希望和驚喜,讓我們在他們的故事裡也能看到自己。你在閱讀的時候也要有所側重,兼顧內容和語言,享受閱讀。

1. 書名

這本書為什麼叫 Becoming 呢?全書分為三部分「Becoming Me」 「Becoming Us」 「Becoming More」。


Now I think it』s one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child—What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that』s the end.


For me becoming isnt about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self.


2. 印象最深的一個靈活用法

I can』t say exactly when or why this began, but Craig—the boy who could high-five and what-up his way around the neighborhood, who blithely catnapped anytime he had ten free minutes, regardless of his surroundings—grew more fretful and vigilant at home, convinced that catastrophe was creeping our way.

high-five 是個名詞,what-up 就是「whats up」,口語中常用它打招呼。在這裡它們被用作動詞,表現出哥哥 Craig 能輕易和別人打成一片,逢人就「來了,老弟」這種。

3. 你不是這塊料


I』m not sure,」 she said, giving me a perfunctory, patronizing smile, 「that you』re Princeton material.

material 就是「...的料」,從小到大有沒有人告訴過你「你不是...的料」?那種感覺很難過吧。



如果你覺得自己能行,證明給自己看。Do more. Do what you cant.

4. 畢業說分手


It was hitting us both, I assumed, that there were perhaps important things we hadn』t discussed, that we had perhaps divergent views on whether this was a temporary farewell or an outright, geographically induced breakup. Were we going to visit? Write love letters? How hard were we going to work at this?

還記得高中時的戀人嗎?是的,愛過,但其實也沒那麼愛。即使不是 geographically induced breakup 也會有 xxx induced breakup。

5. 遲到男孩驚喜男孩奧巴馬

奧巴馬正式出場時第一句話是:Barack Obama was late on day one.




Eventually, our waiter came around holding a dessert plate, covered by a silver lid. He slid it in front of me and lifted the cover. I was almost too miffed to even look down, but when I did, I saw a dark velvet box where the chocolate cake was supposed to be. Inside it was a diamond ring.

It had all been a ruse. 奧巴馬這小子玩兒了招欲擒故縱。


What Ive learned is this: All of them have had doubters. Some continue to have roaring, stadium-sized collections of critics and naysayers who will shout I told you so at every little misstep or mistake. The noise doesnt go away, but the most successful people I know figured out how to live with it, to lean on the people who believe in them, and to push onward with their goals.


If you don』t get out there and define yourself, you』ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others.



看完了 連最後關於照片的出處都一字不落的看完了

震撼 應該是我看過的最好的書 也許都不是之一

為什麼? 因為她是entirely relatable 一個和我們生長環境文化背景國家種族等等等等完全不一樣的女性 可以讓我們對她的歷程感同身受

我本以為書裡面最有意思的應該是她作為第一夫人的經歷 但其實 這本書最精華的確實她怎樣變成自己 怎樣和奧巴馬相遇成長但還是有自己事業的時候


我們看到了她的掙扎 她的不一樣 作為黑人 作為女性

看到了她的迷茫 從律師事務所到公職




在沒看到她是第一夫人之前 我們已經被深深打動

她第一夫人的經歷 倒是有點平淡無奇 因為她沒有完全發揮自己 而這本書 又讓給她釋放了巨大能量 我們終於看到了她


不忘初心 不忘出身 脆弱 強壯 真實的她

看了一集她的採訪 她媽媽好真實的人 問到為什麼8年在白宮都不露面接受採訪 她說她怕說錯的事情


比如說 (有些英語抱歉了)

? 當她想換工作的時候,她所經歷的think process,去見人,去了解各種工作需要的內容,她的遲疑

? 當她是一個媽媽的時候,她寫到她的工作,有時候她也許沒有盡到200%的努力,有時候她也許覺得80%就是可以的,因為她是兩個孩子的媽媽,她也許不會這的爭取她想做的一切,她也許有時候沒有那麼多的capacity去mentor others,這些真真切切的選擇,特別真實

? 當她有這種feedback,比如她是angry black woman的時候,她受到傷害的情感心路,以及她怎樣將這個feedback變成actionable points

? 當她被告知她的孩子其實是超重,她作為母親需要作出的選擇,比如hire a professional chef –這並不是take it for granted, 而是她為了孩子著想與實際情況相加作出的選擇

? 她的流產,她的IVF,以及她的marriage counselling,不僅僅是她的婚姻出現問題,而是她怎樣解決這些問題,讓她為了自己的情緒負責,這些都是非常真切的例子,是每一個working mother需要面對的事情

? 還有其他的例子,比如說她的父親的去世,以及她的描述,對於有些人生經歷的人來說是如此真切。當她描寫到奧巴馬當總統的時候,當時他的父母其實都不在了,尤其是他的母親以及祖母,很遺憾的都去世了,所以說即使當上美國總統,其實人生圓滿也不是完全存在的,都是有些遺憾的,這些很微小的細節,將她的書從一本不錯的是變成了phenomenal


上週去米歇爾和Robin Roberts的新書見面會 還是挺有感受 好好學習考個藤校




In the first chapter of 「Becoming」, the author, Michelle Obama, described her childhood and college life with events and thoughts that showed her growth and some of her vital streaks that connects with her follow-up developments as an adult and Obama』s wife. In another word, the first chapter 「Becoming me」 writes about everything about her and herself before she met Barack Obama. She wrote about her talent in piano and how she have both argument and achievement with her stubborn aunt Robby, about how she adamant on her point of view about leaning piano, about what she saw and what she felt at her puberty period, about her life and study in high school for elite kids and one of the best Universities in the world, Princeton University. From what I read and interpretation from the book, I would say her illustration and narration are quite authentic and appealing.

Firstly, it is easily and natural for me, as a student at the same age, to connect my similar experience with her stories in the book. For example, there is a paragraph talking about what her friend in high school, Santita Jackson, whose father is a national prominence that advocated for the rights of underserved African Americans, and she do together, especially her depiction about Santita』s reaction towards a large group of people and her best friend. In the book it wrote: 「It』s what I loved most about Santita. Like me, she could be frivolous and goofy when we were with a larger group, but on our own we』d get ponderous and intense, two girl-philosophers together trying to sort out life』s issues, big and small. We passed hours sprawled on floor of Santita』s room on the second floor of her family』s white Tudor house in Jackson Park Highlands, a more affluent section of South Shore, talking about things that irked us and where our lives were headed and what we did and didn』t understand about the world」. Well, to be honest I think this paragraph is a typical and realistic description of myself when I was a high school student who are interested in Philosophical theories as I first read about this paragraph. That is exactly when I behaved when I was in high school. I would become a friend with Michelle if I were in the same scenario. Other descriptions in the book such us her perspective about her family and her balanced relationship between her parents are also quite appealing, it does not give me any sense of alienation at all although we lived in different countries and different periods.

Secondly, I find out two main topics in 「Becoming me」, which are the life of African Americans from 1950 to 1970 and the growth of a little girl and how she found her identities. There are stories about her relatives, about how her grandfather is both amiable and irritable to her, about her neighbors, classmates and teachers, about what everyone around her speak and do. Another topic is about how she managed to get on well and pursue her own interests within a community, from elementary school to the traitorous teenager, from high school to Princeton. Her tone in telling these stories is calm and provoking, seeming like she was telling simple stories but containing deep confidence and power inside.


