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哎……算了,白嫖就白嫖吧,let it go~let it go~







试图在群里Creeper?,会发生什么?_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili?

b23.tv图标creeper-aw man梗出处_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili?

b23.tv图标当你向你的日语老师提出要creeper?_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili?

b23.tv图标当你有全自动creeper机器人时,能顺利唱下去吗?/NAGO日常_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili?

b23.tv图标当你试图在年级群里发creeper会发生什么?_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili?





背景:这要从2010年由美国RB歌手亚瑟小子和说唱歌手皮普保罗演唱的一首歌曲《DJ Got Us Fallin In Love》让我们坠入爱河,当年这首歌被无数歌星拒之门外,却没想到最终火了这么多年。

在《我的世界》发布的第三年,也就是2011年,Minecraft火遍了全球,所以一首基于《DJ让我们坠入爱河》的改编歌曲《Revenge》诞生。由CaptainSparklez 制作、TryHardNinja 演唱的「Minecraft版本」改编歌。







「梗」的来历:最初是一位叫做King的玩家在YouTube上传一段影片,讲述了自己和小伙伴在群聊中用这首《Revenge》来玩歌曲接龙。也是因为这首歌太过于洗脑了,所以每当有人打出Creeper,就会有人「aw man」接下去。并且以文字的方式,在脑海中唱出这首歌。


此外,还有个因素,拥有上亿粉丝的Pewdiepie在7月29日重新翻唱了这首歌,为了锻炼自己正确的发音和语调,Pewdiepie不停的重复无比洗脑的「Creeper aw man」,一只被彻底玩坏了的苦力怕。






对啦!名字可不叫&或者&鸭,叫《revenge(minecraft song)》


aw man!

so we back in the mine,

got our pickaxe swinging from,

side to side,

side side to side,

This task a grueling one hope to find some diamonds to,

night night night,

diamond to night,

heads up,

you hear a sound trun around and look up,

total shock fills you body!

oh no it s you again,

I could never forget those,

eyes eyes eyes,

Eyes eyes Cause baby tonight!

the creeper s trying to stal all our stuff again,

Cause baby tonight!

you grab your pick shovel and bolt again!

bolt again!

Run run Until it s gone…… done,

until the sun comes up in the morn.

Cause baby tonight!

the creeper s trying to steal all our stuff again!


just when you think you re safe,

overhear some hissing from,

Right be hind,Right right behind,

That s a nice life you have shame its gotta end at this,

Time time time,

Time time time time!



aw man!

so we bacl in the mine,

got our pickaxe swinging from,

side to side,

side side to side,

This task a grueling one hope to find some diamonds to,

night night night,

diamond to night,

heads up,

you hear a sound trun around and look up,

total shock fills you body!

oh no it s you again,

I could never forget those,

eyes eyes eyes,

Eyes eyes Cause baby tonight!

the creeper s trying to stal all our stuff again,

Cause baby tonight!

you grab your pick shovel and bolt again!

bolt again!

Run run Until it s gone…… done,

until the sun comes up in the morn.

Cause baby tonight!

the creeper s trying to steal all our stuff again!


just when you think you re safe,

overhear some hissing from,

Right be hind,Right right behind,

That s a nice life you have shame its gotta end at this,

Time time time,

Time time time time!

Creeper梗源于国外网友,其实就是歌唱接龙挑战,接龙的歌曲名为《Revenge》。Creeper?Aw man 像是一句通关密语,讲了A就要讲B,整段过程全靠素未谋面的网友们培养出的默契。

Creeper 是在全球各地广受欢迎的《当个创世神》(Minecraft)中最具知名度,甚至堪称吉祥物的怪物角色,中文名称为苦力怕,或称爬行者。它们会悄悄接近玩家然后自爆,对玩家造成伤害(和造成非常大的困扰)。不过这波 Creeper?Aw man 可不只是怪物肆虐这么简单。

Creeper?Aw man 像是一句通关密语,讲了A就要讲B,整段过程全靠素未谋面的网友们培养出的默契。最开始是7月8日网友 king在 YouTube 上传一段影片,内容是他与朋友在 Discord 上试著用打字接龙的方式唱出《Revenge》这首改编歌曲。

Revenge(Minecraft Creeper Song) - TryHardNinja/Captainsparklez

Written by:Igor Gordiyenko

So way back in the mine got are pickaxe swingin from side to side

Side side to side

This task a grueling one hope to find some diamonds tonight

Night night diamonds tonight

Heads up

You hear a sound turn around and look up

Total shock fills your body

Oh no its you again I can never forget those eyes

Eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes

Cause baby tonight the creepers

Tryin to steal all your stuff again

Cause baby tonight

Grab your pick shovel and bolt again

Bolt again gain

And run run until its done done

Until the sun comes up in the morn

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again

Stuff again gain

Just when you think youre safe

Over here some hissing from right behind right right behind

Thats a nice life you have

Shame its got to end at this time time time

Time time time time

Blows up and then your health bar drops

And you could use a 1 up

Get inside dont be tardy

So now youre stuck in there

Halve a heart is left but dont die

Die die die die die

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again

Cause baby tonight

Grab your pick shovel and bolt again bolt again gain

And run run until its done done

Until the sun comes up in the morn

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again

Ha creepers ya mine

Dig up diamonds

Craft those diamonds make some armor

Get it baby

Go and forge that like you so MLG pro

The swords made of diamonds

So come at me bro

Ha training in your room under the torch light

Hone that form to get you ready for the big fight

Every single day in the whole night

Creepers out prowlin whoo alright

Look at me look at you

Take my revenge thats what Im gonna do

Im a warrior baby what else is new

And my blades gonna tear through you

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again get your stuff

Yea lets take back the world

Yea baby tonight

Grab your sword armor and go its on

Take your revenge whoo

Ohh so fight fight

Like its the last

Last night of your life

Life show them your bite whoo

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again

Cause baby tonight

Grab your pick shovel and bolt again bolt again gain

And run run until its done

Done until the sun comes up in the morn

Cause baby tonight

The creepers tryin to steal all your stuff again

