[美劇] 辛普森一家

/The Simpsons 全集第1季第1集劇本完整版

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《辛普森一家》(英語:The Simpsons)是馬特·格勒寧為美國福克斯廣播公司創作的一部動畫情景喜劇。該劇通過對霍默、瑪琦、巴特、莉薩和瑪吉一家五口生活的描繪,戲仿了美國中產階級的生活方式。空間設定於虛構小鎮春田鎮的《辛普森



《辛普森一家》(英語:The Simpsons)是馬特·格勒寧為美國福克斯廣播公司創作的一部動畫情景喜劇。該劇通過對霍默、瑪琦、巴特、莉薩和瑪吉一家五口生活的描繪,戲仿了美國中產階級的生活方式。空間設定於虛構小鎮春田鎮的《辛普森一家》,用搞笑的方式自我嘲諷了美國的文化、社會、電視以及人類境況的諸多方面。


自1989年12月17日的首次播出開始,《辛普森一家》已播出了23季,共504集。2007年5月20日播出的第18季末集,是這部動畫的第400集;同時,2007年亦是該劇播出的20週年紀念。於2007年7月26日和7月27日在全球上映的《辛普森一家大電影》,至今已獲得約5.253億美元的票房收入。第23季已於2011年9月25日開始播出;[3] 2012年2月19日播出的第二十三季第14集,將是這部動畫的第500集。[4]



Ooh! Careful, Homer! Theres no time.


Were late.

=> 我們來晚了。

O little town of Bethlehem O little town of Bethlehem How still we see the elie -Excuse me.

=> 伯利恆的小鎮伯利恆的小鎮我們還能看到elie - 對不起。

Pardon me.

=> 對不起。

- Sorry.

=> 對不起

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

- Hey, Norman, hows it goin? So you got dragged down here too, huh? - How you doin, Fred? - Sorry.

=> - 嘿,諾曼,它怎麼樣?那麼你也被拖到這裡了吧? - 你怎麼做,弗雷德?對不起

Excuse me.

=> 打擾一下。

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Scuse me.

=> 「打擾我。

Oh! Pardon my galoshes.

=> 哦!請原諒我的鞋套

Are met in thee tonight Wasnt that wonderful? And now "Santas of many lands," as presented by the entire second grade class.

=> 今晚見到你了不是很好嗎?現在是整個二年級的「許多土地的聖誕老人」。

Oh! Lisas class.

=> 哦! Lisa的班級

Frohliche Weihnachten.

=> Frohliche Weihnachten。

Thats German for " Merry Christmas.

=> 這是「聖誕快樂」的德語。

" In Germany, Santas servant Ruprecht gives presents to good children and whipping rods to the parents of bad ones.


Merry Kurisumasu.

=> 快樂Kurisumasu。

I am Hotseiosha, a japanese priest who acts like Santa Claus.

=> 我是Hotseiosha,一個像聖誕老人一樣行事的日本神父。

I have eyes in the back ofmy head so children better behave when Im nearby.

=> 我在我的頭後面有眼睛,所以當我在附近時,孩子們會更好地表現出來。

Now presenting Lisa Simpson as Tawanga, the Santa Claus of the South Seas.

=> 現在把Lisa Simpson介紹為南大洋的聖誕老人Tawanga。

Ooh, its Lisa! Thats ours.

=> 哦,這是麗莎!那是我們的。

Ah, the fourth grade will now favor us with a melody-- Uh, medley of holiday "flavorites.

=> 啊,現在四年級的學生們會喜歡我們的旋律 - 呃,混合著節日的「香料」。

" Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh Oer the fields we go Laughing all the way Ha ha ha Bells on bobtail ring - Isnt Bart sweet, Homer? He sings like an angel.

=>「穿過雪橇在一匹單馬的敞篷雪橇上我們去的田野一路笑著哈哈哈鈴鐺響的鈴鐺 - 巴特不甜,荷馬嗎?他唱得像天使。

Oh, jingle bells Batman smells Robin laid an egg The Batmobile broke its wheel The joker got awa-- Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all The fifth grade will now favour us with a scene from Charles, uh, Dickens A Christmas Carol.

=> 哦,鈴兒響叮噹蝙蝠俠的味道羅賓放下了一個雞蛋蝙蝠車打破了它的車輪小丑聽到了 - 鈴兒響叮噹鈴兒響叮噹鈴聲所有五年級現在將有利於我們與查爾斯,呃,狄更斯的聖誕頌歌的場景。

How many grades does this school have? " Dear friends of the Simpson family, "We had some sadness and some gladness this year.

=> 這所學校有多少年級? 「辛普森家的親愛的朋友們,」今年我們有一些悲傷和歡樂。

" First, the sadness.

=> 「首先,悲傷。

Our little cat Snowball "was unexpectedly run over and went to kitty heaven.

=> 我們的小貓雪球「出乎意料地跑過去,去了小貓天堂。

"But we bought a new little cat, Snowball I.

=> 「但我們買了一隻新的小貓,雪球一號

"So I guess life goes on.

=> 「所以我猜生活還在繼續。

"Speaking of life going on, Grandpas still with us, feisty as ever.

=> 「說到生活中,爺爺仍然和我們在一起,依然如此。

" Maggie is walking by herself, "Lisa got straight As, and Bart-- "Well, we love Bart.

=> 「瑪姬一個人走,」麗莎straight了一口,巴特 - 「我們愛巴特。

"The magic of the season has touched us all.

=> 「本賽季的魔力已經觸動了我們所有人。

Marge, havent you finished that stupid letter yet? - " Homer sends his love.

=> 瑪吉,你還沒完成那個愚蠢的信嗎? - 「荷馬送他的愛。

Happy holidays.

=> 節日快樂。

- Marge! - The Simpsons.

=> - 瑪吉!辛普森一家

" - Marge, wheres the extension cord? For heavens sake, Homer.

=>「 - 瑪格,延長線在哪裡?為了上帝的緣故,荷馬。

Its in the utility drawer.

=> 在實用的抽屜裏


=> 抱歉。

Im just a big kid.

=> 我只是一個大孩子。

And I love Christmas so much.

=> 我非常喜歡聖誕節。

Doh! All right, children, let me have those letters.

=> D哦!好的,孩子,讓我有這些信件。

Ill send them to Santas workshop at the North Pole.

=> 我會把它們送到聖誕老人在北極的車間。

Oh, please.

=> 哦拜託。

Theres only one fat guy that brings us presents, and his name aint Santa.

=> 只有一個胖子給我們帶禮物,他的名字不是聖誕老人。

Uh-- A pony? Oh, Lisa, youve asked for that for the last three years, and I keep telling you Santa cant fit a pony into his sleigh.

=> 呃 - 小馬?哦,麗莎,在過去的三年裏,你一直在問這個問題,我一直在告訴你,聖誕老人不能把雪橇裝進他的雪橇裏。

Cant you take a hint? But I really want a pony, - and Ive been really good this year.

=> 你不能採取暗示嗎?但是我真的很想要一隻小馬 - 今年我真的很棒。

- Oh, dear.

=> - 噢親愛的。

Maybe Bart is a little more realistic.

=> 也許巴特更現實一些。

- A tattoo? - A what? Yeah! Theyre cool, and they last the rest of your life.

=> - 紋身? - 什麼?是啊!它們很酷,而且它們會持續你的餘生。

you will not be getting a tattoo for Christmas.

=> 你不會在聖誕節得到紋身。


=> 是啊。

If you want one, youll have to pay for it out of your allowance.

=> 如果你想要一個,你將不得不支付你的津貼。

- All right! - Homer! - "Yello.

=> - 好吧! - 荷馬! - 「耶洛。

" - Marge, please.

=>「 - 瑪吉,請。

- Whos this? May I please speak to Marge? - This is her sister, isnt it? - Is Marge there? - Who shall I say is calling? - Marge, please.

=> - 這是誰?我可以和瑪吉談談嗎? - 這是她的妹妹,不是嗎? - Marge在嗎? - 我該說誰在打電話? - 瑪吉,請。

Its your sister.

=> 這是你的妹妹。

Oh! - Hello.

=> 哦! - 你好。

- Hello, Marge.

=> - 你好,瑪吉

Its Patty.

=> 這是帕蒂。

Selma and I couldnt be more excited about seeing our sister Christmas Eve.

=> 看到我們的姐姐聖誕節前夕,塞爾瑪和我不能再感到興奮。

Well, Homer and I are looking forward to your visit too.

=> 那麼,荷馬和我也期待著您的光臨。

Somehow I doubt that Homer is excited.

=> 不知何故,我懷疑荷馬是興奮。

of all the men you couldve married, I dont know why you picked one whos always so rude to us.

=> 在你結婚的男人中間,我不知道你為什麼挑選一個對我們來說總是這麼粗魯的人。

- Good one, Dad.

=> - 好的,爸爸。

Okay, kids, prepare to be dazzled.

=> 好吧,孩子們,準備眼花繚亂。

Marge, turn on the juice! - What do you think, kids? - Nice try, Dad.

=> 瑪吉,打開果汁! - 你怎麼看,孩子? - 不錯,爸爸。

Just hold your horses, son.

=> 兒子,抱著你的馬。

Hey, Simpson! - What is it, Flanders? - Do you think this looks okay? Ho ho ho.

=> 嘿,辛普森! - 什麼是法蘭德斯? - 你覺得這樣好嗎?哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

- Oh! - Oh, neato! Its too bright.

=> - 哦! - 哦,neato!太亮了。

I oughta-- Flanders.

=> 我應該 - 法蘭德斯。

What a big show-off.

=> 真是個大秀場。

- Kids, wanna go Christmas shopping? - I do! - All right! The mall! - Go get your money.

=> - 孩子們,想去聖誕節購物? - 我做! - 好吧!商場! - 去拿你的錢

Tell us, Marge.

=> 告訴我們,瑪吉。

Where have you been hiding the Christmas money? Oh, I have my secrets.

=> 你在哪裡藏了聖誕節的錢?哦,我有我的祕密。

Turn around.

=> 迴轉。

- you can look now.

=> - 你現在可以看看。

- Ooh! Big jar this year.

=> - 哦!今年大罐子

Oh, Bart, thats so sweet.

=> 哦,巴特,太好了。

Its the best present a mother could get, and it makes you look so dangerous.

=> 這是母親能得到的最好的禮物,而且讓你看起來非常危險。

- One " Mother," please.

=> - 請給我一個「媽媽」

Wait a minute.

=> 等一下。

How old are you? - Twenty-one, sir.

=> 你幾歲? - 二十一,先生

- Get in the chair.

=> - 坐在椅子上


=> MM-嗯。


=> MM-嗯。


=> MM-嗯。

- Mm-hmm.

=> - 嗯。


=> MM-嗯。

Attention, all personnel, please keep working during the following announcement.

=> 注意,所有人員請在下面的公告中繼續工作。

And now our boss and friend Mr.

=> 現在我們的老闆和朋友先生


=> 伯恩斯。


=> 你好。

Im proud to announce that weve been able to increase safety here at the plant without increasing the cost to the consumer or affecting management payraises.

=> 我很自豪地宣佈,我們已經能夠提高工廠的安全性,而不會增加消費者的成本或影響管理層的薪酬。

However, for you semiskilled workers, there will be no Christmas bonuses.

=> 但是,對於半技術工人來說,不會有聖誕節的獎金。

- Oh, and one more thing.

=> - 還有件事兒。

Merry Christmas! - Oh, thank God for the big jar.

=> 聖誕節快樂! - 哦,感謝上帝的大罐子。

- Wheres that Bart? But, Mom, I thought youd like it.

=> 那巴特在哪?但是,媽媽,我想你會喜歡的。

Yes, Mrs.

=> 是的,夫人

Simpson, we can remove your sons tattoo.

=> 辛普森,我們可以刪除你的兒子的紋身。

Its a simple routine involving lasers.

=> 這是一個涉及激光的簡單程序。

- Cool! - However, it is rather expensive, and we must insist on a cash payment up front.

=> - 很酷! - 但是,這樣做相當昂貴,我們必須堅持先付現金。

- Cash? - Mm-hmm.

=> - 現金? - 嗯。

- Ay, caramba! - Now, whatever you do, dont squirm.

=> - 唉,咖喱! - 不管你做什麼,都不要動。

you dont wanna get this sucker near your eye or your groin.

=> 你不想讓這個吸盤靠近你的眼睛或你的腹股溝。

- Ow! Quit it.

=> - 噢!退出。

Ow! Quit it.

=> 噢!退出。

Ow! Quit it.

=> 噢!退出。

- Ow! Quit it.

=> - 噢!退出。

- Hey, whats with this? Ow! Quit it! Used to be a real boss tattoo.

=> - 嘿,這是什麼?噢!退出!曾經是一個真正的老闆紋身。

Mom had to spend the Christmas money having it surgically removed.

=> 媽媽不得不把聖誕節的錢用在手術上。

Huh? Its true! The jar is empty! Oh, my God! Were ruined.

=> 咦?這是真的!這個罐子是空的!哦,我的上帝!我們被毀了。

Christmas is canceled.

=> 聖誕節被取消。

No presents for anyone! Dont worry, Homer.

=> 沒有任何人的禮物!別擔心,荷馬。

Well just have to stretch your Christmas bonus - even further this year.

=> 我們將不得不延長你的聖誕節獎金 - 今年更是如此。

- Homer? - Oh, yeah.

=> - 荷馬? - 哦耶。

My Christmas bonus.

=> 我的聖誕節獎金。

How silly of me.

=> 我多麼傻。

Thisll be the best Christmas yet.

=> 這將是最好的聖誕節呢。

The best any family ever had.

=> 有史以來最好的家庭。


=> 哈哈哈。


=> 哈哈哈。


=> 哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。


=> 哈哈哈。


=> 嗯。

I get the feeling theres something you havent told me, Homer.

=> 我感覺有些事情你還沒有告訴我,荷馬。

- Huh? Oh.

=> - 呃?哦。

I love you, Marge.

=> 我愛你,瑪吉。

- you tell me that all the time.

=> - 你一直告訴我

Oh, good, because I do love you.

=> 哦,好,因為我愛你。

I dont deserve you as much as a guy with a fat wallet and a credit card that wont set off that horrible beeping.

=> 我不配擁有一個胖胖的錢包和信用卡的傢伙,這不會引起那種可怕的嘟嘟聲。

I think it does have something to do with your Christmas bonus.

=> 我認為這與聖誕節的獎金有關。

I keep asking for it, but-- Marge, um, let me be honest with you.

=> 我一直在問,但是 - 瑪吉,呃,讓我對你說實話。

- Yes? - Well, I would-- I-- I wanna do the Christmas shopping this year.

=> - 是嗎? - 好的,我會 - 我 - 我想今年去做聖誕節購物。

Uh, sure, okay.

=> 呃,當然可以。

Marge, Marge.

=> Marge,Marge。


=> 嗯。


=> 讓我們來看看。

Ooh, look! Pantyhose.

=> 哦,看!絲襪。

Practical and alluring.

=> 實用而誘人。

A six-pack.

=> 六包。

Oh! Only 4.

=> 哦!只有4。



Ooh! Pads of paper.

=> 哦!一堆紙。

I bet Bart can think of a million things to do with these.

=> 我敢打賭,巴特可以想像一百萬事情要做。

That just leaves little Maggie.

=> 這只是小Maggie。

Oh, look! A little squeak toy.

=> 哦,看!一個小吱吱叫的玩具。

It says its for dogs, but she cant read.

=> 它說這是給狗的,但是她看不懂。

Ow! Oh, Simpson, its you.

=> 噢!哦,辛普森,是你。

- Hello, Flanders.

=> - 你好,法蘭德斯。

- Oh, my! What a mess weve got here.

=> - 天啊!我們到了這裡真是太麻煩了。

Well, which ones are yours and which ones are mine? - Well, lets see.

=> 那麼,哪些是你的,哪些是我的? - 好吧,走著瞧。

- Oh, this ones mine.

=> - 哦,這是我的。

This ones mine.

=> 這是我的。

- This ones mine, and this-- - Theyre all yours! - Hey, you dropped your pork chop.

=> - 這是我的,這 - - 他們都是你的! - 嘿,你把豬排放了

- Gimme that! - Well, happy holidays, Simpson.

=> - 給我吧! - 好的,辛普森節日快樂。

- Gee, this is the best Christmas ever.

=> - 哎,這是有史以來最好的聖誕節。

- You bet.

=> - 你打賭。

Whats the matter, Homer? Somebody leave a lump of coal in your stocking? Youve been sitting there, sucking on a beer all day long.

=> 怎麼啦,荷馬?有人在你的放養中留下一塊煤塊?你一直坐在那裡,整天吮吸啤酒。

- So? - So, its Christmas.

=> - 那麼? - 所以,這是聖誕節。

- Thanks, Moe.

=> - 謝謝,萌

Drinks all around! Whats with the crazy getup, Barn? I got me a part-timejob working as a Santa down at the mall.

=> 周圍飲料!瘋子怎麼了,穀倉?我在購物中心找到了一個兼職聖誕老人。

Wow! Can I do that? I dont know.

=> 哇!我可以這樣做嗎?我不知道。

Theyre pretty selective.

=> 他們非常有選擇性。

Do you like children? What do you mean? All the time? Even when theyre nuts? - Hmm.

=> 你喜歡孩子嗎?你什麼意思?每時每刻?即使他們堅果? - 嗯。

- Uh, I certainly do.

=> - 呃,我當然可以。

Welcome aboard, Simpson.

=> 歡迎,辛普森。

Pending your successful completion of our training program, that is.

=> 等待你成功完成我們的培訓計劃,那就是。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

- What is it now, Simpson? - Uh, when do we get paid? Not a dime till Christmas Eve! Now, from the top.

=> - 現在是什麼,辛普森? - 呃,我們什麼時候能得到報酬?直到聖誕節前夕,一毛錢!現在,從頂部。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

Ho ho ho.

=> 哈哈哈。

Um, Dasher.

=> 呃,Dasher。

- Dancer.

=> - 舞者。

- Mm-hmm.

=> - 嗯。

- Prancer.

=> - Prancer。

- Mm-hmm.

=> - 嗯。


=> 尼克松。

Comet and Cupid.

=> 彗星和丘比特。

- Donna Dixon? - Sit down, Simpson.

=> - 唐娜·迪克森? - 坐下,辛普森。

And what would you like, little boy? - Youre not really Santa, tubby.

=> 你想要什麼,小男孩? - 你不是真的聖誕老人,tubby。

- Why, you little egghead! No, Homer! If such an emergency arises, you just tell them Santas vey busy this time of year, - and you are one of his helpers.

=> - 為什麼,你這個小傢伙!不,荷馬!如果出現這樣的緊急情況,你可以告訴他們聖誕老人的忙碌,每年的這個時候,你都是他的助手之一。

- Oh, I knew that one too! Homer, why are you seven hours late? Not a word, Marge.

=> - 哦,我也知道那個!荷馬,你為什麼遲到七個小時?沒有一個字,瑪吉。

Im heading straight for the tub.

=> 我正直奔浴缸。

But, Homer, my sisters are here.

=> 但是,荷馬,我的姐妹在這裡。

- Dont you wanna say hello? - Daddy! Were so glad to see you! - Oh, Dad, youre finally home! What? Why? Oh, yeah.

=> - 你不想打個招呼嗎? - 爸爸!我們很高興見到你! - 哦,爸爸,你終於回家了!什麼?為什麼?哦耶。

Hello, Patty.

=> 你好,帕蒂

Hello, Selma.

=> 你好,塞爾瑪。

- How was your trip? - Fine.

=> - 你的旅途怎麼樣? - 很好

- you both look well.

=> - 你們都很好看。

- Thank you.

=> - 謝謝。

- Yeah, well, Merry Christmas.

=> - 好,聖誕快樂。

- Its Christmas? - you wouldnt know it around here.

=> - 聖誕節? - 在這裡你不會知道

- And why is that? - For one thing, theres no tree - I was just on my way out to get one! - Can we go too, Dad? - Yeah, can we? No! Sleighbells ring Are you listening In the lane Snow is glistening A beautiful sight Were happy tonight - Walking in a winter wonderland Hey! What do you think youre doin? - Uh-oh.

=> - 為什麼是這樣? - 一方面,沒有樹 - 我只是在出路得到一個!爸爸,我們也可以去嗎? - 是的,我們可以嗎?沒有! Sleighbells戒指你聽著在車道上雪花閃耀一個美麗的景象今晚我們很高興 - 走在冬季仙境嘿!你覺得你在做什麼? - 呃 - 哦。

- Hey! Hey! - Come back here! So what do you think, kids? Beauty, isnt it? - Wow! Yay, Dad! - Way to go, Dad! - Why is there a birdhouse in it? - Uh, thats an ornament.

=> - 嘿!嘿! - 回到這來!那麼你怎麼看,孩子?美女,不是嗎? - 哇!耶,爸爸! - 去的路,爸爸! - 為什麼有鳥舍呢? - 呃,這是一個裝飾品。

Do I smell gunpowder? and then I want some Robotoids.

=> 我聞到火藥味嗎?然後我想要一些Robotoids。

And then I want a Goop Monster.

=> 然後我想要一個Goop Monster。

And then I want a great big, giant-- Aw, son, you dont need all that junk.

=> 然後我想要一個偉大的巨人 - 噢,兒子,你不需要那麼多垃圾。

Im sure youve already got something much more important-- a decent home and a loving father who would do anything for you.

=> 我相信你已經有了更重要的事情 - 一個體面的家庭和一個慈愛的父親,他們會為你做任何事情。

Hey, I couldnt afford lunch.

=> 嘿,我喫不起午餐。

Give me a bite of that donut.

=> 給我一口那個甜甜圈。

Get a load of that quote-unquote Santa.

=> 得到一個不引人注目的聖誕老人的負載。

I cant believe those kids are falling for it.

=> 我不能相信那些孩子正在為此而墮落。

Hey, Milhouse, I dare you to sit on his lap.

=> 嘿,米歇爾,我敢讓你坐在他的腿上。

- I dare you to yank his beard off.

=> - 我敢把你的鬍子拔下來。

- Ah, touche.

=> - 啊,謝謝

I hope you feel better, Santa.

=> 聖誕老人,我希望你感覺好點。

Oh, I will when Mrs.

=> 哦,我會當太太。

Claus sisters get outta town.

=> 克勞斯的姐妹離開了城鎮。

Thanks for listenin, kid.

=> 謝謝你傾聽,孩子。

Hey, Santa, whats shakin, man? Whats your name, Bart ner? Uh, little partner? - Im Bart Simpson.

=> 嘿,聖誕老人,怎麼樣,男人? Bartner,你叫什麼名字?呃,小夥伴?我是巴特·辛普森

Who are you? - Im jolly Old St.

=> 你是誰? - 我快樂老街


=> 缺口。

Oh, yeah? Well just see about that.

=> 哦耶?我們只會看到。

Doh! - Homer! - A word with you in Santas workshop.

=> D哦! - 荷馬! - 在聖誕老人的工作室跟你說一句話

- Cover for me, Elfie.

=> - 為我蓋上Elfie

- I didnt know it was you.

=> - 我不知道這是你。

Nobody knows.

=> 沒人知道。

Its a secret.

=> 這是一個祕密。

I didnt get my bonus this year.

=> 今年我沒有拿到獎金。

- Ill say, Dad.

=> - 我會說,爸爸。

you must really love us to sink so low.

=> 你必須真的愛我們沉浸如此之低。

Now, lets not get mushy, son.

=> 現在,讓我們不要糊糊,兒子。

I still have a job to do.

=> 我還有工作要做

Hey, little ones.

=> 嘿,小傢伙

Santas back.

=> 聖誕老人的背部。

Ho ho-- Doh! Damn it to-- Ah, son, one day youre gonna know the satisfaction of payday.

=> 何浩 - 哦!該死的 - 啊,兒子,有一天你會知道發薪日的滿意。

Receiving a big fat check for a job well done.

=> 收到一份很好的工作檢查。

Simpson, Homer? Here ya go.

=> 辛普森,荷馬?這裡你走了。

Come on, son.

=> 來吧,兒子。

Lets go cash this baby and get presents for-- Thirteen bucks? Hey, wait a minute.

=> 讓我們去兌現這個寶貝,並得到禮物 - 十三塊錢?嘿,等一下。

Thats right.

=> 那就對了。

$120 gross.

=> 毛120美元。

Less Social Security, less unemployment insurance, - less Santa training - Santa training? less costume purchase, less beard rental, less Christmas club.

=> 少社會保障,少失業保險,少聖誕老人訓練 - 聖誕老人訓練?購買服裝少,鬍子出租少,聖誕節俱樂部少。

- But-- But-- - See ya next year.

=> - 但是 - 但 - 明年見。

- Ohh! - Come on, Dad.

=> - 哦!爸爸來吧

Lets go home.

=> 我們回家吧。

Thirteen bucks? you cant get anything for 13 bucks.

=> 十三塊錢?你不能得到13塊錢的東西。

Allright! Thirteen bigones! Springfield Downs, here I come! - What? - you heard me.

=> 好吧!十三個bigones!斯普林菲爾德唐斯,我來了! - 什麼? - 你聽說過我

Im goin to the dog track.

=> 我要去狗的軌道。

I got a hot little puppy in the fourth race.

=> 我在第四場比賽中得到了一隻熱狗。

- Wanna come? - Sory, Barney.

=> - 要來嗎? - Sory,Barney。

I may be a total washout as a father, but Im not gonna take my kid to a sleazy dog track on Christmas Eve.

=> 我可能是一個徹頭徹尾的父親,但在聖誕節前夕,我不會把我的孩子帶到一條低俗的狗路上。

Come on, Simpson.

=> 來吧,辛普森。

The dogs name is Whirlwind.

=> 狗的名字是旋風。

Ten-to-one shot.

=> 十對一的鏡頭。

Money in the bank.

=> 銀行裏的錢

- Uh-uh.

=> - 呃。

- Ah, come on, Dad.

=> - 啊,來吧,爸爸。

This can be the miracle that saves the Simpsons Christmas.

=> 這可以成為拯救辛普森一家聖誕節的奇蹟。

If TV has taught me anything, its that miracles always happen to poor kids at Christmas.

=> 如果電視教會了我什麼,那麼在聖誕節時,奇蹟總會發生在可憐的孩子身上。

It happened to Tiny Tim, it happened to Charlie Brown, it happened to the Smurfs and its gonna happen to us.

=> 它發生在小蒂姆身上,發生在查理·布朗身上,發生在藍精靈身上,它會發生在我們身上。

Well, okay, lets go.

=> 好吧,我們走吧。

Whos Tiny Tim? Hey, Moldy, do you think Santa will be able to find ElfCounty under all this snow? I doubt it, Bubbles.

=> 誰是小提姆?嘿,發黴,你覺得聖誕老人能在這雪下找到ElfCounty嗎?我懷疑它,泡泡。

Well be sad little elves this Christmas.

=> 聖誕節我們會傷心的小精靈

- Oh, no! - Oh, brother.

=> - 不好了! - 哦,兄弟。

- Wheres your husband? - Yeah.

=> - 你丈夫呢? - 是的。

Its getting late.

=> 天色已晚。

Said he went caroling with Bart.

=> 說他和巴特嘮嘮叨叨。

Were in the money, were in the money We got a lot of what it takes to get along I cant believe Im doing this.

=> 我們在錢,我們在錢我們有很多需要相處,我不能相信我這樣做。

Can we open our presents now, Dad? you know the tradition, son.

=> 爸爸,我們現在可以打開禮物嗎?你知道傳統,兒子。

Not till the eighth race.

=> 直到第八場比賽。

Hey, Barney, which one is Whirlwind? Number Six.

=> 嘿,巴尼,哪一個是旋風?第六名

Thats our lucky dog right over there.

=> 那就是我們那邊的幸運狗

Hes won his last five races.

=> 他贏得了他的最後五場比賽。

What? That scrawny little bag of bones? Come on, Dad.

=> 什麼?那骨瘦如柴的小包骨頭?來吧,爸爸

Theyre all scrawny little bags of bones.

=> 他們都是骨瘦如柴的小袋子。

Yeah, youre right.

=> 是啊,你說得對。

I guess Whirlwind is our only hope for a Merry Christmas.

=> 我想旋風是聖誕快樂的唯一希望。

Attention, racing fans, we have a late scratch in the fourth race.

=> 注意,賽車迷,我們在第四場比賽中有一個遲到的劃傷。

Number 8, Sir Galahad will be replaced by Santas Little Helper.

=> 8號,加拉哈德爵士將由聖誕老人的小幫手取代。

Once again, Sir Galahad has been replaced by Santas Little Helper.

=> 加拉哈德爵士再一次被聖誕老人的小幫手所取代。

Bart, did you hear that? What a name! Santas Little Helper! - Its a sign! Its an omen! - Its a coincidence, Dad.

=> 巴特,你聽到了嗎?什麼名字!聖誕老人的小幫手! - 這是一個標誌!這是一個預兆!爸爸真是巧合

- What are the odds on Santas Little Helper? - Ninety-nine to one.

=> - 聖誕老人的小幫手有什麼可能? - 九十九比一

Wow! Ninety-nine times thirteen equals Merry Christmas! I got a bad feeling about this.

=> 哇!九十九十三等於聖誕快樂!我對此感到不好。

- Dont you believe in me, son? - Uh-- Come on, boy.

=> - 你不信嗎,兒子? - 呃 - 來吧,男孩。

Sometimes your faith is all that keeps me going.

=> 有時候你的信仰是讓我走的。

Oh, go for it, Dad.

=> 哦,去吧,爸爸。

Thats my boy! Eveything on Santas Little Helper.

=> 這是我的男孩! Eveything在聖誕老人的小幫手。

Three cheers for Brainy! - Hip hip hooray! - Yay! Unadulterated pap.

=> 聰明三聲歡呼! - 太好啦! - 好極了!未污染的pap。

Its almost 9:00.

=> 快9點了。

Wheres Homer anyway? Its so typical of the big doof us to spoil it all.

=> 無論如何,荷馬在哪裡?我們這些大人物的典型代表就是這些。

- What, Aunt Patty? - Oh, nothing, dear.

=> - 姨媽,帕蒂?哦,沒事,親愛的。

Im just trashing your father.

=> 我只是在搗毀你的父親。

Well, I wish you wouldnt because aside from the fact he has the same frailties as all human belings.

=> 那麼,我希望你不要因為除了他和所有的人類都有同樣的弱點外。

hes the only father I have.

=> 他是我唯一的父親

Therefore, he is my model of manhood, and my estimation of him will govern the prospects of my adult relationships.

=> 因此,他是我的成人模範,我對他的評價將決定我成人關係的前景。

So I hope you bear in mind that any knock at him is a knock at me, and Im far too young to defend myself against such onslaughts.

=> 所以,我希望你們牢記,任何敲擊他的事情都是對我的敲擊,而且我太年輕了,不敢對抗這種衝擊。


=> MM-嗯。

Go watch your cartoon show, dear.

=> 去看你的卡通表演,親愛的。

Come on, Bart.

=> 來吧,巴特。

Kiss the ticket for good luck, not that we need it.

=> 親吻機票,祝你好運,而不是我們需要它。

Here comes Screwy the mechanical rabbit.

=> 這裡來Screwy機械兔子。

- and theyre off! - Come on, Santas Little Helper! - Come on, dog! Go, man, go! Its Whirlwind in the lane, and coming up on the left is Quadruped, followed by Dog OWar and Fido.

=> - 他們走了! - 來吧,聖誕老人的小幫手! - 來吧,狗!去吧,夥計,走吧!這是在車道旋風,左邊是四足動物,其次是狗OWar和Fido。

- Go! Come on, boy! - Go! Come on, get that rabbit! Dog OWar coming up fast on the outside.

=> - 走!來吧,男孩! - 走!來吧,得到那隻兔子!奧沃爾狗在外面快速地上來。

- Come on, Santas Little Helper! - Come on, dog! Go, man, go! And with a lock on last place, its Santas Little Helper.

=> - 來吧,聖誕老人的小幫手! - 來吧,狗!去吧,夥計,走吧!而最後一個鎖的地方,它是聖誕老人的小幫手。

- Dont worry, Dad.

=> - 別擔心,爸爸。

Maybe this is just for suspense before the miracle happens.

=> 也許這只是奇蹟發生之前的懸念。

- Come on, you stupid dog! Come on! - Go, go! - Run! Run! - Run, run! Come on, get that rabbit! - Go, go, Santas Little Helper! Run! - Go, go, go! Whirlwind by a countrymile, second, ChewMyShoe, followed by Dog OWar.

=> - 來吧,你這個笨狗!來吧! - 走吧,走吧! - 跑!跑! - 跑跑!來吧,得到那隻兔子! - 去吧,去聖誕老人的小幫手!跑! - 沖啊!其次是ChewMyShoe,接著是Dog OWar。

Oh, jeez! Doesnt seem possible, but I guess TV has betrayed me.

=> 哦,jeez!似乎不可能,但我想電視已經背叛了我。

I dont wanna leave till our dog finishes.

=> 我不想離開,直到我們的狗完成。

Ah, forget it.

=> 啊,算了吧。

Lets go.

=> 我們走吧。

- Find any winners, son? - Sory, Dad.

=> - 找到任何獲獎者,兒子? - Sory,爸爸

Hey, hey, Simpson! Whatdl tell you? Whirlwind! Lets go, Daria.

=> 嘿,辛普森!你會怎麼說?旋風!我們走吧Daria

Beat it! Scram! Get lost! - you came in last for the last time! Look, Dad, its Santas Little Helper.

=> 打敗它!急停!走開! - 你最後一次進來了!爸爸,這是聖誕老人的小幫手

And dont come back! Oh, no, you dont! No, no! Get away from me! Uh-uh! Oh, can we keep him, Dad, please? But hes a loser! Hes pathetic! Hes-- A Simpson.

=> 不要回來!哦,不,你不!不,不!離開我!嗯,嗯!噢,爸爸,我們能保留他嗎?但他是一個失敗者!他很可悲!他 - 辛普森。


=> 嗯。

Maybe I should call the police.

=> 也許我應該報警。

- Oh, hell sober up.

=> 哦,他會清醒過來的

- Yeah.

=> - 是的。

Come staggering home.

=> 來到驚人的家。


=> MM-嗯。

Smelling of cheap perfume.

=> 嗅到便宜的香水。

- This should be good.

=> - 這應該是好的。

I didnt get my Christmas bonus.

=> 我沒有得到我的聖誕獎金。

I tried not to let it ruin Christmas for eveybody, but no matter what I did-- - Hey, eveybody, lookwhat we got! A dog! All right, Dad! - God bless him.

=> 我盡量不讓它毀了聖誕節,但無論我做了什麼 - - 嘿,我們有什麼!一隻狗!好的,爸爸! - 上帝保佑他。

- So love at first sight is possible.

=> - 所以一見鍾情是可能的。

And if he runs away, hell be easy to catch.

=> 如果他逃跑,他會很容易被捉住。

Oh, this is the best gift of all, Homer! - It is? - Yes.

=> 哦,這是所有的最好的禮物,荷馬! - 它是? - 是的。

Something to share our love and frighten prowlers.

=> 分享我們的愛和驚嚇徘徊者的東西。

- Whats his name? - Number 8-- I mean, Santas Little Helper.

=> - 他的名字是什麼? - 第8號 - 我的意思是,聖誕老人的小幫手。

Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it - you would even say it glows - Like a light bulb! -Bart! - All of the other reindeer Used to laugh and call him names - Like Shnozzola! -Lisa! They never let poor Rudolph - Join in any reindeergames -Like strippoker! -Im warning you two! - Then one foggy Christmas Eve - Santa came to say - Take it, Homer! Uh, Rudolph get your nose over here - So you can guide my sleigh today - Oh, Homer.

=> 魯道夫紅鼻子的馴鹿有一個非常有光澤的鼻子如果你曾經看到它 - 你甚至會說它發光 - 像一個燈泡! -Bart! - 所有其他馴鹿曾經笑和叫他的名字 - 像Shnozzola! -Lisa!他們從來不讓窮人魯道夫 - 加入任何reindeergames - 像strippoker! - 我警告你們兩個! - 那麼一個模糊的聖誕夜 - 聖誕老人來說 - 拿它,荷馬!呃,魯道夫把你的鼻子放在這裡 - 所以今天你可以指導我的雪橇 - 哦,荷馬。

Then all the reindeer loved him and they shouted out with glee Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer Youll go down in history -Like Attila the Hu-- - You little-- Shh.

=> 然後,所有的馴鹿愛他,他們高興地喊著魯道夫紅鼻子的馴鹿你會在歷史上像阿提拉 - 胡 - 你 - 小 - 噓。
