

She was exploring a new place with a map and the camera.

A man came to her and asked for an attraction.

Then they decided to walk around in the city together.

They talked, they laughed. They exchanged the travel experiences.

Before saying good-bye by the end of the day, they walked up to a hill and enjoyed the nightview from the top of the city.

"Maybe it should be ended at the most beautiful moment." She talked to herself.

However, it's not the end.

After a month, they met again in a different city.

He made her feel that everything is beautiful, no matter in a sunny day or a rainy day.

"Is it happiness?"

By sightseeing in an ancient town, he held her hands and started to dance even they got lost in the town.

Then, they said good-bye again.

"Maybe it should be ended at the most beautiful moment." The girl said it to herself one more time.

To be continued or the end?

Maybe the end is better.
