… Introduction of Black Seed

Black seed strengthen Immune System
在1987年,美國佛羅裏達州巴拿馬城I.I.M.E.R.Ek-Kadi and Kandil博士進行一項驗證黑種草籽支持免疫力作用的研究。兩組志願的隨機受測者接受每日兩次服用黑種草籽膠囊1克或安慰劑。實驗前與執行實驗四週後檢查完整的淋巴細胞數量,數據顯示大多數服用黑種草籽的受測者輔助性T細胞和抑制性T細胞的比例增加72%,並且自然殺手細胞(NK)的功能性提升。

In 1987, I.I.M.E.R.Ek-Kadi and Kandil, Ph.D., of Panama City, Florida, conducted a study to validate the role of black seed in supporting immunity. Two groups of volunteers were randomized to receive twice daily black capsules 1 gram or placebo. The number of complete lymphocytes was examined before and after the experiment, and the data showed that the majority of subjects taking black seed increased the ratio of helper T cells and suppressor T cells by 72% and natural killer cells (NK) Functional enhancements.

In the field of AIDS (AIDS) research, in 1997, a human clinical trial was conducted at the Riyadh Center for Biomedical and Medical Research in Saudi Arabia, which confirmed that black seed can promote an increase in the proportion of helper T cells %, And increased the natural killer cell (NK) activity by 30%. These results indicate that black seed can play an important role in cancer, AIDS and other immune deficiency problems.




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