Felicity Huffman to plead guilty in college admissions scandal



  Thirteen wealthy parents, including actress Felicity Huffman, and one coach will plead guilty to using bribery and other forms of fraud as part of the college admissions scandal, federal prosecutors in Boston said on Monday.


  America was rocked on March 12 by word of a massive scam involving dozens of wealthy people allegedly using bribes and other shady means to buy their children tickets to elite colleges such as Yale, Stanford, the University of Texas, the University of Southern California (USC) and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).


  Federal authorities called it the biggest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the US Justice Department, with the parents accused of paying an estimated $25 million in bribes.

  The bribery scandal over college admissions in the US has been brewing for nearly a month since it broke on March 12. As of April 8, a total of 13 parents had pleaded guilty.

  Felicity Huffman. (Photo: AP)


  Felicity Huffman is known for the Emmy-winning star of ABC’s "Desperate Housewives".


  Felicity Huffman said she will plead guilty to charges in a cheating scam aimed at acquiring places for children at elite US universities.


  The Desperate Housewives star said she had "betrayed" her daughter and was "ashamed" of the pain she had caused.


  Ms. Huffman is accused of paying $15,000 to have her daughter's exam questions covertly corrected in 2017.


  The 56-year-old is one of 14 people set to plead guilty among the 50 charged, who include college athletic coaches. Other parents charged in the scheme include prominent figures in law, finance, fashion, the food and beverage industry and other fields.


  In a statement, she said: "I am in full acceptance of my guilt, and with deep regret and shame over what I have done, I accept full responsibility for my actions and will accept the consequences that stem from those actions.


  "I am ashamed of the pain I have caused my daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community.


  "I want to apologize to them and, especially, I want to apologize to the students who work hard every day to get into college, and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices to support their children and do so honestly."


  She added in the statement that her daughter had known nothing about her actions: "In my misguided and profoundly wrong way, I have betrayed her. This transgression toward her and the public, I will carry for the rest of my life."


  Huffman could face a maximum of up to 20 years in prison for conspiracy to commit mail fraud but is not expected to receive such a stiff sentence.

  Bruce Isackson. (Photo: Social media)


  California real estate developer Bruce Isackson and his wife, Davina Isackson, who are pleading guilty to participating in both the athletic recruitment and exam rigging schemes, are cooperating with prosecutors for a chance at a lighter sentence.


  “We have worked cooperatively with the prosecutors and will continue to do so as we take full responsibility for our bad judgment,” they said in a statement.

  What are the accusations?


  The FBI code-named the investigation "Operation Varsity Blues" - ironically named after a 1990s film about the pressures of sports scholarships.


  The case relates to the period between 2011 and 2018, when investigators say parents tried to cheat the usual US admission process.


  They say parents paid bribes, had exams altered and even had their children edited on to stock photos to pretend they played sports.


  Ms. Huffman and another Hollywood actress, Lori Loughlin, are the most high-profile figures indicted, but others charged include prominent business executives.

  Lori Loughlin. (Photo: AFP)


  Ms. Loughlin is accused along with her husband of paying nearly $500,000 in bribes to get their two daughters admitted to the University of Southern California.


  They are not among those who have agreed to plead guilty and have not publicly addressed the allegations, the Associated Press news agency reports.


  Investigators say they helped their daughters get in on rowing scholarships, even though neither student had actually participated in the sport.


  USC, Georgetown University and other schools implicated in the scheme have said they are reviewing the admissions of students accused of participating. Yale has expelled students associated with the scam.


  Stanford University has expelled a student whose admission was followed by a large donation to the school's sailing program. The expelling of the unnamed student is a part of Stanford's internal review after the school's former head sailing coach was charged for taking financial contributions in exchange for recommending students for admission, the university said on its website.

  Sources: AP, CNN, BBC

  Compiled by Chi Jingyi)
