
誰在1998年在波蘭克拉科夫將凱瑟琳.沙華特殺害並和剝皮? (2016年)


在1999年1月7日的一個寒冷的冬天早晨,維斯瓦河(Vistula)上的拖船操作員米洛斯拉夫(Miroslaw M.)打開了駁船底部的艙口,打算清理自昨晚起卡在推進器的雜物。他原本以為卡在那裡的是輪胎或樹枝,但實際上不是,那是個發出難聞氣味、不倫不類、蒼白又像麻布袋的東西,而且上面還附有有一隻人類耳朵,他奇怪那到底是什麼東西。

後來證實,米洛斯拉夫發現的是23歲宗教系學生凱瑟琳.沙華特(Katarzyna Zowada,或簡稱Kasia)的遺骸。具體來說,那是她由大腿至頸部近左耳的部份的皮膚,沒有臉和手臂,乳頭也不見了,皮膚從右乳房下方到左肩有一條打斜的接縫。驗屍官說,屍體被發現時,已泡在水中大約二至三週,現場也發現了她的毛衣碎片。一週後,在維斯瓦河水電大壩段的一堆漂浮的垃圾和樹枝中,發現了凱瑟琳的腿,始外沒有再發現過她的其他遺骸。她的衣服中有一條牛仔褲和一件法蘭絨格子襯衫。


凱瑟琳自1998年11月12日起失蹤。她是一個孤獨的人,幾乎沒有朋友,在上課期間總是獨自坐著,與母親同住,她過去曾嘗試自殺。她原本約了母親去看醫生,但她沒有出現,因此母親開始擔心她的去向而報警。 (補充:她自1996年父親過世後患上抑抑鬱症,並開始看心理醫生,上述的醫生是指定期的心理治療。)



在村莊內一幢房子裏,一具屍體倒掛在地下室的天花板上。受害者是一名50歲男子,現場發現一個由他頭部和臉部的皮膚縫製成的面具,他被斬首,頭部被丟在屋外。兇手是俄羅斯移民,名叫弗拉基米爾(Wladimir W.);受害者是他的父親維塔利(Witalij)。審訊過程中揭示了更令人震驚的細節:兇手在視力不良的祖父面前,穿著父親的臉皮和衣服整整一天,假裝是死者。兇手說他的行兇的目沿於對父親的仇恨,因為父親背叛了的妻子,把一無所有的她留在俄羅斯納爾克奇(Nalchik),並與祖父和他在波蘭展開新的生活。兇手很有可能認識凱瑟琳,因為他們同樣在波蘭克拉科夫的雅蓋隆大學(Uniwersytet Jagiellonski)修讀心理學,不過他們不同級,兇手在1992年入學,而凱瑟琳在1993年入學,一年後退學,但他拒絕承認謀殺凱瑟琳。他目前正在俄羅斯監獄服刑25年。


調查顯示凱瑟琳在失蹤前兩周沒有去上學,她在一次翹課期間失蹤了,當時她應該在課後去看醫生。這些跡象顯示她可能擁有一段祕密關係。但她的朋友們只知道凱瑟琳有一位男性朋友:他是美國搖滾樂團死之華(Grateful Dead)資深粉絲,他們在一場販賣舊音樂光碟和錄音帶的活動上認識,這名男子在她被殺時有不在場證據。



Who killed and skinned Katarzyna Zawada in 1998 in Krakow, Poland? (2016)

Some of the names have only been disclosed as initials due to Polish privacy laws.On a cold winter morning on January 7, 1999, Miroslaw M., a tugboat operator opened a hatch on the Los, a barge pusher on the Vistula, to remove what was stuck in the propeller since last evening. He expected to find a tire or a tree branch, but what he saw was something different. He wondered what the object was; of nondescript, pale color and sack-like appearance, when he felt a foul smell and noticed a human ear.

As it later turned out, what M. found were the remains of 23-year-old Religion Knowledge student, Katarzyna Zowada*. Specifically, her skin, neatly cut away at the thighs and neck, reaching only as far as the left ear, without the face and arms. Her nipples were also absent. There was an oblique seam going from under the right breast to the left shoulder. The coroner said the body had been in the water for about 2 or 3 weeks before she was found. Pieces of her sweater were also at the scene. A week later, Katarzynas leg was found near a hydroelectric dam also on the Vistula, among some floating litter and tree branches. No other remains of her have ever been found. Some of her clothes have: pieces of jeans and a flannel shirt with a square cut out.

Katarzyna had been missing since November 12, 1998. She was a loner, who had few friends, always sat alone during lectures, and lived with her mother. She had depression and, at one point in the past, had tried to commit suicide. Her mother became worried when she didnt show up to a doctors appointment to which they were going to go together.It was discussed that it was a copycat murder based on "Silence of the Lambs". The police were doing their best, since the profilers stated there was a high possibility that it was only the first in a series of murders. And indeed, the next murder happened.On May 31st, around 1 PM, the Krakow police received a phonecall. An elderly man said there was a murder at his house in a tiny village near the city and he believed his grandson was the murderer.

In the houses basement, a corpse was hanging upside down from the ceiling. The victim, a 50-year old man, had been beheaded and the skin of his head and face was found at the scene. It was sewn to form a mask. The head was found outside the house. The murderer was a Russian immigrant, Wladimir W. The victim, his father Witalij. Interrogation revealed even more shocking details: Wladimir wore his fathers face and clothes for a whole day and pretended to be him in front of his grandfather, who didnt see very well. The motive, he said, was the hatred he felt towards his father after he cheated on his wife and left her with nothing in Nalchik, Russia to pursue a new life in Poland with his son and father. It is possible that Wladimir knew Kasia. They both studied Psychology on the Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, albeit they werent in the same class. He started in 1992, she did in 1993, but dropped out after a year. He did not confess to killing her. He is currently spending his 25-year sentence in a Russian jail.

In Krakow, there have only been three cases ever of someone being skinned after death. The last one happened in 1983. Jan N., a perfectly normal citizen, one day decided to murder and skin his wife and teenage son. He then tried to dispose of the bodies by tossing them into the Vistula piece by piece. He was arrested before he completed his plan and commited to a mental institution indeterminately. His poor physical health led to him being granted "parole" during the time of Katarzynas death, but the police determined he couldnt have done that for the above reason.Investigation revealed that Katarzyna skipped her classes for two weeks before the disappearance. In fact, she disappeared during one of these truancies (she was supposed to go to the doctors right after class). This points to the possibility of a secret relationship. Her friends only knew of one male friend: a fellow Grateful Dead fan whom she had met at an event where people sold each other used music CDs and casssetes. He had an alibi.In 2000, DNA belonging to another person was discovered on Kasias skin. It was compared to all the suspects and persons of interest in the case, including known sexual offenders, but to no avail.The case was reopened in 2012. Traces of relatively rare plant species were found on the sweater, which the police believe could pinpoint the location of the crime. Also, it has been revealed that Katarzyna has been tortured before death. Link

