
恢復單身的凱蒂佩芮(Katy Perry) 本週靠著改版單曲《Part of Me》空降告示牌熱門榜冠軍! 小小彌補了前陣子無緣打破天王麥可一張專輯連六冠的紀錄。Billborad 在近期更改了幾個規則,第一個是「專輯售價不能低於美金3.49」(_完整原文),第二個就是「以後改版的冠軍單曲不準算入原專輯中」本週的冠軍曲榮幸的用到了新規定,《Part of Me》不算入原專輯《Teenage Dream》中而是算入改版專輯《Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection》的冠軍單曲。 (_完整原文)



iTunes 下載盛行後,單曲下載的優勢是一首歌只要美金0.69 - 1.29不等,當你還不確定專輯整張好不好聽時,你就會只買這首歌,因此許多歌手都邁向「只賣單曲不賣專輯」的窘境(EX: Rihanna),有趣的 Ask Billboard 有位歌迷寫信來挑戰詢問有關 Katy Perry 前陣子為了連續冠軍一連串的饒舌歌手助陣,是否犯了規? 《Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection 甜心全紀錄》臺灣發行消息

[ 大略重點翻譯 (_完整原文) ]
Ask BillboardAre Chart Rule Changes Needed?

When is Billboard going to change its rules so artists such as Katy Perry cannot release multiple versions (original and remixes) of the same song at the same time and have the song reach the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 after all sales are added up?

像是讓 Katy Perry 這款人同時發行多個版本(原版或混音版) 加入原先成績中這種情況?

41bP-KNXr+L._SL500_AA300_  VS.michael_jackson_-_thriller-front-wwwfreecoversnet  

It would be an insult to music fans to have Perry surpass the late, great Michael Jackson for most No. 1s from one album after she's cheated her way toward the top with her latest song, "The One That Got Away."
如果 Katy 用單曲《The One That Got Away》打破了天王麥可的紀錄這對我們粉絲來說是個汙辱。 (打破麥可的《Thriller》專輯連續5首冠軍)

First, Billboard has a policy in effect by which remixes of current songs are merged with original versions (and radio edits) as long as all versions are judged to be similar enough. In the case of Perry's "One," which has been remixed featuring B.o.B, all versions will be merged, since the remix does not vastly change the original recording; it merely sports additional rapping. 

首先,告示牌的規定就是隻要混音版與原本沒有差很大就可以合併成績中。在《The One That Got Away》這首歌與嘻哈歌手 B.o.B 的合作混音是將會合併原先成績中的,這個混音版跟原版比沒有甚麼大改變,只是中間加了個混音助陣。

 Katy-Perry-Ft.-Missy-Elliott-Last-Friday-Night-T.G.I.F.-Remix-Lyrics  Katy-Perry-feat.-B.o.B-The-One-That-Got-Away-Remix
 (點擊! 單曲封面線上試聽)

Marie, you also use the word "cheated" when describing Perry's quest for an unprecedented sixth Hot 100 No. 1 from her album "Teenage Dream," an opinion shared by other Billboard.com-menters. I don't agree. 
瑪莉,我不同意你用 "欺騙" 來回應 Katy 專輯《Teenage Dream》可能達空前的六連冠紀錄!

True, Capitol has discounted "One" to 69 cents in the iTunes Store and released the new remix in hopes of helping "One" reach No. 1. A 69-cent sale price, however, is well within Billboard's chart rules regarding discounted digital tracks. "Unit sales for Digital Tracks priced below $0.39 during their first three months of release will not be eligible for inclusion on Billboard's digital songs charts." 
事實上,當發行混音時旗下 Capitol 也將《The One That Got Away》0.69美元折扣促銷,為了就是能讓歌曲衝上冠軍寶座,然而,這是符合我的榜單規則(有關折價促銷) : "歌曲發行的前三個月,一首價錢不準低於0.39美元,否則成績就不能算入告示牌數位歌曲排行中。"


Also the subject of debate among online readers: a label releasing a remix of a song as it approaches the Hot 100's summit. Such a marketing move is not exclusive to Capitol or Perry. As reported Thursday (Dec. 15), it's already occurred multiple times this year, with, for example, Rihanna's "S&M" and Britney Spears' "Till the World Ends" having been the recipients of guest star-assisted remixes as they scaled the chart's upper ranks. 
這些行銷方式也不是 Katy 或旗下 Capitol 專屬,今年也發生很多次了,舉個例子,蕾哈娜的《S&M》與布蘭妮的《Till the World Ends》就是靠著助陣幫忙拿下更好的成績。

Similarly, Jackson and Perry have notched five Hot 100 No. 1s each from their albums "Bad" and "Teenage Dream," respectively, the most leaders from an album in the chart's archives. Despite differences in eras, consumer tastes, radio preferences and single configurations, each of the 10 No. 1s from the sets faced the same competition: to pass 99 other weekly chart contenders to become the most popular song in the country.



我們來回顧歷史... 混音起死回生最有名的例子就是 Jennofer Lopez(珍妮佛羅佩茲),2001年 J.LO 在嘻哈市場大放異彩,《I'm Real》與 Ja Rule 全新版的 "Murder Remix" 混音功不可沒,混音版本推出後在電臺熱播,讓《I'm Real》告示牌熱門榜三週冠軍! 之後如法炮製的舊曲《Ain't It Funny》混音版加持後,重新上榜攻下六週冠軍,"Murder Remix" 將 J.LO 音樂生涯帶上高峯,當年趁勢推出混音專輯《J to tha L-O! The Remixes》空降告示牌專輯榜冠軍。不料這種打歌的方式業界直呼不公平、有爭議,因此在 2002年 Billboard 更改了規則,重新改曲的混音版除了算是新歌、成績分開算,舉個例子: 可以用 Part 1 / Part 2 來劃分並取而代之。(EX: 亞瑟小子(Usher) 08年的冠軍單曲《Love in This Club 》與混音版《Love in This Club Part II》就是以不同歌名分開在告示牌計算成績的。)

※ 《Ain't It Funny》專輯版 (未打入美國告示牌熱門榜)

※ 《Ain't It Funny》Murder Remix 混音版

※ 《I'm Real》專輯版

※ 《I'm Real》Murder Remix 混音版

這幾首嘻哈混音版都很出色,給予了原曲新的色彩與樣貌,J.LO最後一次精彩的混音出現在2005年慘賣專輯《Rebirth》的第二主打《Hold You Down》之混音版 -Cory Rooney Spring Mix 出色程度也不輸 Murder Remix。
