cooker cake  

Doing this rice cooker making muffins cake (without eggs), because of checking lots of muffins before and Inadvertently find this receipt: 

(做這個 電鍋之無蛋瑪芬蛋糕, 是因為再找無蛋muffins 和一些瑪芬食譜時候, 無意間發現的: 

1) Dough 麵團

  • Plain flour/All purpose flour  200g (中筋麵粉200g )
  • baking powder 4 tsp (泡打粉 4 小匙 )
  • salt 1/2 tsp (鹽 1/2 小匙 )
  • sugar 40g (according to your taste) (糖40g ,可依自己喜好)
  • unsalted butter 50g (無鹽奶油 50g)
  • milk 150 g (牛奶 150 g)

After mixing all the ingredients together ~之後全部食材混合一起~ 


2) Cummble (Crispy) 脆皮

  • Plain flour/All purpose flour  60g (中筋麵粉60g )  
  • unsalted butter 20g (無鹽奶油 20g)
  • sugar 15 g (糖15g )


After mixing ingredients and then knead "granular"  by hand~ 混合食材之後用手搓成顆粒狀


3) put 1) dough into the rice cooke, and then put 2) Crispy on the top of dough. push cooking power buttons and wait for it done! 

~ 將 1) 麵團倒入電鍋, 並將 2)脆皮, 至於 1) 上面, 按下煮飯鍵即可 (約48分鐘)









PS: suggetion: because this cake is not too sweet, so if to have it with custard or cream  will be more yummy!  

(建議: 由於這個瑪芬蛋糕本身不甜, 所以喜歡甜的人搭配卡士達或奶油一起享用, 會更加美味喔! ) 





IF you want to know the original receipt by chinese, below it is : 

中文食譜: 參考:



