

Give and take.

Welcome to Washington.


Peter: But if you need me to get on the phone with anybody, reach out to Christina.

reach out to sb 主動聯繫某人,也是職場中很常用的短語。如本集稍後情節:



Reporter: Your watershed bill. Youve ticked off the Republicans, oil, gas...(你這個流域法案可是動了很多大老闆的乳酪啊)

Peter: Sometimes you gotta upset a few people to do the right thing.(我做的是正義的事業,得罪人我不怕)【多麼英勇無畏的Peter】

Reporter: Not just a few. Theres a sizable coalition that wants to see your bill fail, including environmentalists from your own party. Dont think the bill does enough.(不光外面的人,就是你們民主黨內,也覺得你這個法案雖然是打著環保的旗號,但實際並不地道)【記者一擊】

Peter: We wanted a passable bill. Thats why we aimed for middle ground...(雖然為了正義的事業我不惜摸老虎屁股,但是做大事的人還是要實際一點,把人家逼急了法案通不過不也白搭嗎)

Reporter: Do you actually care about the Delaware river?(你纔不是為了保護環境弄這個法案的吧)

Peter: I dont sponsor legislation I dont care about.(咋不是呢你倒是說說)

Reporter: Until recently, you hadnt sponsored any legislation at all.(這些年你在立法上根本就無所作為,為什麼突然想起弄這個法案?肯定是另有所圖)【記者二擊】

Peter: I spent my time in congress focusing on things that were important to my constituents.(我在全心全意為我選區的老百姓服務呀)

Reporter: The shipyard.(不就是船廠那事嗎)

Peter: Kept it open as long as I could.(嗯,我儘力了)

Reporter: Okay. Thats one thing. What are the others?(這算你一個吧。別的呢?沒了吧?)

Peter: Id love to provide you a list of all the things Ive done in congress, but weve got 15 minutes...(時間有限呀老哥,咱們揀要緊的說行不?)【Peter狡猾地迴避】

Reporter: Your opponent has linked your inactivity to your fondness for single-malts.(你這個酗酒的問題……)【記者三擊】

Peter: Ive been very open about my past, and Ive done everything I can to overcome it in a responsible, permanent way. And I preferred vodka to scotch. You should get your facts straight.(這點上我是很坦誠的,我連自己吸過毒都說了,還有啥藏著掖著的。最主要我都已經戒了呀,浪子回頭多麼可貴。人們最喜歡這種情節了。再者說了,我喜歡喝伏特加,不是威士忌,你作為記者把事實搞搞清楚先?)【Peter沉著應戰倒打一耙】

Reporter: Is your watershed act just a ploy to jump into the spotlight and pad your transcript while you apply for Governor school? (你弄流域法案其實就是為了製造政績,為競選州長加分吧)【單刀直入了,二擊的延續】

Peter: Its real money. Its real jobs. And when the Delaware river is less polluted than its been in 50 years...its holding up a real glass of its water and seeing how clear it is. Thats what my bus tour is about.(我為了什麼不重要,重要的是老百姓得到真金白銀的好處了,他們不就是在乎這些嗎?)

Reporter: The vice president is joining you later? (副總統給你站臺?)

Peter: Correct.(是呀)

Reporter: Why has it taken him this long to endorse you?(這會纔出來站臺,副總統怕是不太待見你吧?)【記者四擊】

Peter: He didnt think I was worth it. But then he heard I had a one-on-one with the New York Times, and, boom, he was on board.(副總統開始是不太看好我。不過呢,貴報社這麼一採訪我,他就把我當回事了哈哈)【Peter打哈哈,避免正面回答問題】

Reporter:I might print that.(你這麼不嚴肅的?小心我照實寫出來)

Peter: The more of my words, the fewer of yours, the better off well both be.(老兄你儘管寫啦。你全按我說的寫纔好呢,你也省事我也高興)

Reporter: If I didnt think you were such a liability to yourself, congressman, I might even like you.(你這小子還挺能岔的)【cha三聲】

Peter: If your circulation was as high as the Wall Street Journal, I might like you back. Hit me. Next question.(別說貴報社了,再大的陣仗我也見多了。儘管放馬來吧老兄)【Peter成竹在胸】


Peter 能這麼短時間內從一個酒鬼+癮君子搖身一變成了意氣風發的州長候選人,究其原因,一方面Frank拉起來的競選團隊的確專業,畢竟連總統都能給選出來,個把州長還不是小菜一碟;另一方面,Peter本身也是塊不錯的坯子,能從小地方混出來當上議員能力口才肯定不會差,此時也真心想洗心革面準備大幹一場,信心爆棚躊躇滿志,發揮自然上佳。



Frank: Proximity to power deludes some into believing they wield it. I put an end to that sort of thinking before it begins.




Claire: What is it that you want me to say to them?

Frank: ... I wanted you to walk them through the bill step-by-step. Put them at ease. I need to get them in the yes column.

walk sb through sth 帶某人過一下(方案/系統/計劃等)。比如前面討論教育法案的時候,也用到這個短語:
