
  Qin Yufen is at work


  As a Chinese female artist active in the contemporary art field in Europe, her work has received much attention for her poetic and Eastern philosophical expressions. She transforms simple and plain materials into her language of artworks and conveys the pursuit of material and spiritual ideals with a feminine perception.

  鐵蒺藜 Caltrops


  In the work of Coral, it's like the seal of time that natural objects are presented in an orderly manner in a state of artificial creation, and it is also a reflection on the relationship between human beings and nature in industrial civilization.


  It took 15 days from material handling to installation, Qin Yufen led a seven-member team that built several "islands" within the exhibition hall.


  There are different numbers and lengths of caltrops branches which are growing on the "islands",thicklydotted, some are like pieces of steel silk to dry, and some fall naturally on the ground to form a gently beautiful curves.

  Qin Yufen is at work


  The long-awaited large-scale installation exhibition "Coral" of Qin Yufen in Yuan Art Museum has already begun to take shape after weeks of intense preparation. The exhibition opening will be on April 3, 2019. For more information, please follow the official account of "Yuan Art Museum".

  展期:2019.04.03. - 07.02.

  地址:朝陽區利澤西園112號 元典美術館

  Duration:03.04.2019. – 02.07.2019.

  Address:Yuan Art Museum

  No.112 Lizexiyuan Chaoyang Dist. Beijing
