
普通科目:国文及简易英文 皆为四选一单选选择题。共50 题,每题2 分


(A) 1. 下列「 」内的字音,何者正确?
(A)举世哀「悼」 → ㄉㄠˋ      (B)白发「皤皤」 → ㄆㄢˋㄆㄢˋ
(C)「蕞」尔小国 → ㄘㄨㄛˋ    (D)「褫」夺公权 → ㄉㄧˇˋ
(D) 2. 下列词语中,何者用字完全正确?
(A)战战竞竞    (B)彼彼皆是    (C)估名钓誉    (D)喜出望外
(B) 3. 下列有关句子解释,何者错误?
(D) 4. 所谓「六经」是指:
(A)三礼、三传                  (B)诗、书、易、礼、尔雅、春秋
(C)诗、书、易、礼、春秋、孝经  (D)诗、书、易、礼、乐、春秋
(D) 5. 汉字的造字法,古人归纳为象形、指事、会意、形声、转注、假借六种。
(A)象形        (B)指事        (C)会意        (D)形声
(A) 6. 某地的色情行业如雨后春笋般到处林立,随处可见,真可谓「 」。填入「 」
(A)春城无处不飞花              (B)万国笙歌醉太平
(C)仙乐飘飘处处闻              (D)云想衣裳花想容
(C) 7. 「三人行,必有我师焉」一语的出处是:
(A)《孟子‧梁惠王》            (B)《庄子‧养生主》
(C)《论语‧述而》              (D)《韩非子‧五蠹》
(B) 8. 杜甫〈八阵图〉:「功盖三分国,名成八阵图。江流石不转,遗恨失吞吴。」
(A)刘备        (B)诸葛亮      (C)曹操        (D)孙权
(C) 9. 李白才气纵横,天资高妙,诗作脍炙人口,素有何种称誉?
(A)诗鬼        (B)诗圣        (C)诗仙        (D)诗佛
(A) 10. 李密〈陈情表〉云:「外无期功强近之亲,内无应门五尺之僮;茕茕独立,
(A)人丁稀少     (B)由剥而复    (C)家无恒产    (D)家世显赫
(A) 11. 文天祥〈正气歌〉云:「或为出师表,鬼神泣壮烈;或为渡江楫,慷慨吞
(A)诸葛亮、祖逖 (B)张巡、许远 _管宁、段秀实 _苏武、严颜
(A) 12. 下列各组「 」内注音符号所表示的字形完全相同者为:
(C)按「ㄅㄨˋ」就班/「ㄅㄨˋ ㄅㄨˋ」为营
(C) 13. 朱用纯〈朱子治家格言〉云:「听妇言,乖骨肉,豈是丈夫?重赀财,薄
(B) 14. 子曰:「志于□,据于□,依于□,游于□。」《论语‧述而》四空格依
(A)仁、德、道、艺              (B)道、德、仁、艺
(C)德、道、仁、艺              (D)德、仁、艺、道
(A) 15. 古诗:「冉冉孤生竹,结根泰山阿。」「冉冉」意为:
(A)柔弱貌       (B)挺直貌       (C)渐生貌       (D)枯萎貌
(D) 16. 郁永河〈台湾竹枝词〉写道:「独干凌霄不作枝,垂垂青子任纷披。摘来
(A)甘蔗         (B)芭乐         (C)荔枝         (D)槟榔
(B) 17. 下列引号「 」内的词语是生活中常用的祝颂语,用法正确的是:
(A)「弄瓦征祥」用于贺生男      (B)「秦晋之好」用于祝贺婚嫁
(C)「弦歌不辍」用于贺剧院开张  (D)「杏林春暖」用于贺学校落成
(C) 18. 下列各提称词用法,何者正确?
(A)用于长辈:大鉴于            (B)用于师长:青鉴
(C)用于平辈:雅鉴              (D)用于晚辈:赐鉴
(D) 19. 国家图书馆举办一系列「经典巡礼」的活动,要让全国人民重新认识并阅
(A)演说辩论的高手──《孟子》     (B)乐在逍遥的大鹏──《庄子》
(C)不羁的名士风流──《世说新语》 (D)知识分子的风骨──《儒林外史》
(A) 20. 「同样是新乐府的健将,同样遭到贬谪,白居易和元稹二人始终情谊深厚,
(A)莫逆之交    (B)手帕之交    (C)总角之交    (D)市道之交
(B) 21. 「齐桓公好服紫,一国尽服紫」意谓:
(A)政通人和    (B)上行下效    (C)朝纲不振    (D)上下交相贼
(C) 22. 《史记》与《汉书》的作者分别是:
(A)屈原/孔子  (B)孔子/司马迁  (C)司马迁/班固  (D)班固/裴松之
(C) 23. 李白〈长干行〉诗云:「门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。苔深不能扫,落叶秋
(A)期待        (B)欢乐        (C)离愁        (D)愤慨
(D) 24. 许多姓氏的读音特殊,下列叙述何者错误?
(A)区:读「欧」(B)任:读「人」  (C)仇:读「求」  (D)华:读「花」
(C) 25. 有关《诗经》的叙述,下列何者错误?
(A)中国文学的第一部诗歌总集       (B)非一人一时之作
(C)孔子与诗经,有正礼与作诗二事   (D)其内容有风雅颂,作法为赋比兴



(C) 26. Can you ________ Mary from her sister?
(A)agree         (B) angry     (C)distinguish     (D) yearn
(A) 27. In my opinion, his suggestion is ________.
(A)acceptable     (B) measure   (C)goat          (D)wonder
(C) 28. Even the typhoon is ________, the flight still takes off on time.
(A)cheating       (B)equal      (C)approaching   (D) replying
(A) 29. It is ________ that a foreigner can speak Mandarin so fluently.
(A)marvelous     (B)change     (C)approve      (D)patient
(A) 30. ________, he didn’t survive the big earthquake.
(A)Unfortunately  (B)Democratic  (C)Underwear   (D)Conscious
(D) 31. His efforts to improve the company have been very ________.
(A)punish        (B)opportunity  (C)librarian     (D)effective
(D) 32. The Eiffel Tower in France ________ many tourists every year.
(A)respects       (B)always      (C)sells        (D)attracts
(C) 33. My uncle lost all his money in business investments. He is________ now.
(A)turn          (B)broke       (C) bankrupt    (D)really
(A) 34. I tried to________ my son who had just failed an examination, but in vain.
(A)encourage     (B)occur       (C) participate   (D)insist


(B) 35. ________ by the terrible scene, she couldn’t move at all.
(A)Interviewing  (B)Shocked     (C)Satisfied     (D)Enough
(B) 36. I look forward to ________ after working hard in the company for so many
(A)promote      (B)being promoted (C)promoting  (D)have promoted
(D) 37. After coming back from Europe, he told me everything about the trip _______.
(A)in turn       (B)in case         (C)in and out  (D)in detail
(A) 38. I ________ my high school classmate in a department store yesterday.
(A)ran into      (B)put on          (C)called off  (D) filled out
(B) 39. He has to send his mother to the hospital immediately since she is ________ a
serious flu.
(A) searching for (B) suffering from   (C)surprising of (D)setting fire to
(C) 40. I have no ________ at all. I don’t feel like eating anything.
(A)an appetite   (B)but appetite      (C)appetite   (D)of appetite
(A) 41. She is ________ speaking German language.
(A)capable of    (B)in case of       (C)full of     (D)catch up
(B) 42. I couldn’t help ________ when I heard about the death of my cousin.
(A)cry          (B)crying         (C)cried      (D)cry out
(A) 43. You look tired ________ me. Did you stay up late last night?
(A)to           (B)for            (C)being     (D)behind


(B) 44. A: Are you sure we’re on the right way to the post office?
B: Yes, _______________________
(A)I want to go there with you.
(B)The sign we just passed said Po-Ai Rd, and that’s the road we have to take.
(C)I am so curious about how the building looks like. It must be amazing.
(D)I am sure the land belongs to Mr. Wang.
(B) 45. A: Do the medicines taste awful?
B: _______________________
(A)How old is your daughter?
(B)Yes. But I think it is better than getting a shot.
(C)No, I just had a nice dinner in a French restaurant.
(D)No way.
(B) 46. A: _______________________ It is raining outside.
B: Yes please. It is so kind of you.
(A)Are you leaving the office now?
(B)Do you need me to lend you an umbrella?
(C)Have you turned off the light?
(D)Do you work hard today?
(B) 47. A: I almost didn’t recognize you in this new dress.
B: _______________________
(A)On the way to my office, there was a nice restaurant.
(B) Do you like it or not?
(C)Do you go to the movies very often?
(D)Thank you. She is my younger sister.
(B) 48. A: Make sure that you will be there on time tomorrow.
B: _______________________
(A) We should meet more often.
(B)I shall not be late.
(C)There is a primary school on the way to my office.
(D)The train has left at 7:00 o’clock.
(A) 49. A: Have the prices of the antique cars gone down recently?
B: _______________________
(A)No, on the contrary, they are much higher now.
(B) No, the cars are broken.
(C)Yes, I have some of them.
(D) Yes, it is impossible.
(D) 50. A: _______________________
B: Yes, the one next door is.
(A)What do think about the decoration?
(B)Do you like any outdoor activity?
(C)Do you know why the door is open?
(D)Do you know if there is any house for sale in this area?



