
在与实验地点相似的威尔士的一只兔子/来源:DR. LIZZIE WILBERFORCE


翻译 MQ

审校 卓思琪、刘悦晨

编辑 戚译引

由伦敦玛丽女王大学(Queen Mary University of London)和英国皇家植物园“邱园”(Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew)合作发表的一项最新研究表明,兔子更喜欢进食 DNA 含量丰富的植物。研究者们发现这一习性与蜗牛和昆虫等无脊椎动物恰好相反,它们更喜欢食用 DNA 含量较少的植物。

有很多因素都影响着植食性动物(如兔子)对食物的选择,但是至今为止,植物的基因组大小(即细胞中的 DNA 含量)对植食性动物与植物间相互作用的影响还不得而知。

这项研究发表在《英国皇家学会会刊 B 辑》(Proceedings of the Royal Society B)上。研究人员建议将基因组大小作为一个新的衡量指标,以改进那些用于预测植物群落响应生态环境变化(如气候变化、土地利用方式的改变)的生态模型。


本研究的联合主要作者、伦敦玛丽女王大学的 Andrew Leitch 教授说:“我们证明基因组大小影响着植物-植食性动物间的相互作用,这预示着将基因组大小纳入生态模型的分析,可以扩大我们在考虑到营养和食草动物存在的情况下对植物生产力和群落生态的理解。”




植物基因组的大小千差万别,其中最大的基因组至少是最小的基因组的 2400 倍,这对植物的生存方式和存在地点产生了影响。与此同时,这项研究表明,不同类型的植物可能受到不同种类的植食性动物的影响,而这一差异可能取决于植物细胞中的 DNA 含量。

来自英国皇家植物园的 Ilia Leitch 博士说:“我们认为在描述生态过程时,需要考虑将物种的基因组的大小纳入到生态模型中去。如果我们需要通过建立和实施合理的政策,来改善气候变化、土地利用方式的改变、以及环境富营养化等问题对生态环境带来的负面影响,这些生态模型的功能则尤为重要。”


【标题】Interactions between plant genome size, nutrients and herbivory by rabbits, molluscs and insects on a temperate grassland

【作者】Ma?té S. Guignard, Michael J. Crawley, Dasha Kovalenko, Richard A. Nichols, Mark Trimmer, Andrew R. Leitch and Ilia J. Leitch

【期刊】Proceedings of the Royal Society B

【时间】20 March 2019


【摘要】Angiosperm genome sizes (GS) vary ca 2400-fold. Recent research has shown that GS influences plant abundance, and plant competition. There are also tantalizing reports that herbivores may select plants as food dependent on their GS. To test the hypothesis that GS plays a role in shaping plant communities under herbivore pressure, we exploit a grassland experiment that has experimentally excluded herbivores and applied nutrient over 8 years. Using phylogenetically informed statistical models and path analyses, we show that under rabbit grazing, plant species with small GS generated the most biomass. By contrast, on mollusc and insect-grazed plots, it was the plant species with larger GS that increased in biomass. GS was also shown to influence plant community properties (e.g. competitive strategy, total biomass) although the impact varied between different herbivore guilds (i.e. rabbits versus invertebrates) and nutrient inputs. Overall, we demonstrate that GS plays a role in influencing plant–herbivore interactions, and suggest potential reasons for this response, which include the impact of GS on a plant's response to different herbivore guilds, and on a plant's nutrient quality. The inclusion of GS in ecological models has the potential to expand our understanding of plant productivity and community ecology under nutrient and herbivore stress.


