冰雪奇缘。 记者杨正海/摄影
冰雪奇缘。 记者杨正海/摄影

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红遍大街小巷的《冰雪奇缘》主题曲〈Let It Go〉又回来啦!当年旋风般袭卷全球的洗脑神曲,如今摇身一变,以音乐剧形式登上了百老汇殿堂。在超强卡司的精彩演绎下,这首歌是否能再写传奇呢?马上来欣赏一下吧!

全新改编的百老汇版〈Let It Go〉不只有美妙旋律及动人歌声,更加入演员丝丝入扣的演技情绪及超震撼的舞台效果,难怪令人听得如痴如醉、赞叹不已!不过,为演员欢呼的同时,可别忘了镁光灯照不到的地方,还有强大的幕后团队(crew)在演员背后做最坚强的后盾。今天,跟著希平方一起认识认识舞台剧的幕后功臣吧!


director 导演


actor/actress 男/女演员

playwright 编剧

choreographer 舞蹈编导

music director 音乐总监

A: How did you like tonight’s play? (你觉得今晚的戏剧如何?)

B: It was awesome! I love the way the story unfolded and how it was being acted out.(超赞!我很喜欢故事开展及演绎的方式。)

A: Can’t agree with you more! The playwright really knows how to build dramatic tension. (完全同意!编剧很懂得如何制造戏剧张力。)

B: Right. And the director is so good at bringing out the best performances from the actors. (对。而且导演很擅长激发演员的最佳表现。)

stage manager 舞台监督


set designer 舞台设计

lighting designer 灯光设计

costume designer 服装设计

prop designer 道具设计

sound designer 声音设计

hair and makeup designer 妆发设计

A: I got goose bumps while watching the show. The special effects were so amazing!(我看戏时都起鸡皮疙瘩了。舞台特效太惊人!)

B: Of course! This show is supported by a strong design and production team. The stage manager and the designers of the sets, props, costumes, and lighting are all at the top of the heap. (那当然!这出戏背后的设计及制作团队相当强大。不管是舞台监督还是舞台、道具、服装、灯光设计,全都是一时之选。)

A: No wonder it is a huge box-office hit. (难怪这么卖座。)



finance 资金

personnel 人事

administration 行政

The producer may not get as much attention as the director and the cast, but without the producer, the musical wouldn't even get off the ground. (制作人得到的关注可能没有导演及演员那么多,但没有制作人,这出音乐剧可能连开始都无法。)



【电影英文】听《冰雪奇缘》主题曲〈Let It Go〉学实用片语

「奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲:Let It Go」- Let It Go from Disney's FROZEN by Idina Menzel

