
1、 自我介紹首當其衝

HR: "Tell Me About Yourself" is the most popular way for hiring managers to start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place.在一對一面試的是時候,面試官最常問的開場問題就是「做個自我介紹吧」。在面試中,自我介紹做好了,剩下的部分也就能水到渠成了。

2、 詢問關於專業技能水平

HR:English and computer skills are comparatively important to this position, especially in the starting period. What』s your ability in these two fields?對於我們這個職位,英語和計算機作為 兩項基本技能還是比較重要的,特別在 剛剛開始工作的時候。你在這兩方面的 能力如何?

I passed College English Test Band 6, with good skill in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. I haven,t got any certificate of computer skills, because I don』t think certificates are necessary if what』s needed is merely operating a computer. I think practically, to know how to use a computer is more important. And I am quite familiar with Microsoft Office.

通過大學英語六級,有良好英語聽、說、讀、寫能力。我並沒有去考過任何計算機方面的證書,因為我掌握計算機的操作能力,並不十分需要證書,而在於更多地、實實在在地使用計算機,而我 對於微軟的Office軟體是非常熟悉 的,並且完全可以做到熟練運用。(或者列舉自己大學時候的計算機等級證書)

3、 詢問關於之前的工作經歷

You have three minutes to hold their attention and tell them how you took up your first job after college or university and gained specific skills as your career progressed. Add to this your promotions or appointments to new job roles and how you sought out opportunities to develop in your chosen career. Spend most of your three minutes on your most recent job and how the expertise you have matches the underlying needs of the new job.



HR: How do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with? A:你如何應付那些你認為難以合作的 人?

I stick to my principles and keep to the rules. Sometimes, they just lack enthusiasm. When I get them involved with something constructive, some of them change their attitude later.我會堅持原則和堅守規則。有時候, 他們只是缺乏對工作的熱誠。當我安 排他們處理一些較有建設性的工作 時,有部分人便改變了態度。


HR: What salary range are you looking for? What did you make at your last job? 你期望的工資範圍是多少? 上份工作你賺多少?

「Let』s talk about the job requirements and expectations first, so I can get a sense of what you need.」 That』s a soft answer to a soft way to ask the question.「讓我們先談工作要求和期望吧,那我就能瞭解你需要什麼。」 這是對溫和提問的一種溫和回答。

「This position is not exactly the same as my last job. So let』s discuss what my responsibilities would be here and then determine a fair salary for this job.」 It』s hard to argue with words like 「fair」 and 「responsibilities」—you』re earning respect with this one.「這份工作和我上份工作不太一樣。因此讓我們討論一下我在這兒的責任,然後再決定這個工作的公平報酬。」像「公平」和「責任」這樣的字眼沒有什麼可挑剔的——你這麼說會贏得對方的尊重。

