Sam Smith - Pray.jpg


" I'm not a saint, I'm more of a sinner
I don't wanna lose, but I fear for the winners
When I try to explain, the words run away
That's why I am stood here today "


Sam Smith的第二首新歌出炉了~这首歌收录于Sam即将发行的新专辑《The Thrill Of It All》之中,也是继首波主打〈Too Good At Goodbyes〉之后的又一首神曲。

点右边连结可以听听上个月我翻译过的的〈Too Good At Goodbyes〉喔→【歌词翻译】Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes 太舍得放下





话说最近Sam Smith跟饰演《汉娜的遗言》中Justin的Brandon Flynn在街上放闪,这消息真的是太令人震惊了,上个月才说自己单身的Sam,竟然和Brandon交往了,真心祝他们幸福下去。






[Verse 1]
I'm young and I'm foolish, I've made bad decisions / 我太年轻太傻 做过许多错误的决定
I block out the news, turn my back on religion / 我不想理那些是是非非 也不想寄托于信仰
Don't have no degree, I'm somewhat naive / 我还有点天真 没办法全然领略
I've made it this far on my own / 但至少我独自撑到了现在
But lately, that shit ain't been gettin' me higher / 然而最近我对于那些纷扰毫无办法
I lift up my head and the world is on fire / 当我抬起头 这世界仿佛一片狼藉
There's dread in my heart and fear in my bones / 我的身心充满了畏惧
And I just don't know what to say / 我不知道该说些什么

[Chorus 1]
Maybe I'll pray, pray / 也许我会向天祈祷
Maybe I'll pray / 也许我会用心祝祷
I have never believed, and you know / 如你所知 我从不信这些
But I'm gonna pray / 但我会试著祈祷看看

[Verse 2]
You won't find me in church (no) reading the bible (no) / 虽然我不会去教堂阅读圣经
I am still here and I'm still your disciple / 但我仍在此处 仍为你虔诚的信徒
I'm down on my knees, I'm beggin' you, please / 我双脚跪下 真心恳求
I'm broken, alone, and afraid / 如今的我孤寂惨淡 内心充满恐惧
I'm not a saint, I'm more of a sinner / 我不是圣人 倒像是个罪人
I don't wanna lose, but I fear for the winners / 我不想输 但又害怕真的成功
When I try to explain, the words run away / 每次我想解释清楚 却找不到适当的字句
That's why I am stood here today / 这也是为何我如今立身于此

[Chorus 2]
And I'm gonna pray, pray, maybe I'll pray / 也许我会向天祝祷
Pray for a glimmer of hope / 为那点希望之光祈祷
Maybe I'll pray, pray, maybe, maybe I'll pray / 也许我会用心祝祷
I've never believed, and you know, that I'm gonna- / 如你所知 我从不信这些 但我愿意...

Won't you call me? / 你会召唤我吗?
Can we have a one-to-one, please? / 我能和你亲自说说话吗?
Let's talk about freedom / 我们来谈谈自由本身
Everyone prays in the end / 每个人到头来都会祈祷
Everyone prays in the end / 每个人最终都会向天祝祷
Won't you call me? / 你会召唤我吗?
Can we have a one-to-one, please? / 我能和你亲自说说话吗?
Let's talk about freedom / 我们来谈谈自由本身
Everyone prays in the end / 每个人到头来都会祈祷
Everyone prays in the end / 每个人最终都会向天祝祷

[Chorus 3]
Oh, and I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray, I'm gonna pray / 我将会向天诚心祝祷
Pray for a glimmer of hope / 为那点希望之光祈祷
Maybe I'll pray, pray, maybe I'll pray / 也许我会用心祝祷
I've never believed, and you know, but I'm gonna pray / 如你所知 我从不信这些 但我仍愿意祈祷
