



What does shutdown mean for two million federal employees, agencies and tourist destinations?


The US government has begun a partial shutdown after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a new budget.


The Republican-led House of Representatives insisted on delaying President Barack Obama's healthcare reform - dubbed Obamacare - as a condition for passing a bill.


More than 800,000 federal employees face unpaid leave with no guarantee of back pay once the deadlock is over.


It is the first shutdown in 17 years and the dollar fell early on Tuesday.


Goldman Sachs estimates a three-week shutdown could shave as much as 0.9% from US GDP this quarter.

Goldman Sachs預估,長達三個禮拜的停擺,會讓這一期的美國GDP減少多達0.9%。

The White House's budget office began notifying federal agencies to begin an "orderly shutdown" as the midnight deadline approached.


Shortly after midnight, President Obama tweeted: "They actually did it. A group of Republicans in the House just forced a government shutdown over Obamacare instead of passing a real budget."


House Speaker John Boehner told reporters he hoped the Senate would agree to a bipartisan committee known as a conference "so we can resolve this for the American people".

白宮發言人John Boehner告訴記者們,他希望參議院可以同意進行一個兩黨(民主黨;共和黨)的會議。「這樣一來,我們就能夠為美國人民解決這個問題。」

"The House has voted to keep the government open but we also want basic fairness for all Americans under Obamacare," he said.


The Senate is to meet again at 09:30 (13:30 GMT) on Tuesday.

參議院將在星期二早上09:30 (格林威治標準時間:13:30) 再次開會。

The BBC's Mark Mardell in Washington says the divide in US politics has grown so bitter that government itself cannot function.

在華盛頓的BBC記者Mark Mardell說,這次在美國政策上的分裂,已經發展得太激烈,以致於政府自己無法運作了!



Who is affected?(誰將會被影響到?)

*State department will be able to operate for limited time


Department of defence will continue military operations


Department of education will still distribute $22bn (£13.6bn) to public schools, but staffing is expected to be severely hit


Department of energy - 12,700 staff expected to be sent home, with 1,113 remaining to oversee nuclear arsenal


Department of health and human services expected to send home more than half of staff


The Federal Reserve, dept of homeland security, and justice dept will see little or no disruption


US Postal Services continue as normal


Smithsonian institutions, museums, zoos and many national parks will close




Democrats were never likely to make concessions on healthcare reform - Mr Obama's signature achievement and a central issue in last year's presidential election, our correspondent says.


But Republicans have made demands that they knew would not be met rather than be accused of weakness and betrayal by their own hardliners, he adds.


On Monday, the Democratic-led Senate twice rejected bills from House Republicans that would have funded the government only if funding for President Obama's healthcare law was delayed for a year.


Major portions of the healthcare law, which passed in 2010 and has been validated by the US Supreme Court, are due to take effect on Tuesday regardless of whether there is a shutdown.


President Obama went on national television to criticise Republicans for trying to refight the last election.


A shutdown would have "a very real economic impact on real people, right away," he said, adding it would "throw a wrench" into the US recovery.


"The idea of putting the American people's hard-earned progress at risk is the height of irresponsibility, and it doesn't have to happen."


After the Senate vote, the chamber's Democratic majority leader blamed Republicans for the imminent halt to all non-essential government operations.


"It will be a Republican government shutdown, pure and simple," said Harry Reid, referring to the Republicans as "bullies".

Harry Reid說:「這簡單明瞭的是一個民主政府的停擺。」他還把共和黨比喻成是一羣「惡霸」。

Mr Obama has signed legislation ensuring that military personnel would be paid. The defence department had advised employees that uniformed members of the military would continue on normal duty, but that large numbers of civilian workers would be told to stay home.


Under the shutdown, national parks and Washington's Smithsonian museums will close, pension and veterans' benefit cheques will be delayed, and visa and passport applications will go unprocessed.


Programmes deemed essential, such as air traffic control and food inspections, will continue.


The US government has not undergone a shutdown since 1995-96, when services were suspended for a record 21 days.


Republicans demanded then-President Bill Clinton agree to their version of a balanced budget.

當時,共和黨要求前總統Bill Clinton(柯林頓) 同意他們的平衡預算的版本。

As lawmakers grappled with the latest shutdown, the 17 October deadline for extending the government's borrowing limit looms even larger.


On that date, the US government will reach the limit at which it can borrow money to pay its bills, the so-called debt ceiling.


House Republicans have also demanded a series of policy concessions - including on the president's health law and on financial and environmental regulations - in exchange for raising the debt ceiling.


"I'm thoroughly disgusted with our politicians," Ken Griffith from Kentucky told the Associated Press news agency.

來自肯塔基州的Ken Griffith告訴聯合媒體新聞機構:「我徹底地對我們的政客感到噁心。」

"They're acting like a bunch of three year old children. It's who can hold their breath the longest."







