【中譯歌詞】Katy Perry-Chained To The Rhythm 節奏纏身 【男飯的墜坑實錄】
有沒有很快速呢XDDD (歌曲全面公開前就翻好了呢~
不過就是因為如此 翻譯的有點草率呢~
若各位有發現錯誤 或有更好的中譯方式
[Verse 1]
Are we crazy? 我們是否喪失神智
Living our lives through a lense 透過鏡頭窺探世界全貌
Trapped in our white-picket fence 困在純白籬笆上
Like ornaments 成了裝飾品
So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble 如夢似幻的世界甚為舒適
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble 看不到任何危機的生活極其舒適
Aren't you lonely? 你是否感到高處不勝寒
Up there in utopia 深陷於烏託邦仙境中
where nothing will ever be enough 一個永遠慾求不滿的地方
Happily numb 精神麻木卻高興著
So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble 如夢似幻的生活甚為舒適
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble 看不到任何危機的生活極其舒適

So put your rose colored glasses on, and party on 使自己眼不見為淨 開始這派對吧

Turn it up, it's your favorite song 一起狂歡 這是你最愛的歌
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion 隨著節奏舞動直到ㄎㄧㄤ掉
Turnin' up, keep it on repeat 若你感到身心愉悅 請持續下去不要停
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie 搖頭晃腦著像是行屍走肉的殭屍
Yeah, we think we're free 我們身心靈獲得解放
Drink, this one's on me 喝吧 這杯我請你
We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to the rhythm 所有人都被這節奏纏身

Turn it up, it's your favorite song 一起狂歡 這是你最愛的歌
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion 隨著節奏舞動直到ㄎㄧㄤ掉
If you feel like turnin' up, keep it on repeat 若你感到身心愉悅 請持續下去不要停
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie 搖頭晃腦著像是行屍走肉的殭屍
Yeah, we think we're free 我們身心靈獲得解放
Drink, this one's on me 喝吧 這杯我請你
We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to the rhythm 所有人都被這節奏纏身

[Verse 2]
Are we tone deaf 我們是否聾了
Keep sweeping it under the mat 持續以鴕鳥心態逃避
Thought we could do better than that 以為我們能做的更好
I hope we can 至少我是這麼盼望的
So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble 如夢似幻的生活極為舒適
So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble 看不到任何危機的生活極其舒適

So put your rose colored glasses on, and party on 使自己眼不見為淨 開始這派對吧

Turn it up, it's your favorite song 一起狂歡 這是你最愛的歌
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion 隨著節奏舞動直到ㄎㄧㄤ掉
Turnin' up, keep it on repeat 若你感到身心愉悅 請持續下去不要停
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie 搖頭晃腦著像是行屍走肉的殭屍
Yeah, we think we're free 我們身心靈獲得解放
Drink, this one's on me 喝吧 這杯我請你
We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to the rhythm 所有人都被這節奏纏身

Turn it up, it's your favorite song 一起狂歡 這是你最愛的歌
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion 隨著節奏舞動直到ㄎㄧㄤ掉
Turnin' up, keep it on repeat 若你感到身心愉悅 請持續下去不要停
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie 搖頭晃腦著像是行屍走肉的殭屍
Yeah, we think we're free 我們身心靈獲得解放
Drink, this one's on me 喝吧 這杯我請你
We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to the rhythm 所有人都被這節奏纏身

[Verse 3: Skip Marley]
It is my desire 是我的慾望
Break down the walls to connect, inspire 擊破了高牆 以獲得連結及啟發
Up in your high place, liar 快躲到高處 騙子們
Time is ticking for the empire 在帝國來臨前 時間可不等人
The truth they feed is feeble 事實總是孱弱的
As so many times before 有了多次的經驗
The greed over the people 貪婪的心已主宰了人們
They stumbling and fumbling 不停摸索也不停受阻
And we're about to riot 而我們將發起暴動反抗
They woke up, they woke up the lions 他們已喚醒了沉睡中的野獸

Turn it up, it's your favorite song 一起狂歡 這是你最愛的歌
Dance, dance, dance to the distortion 隨著節奏舞動直到ㄎㄧㄤ掉
Turnin' up, keep it on repeat 若你感到身心愉悅 請持續下去不要停
Stumbling around like a wasted zombie 搖頭晃腦著像是行屍走肉的殭屍
Yeah, we think we're free 我們身心靈獲得解放
Drink, this one's on me 喝吧 這杯我請你
We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to the rhythm 所有人都被這節奏纏身

It goes on and on and on*3 反覆不停止
'Cause we're all chained to the rhythm 因我們所有人都被這節奏纏身


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