

1.探討遊客到Northwest Passage的cruise是否會有潛在的風險


① 冰川和ice sheet 不易被察覺和躲避,從來帶來了危險。

② engine 釋放的soot 會留在雪和冰上,對環境不友好。

③ 影響當地居民生活。


① 有research ships 和helicopter 探路,從而能夠避開冰川。

② 可以採用新的fuel,從而不產生soot。

③ 採用小船,從而有更少的人抵達,並且遊客分成小組,每個小組只能參觀一個community,不僅不影響當地人的生活,還能促進經濟。

2. 關於長頸恐龍(Sauropoda)的脖子一般是橫著的(horizontal)還是豎著的(vertical)。

閱讀:提出三個理由支持長頸恐龍(Sauropoda)的脖子是橫著的(horizontal, or beam-like):

  1. 骨骼化石連接起來(reconstruction bones)是橫著的;
  2. 必須很高的血壓(powerful hearts and very high blood pressure)才能把血液供到大腦和循環;
  3. 不利於生物種羣間的競爭,抬著脖子夠樹葉太高了消耗能量,水平的話則節省能量,喫到近地面的植物。


The Sauropod(長頸恐龍) was one of the tallest and largest dinosaurs yet found. It had a long neck, small head,and relatively short, thick tail. Several anatomical() features enabled this big creature(動物,生物) to survive and thrive(繁榮,興盛,茁壯成長)- the extreme elongated(瘦長的,細長的) neck especially. In order to move freely with such large-sized body, its neck bones are arranged horizontally(水平的,橫著), or beam-like(橫樑狀的), for three reasons.

According to the excavation(挖掘) of the fossils, the cervical(頸部的) vertebrae(椎骨,脊椎),or neck bones are structured horizontally for supporting the heavy weight to move freely.

The Sauropod needed to have large, powerful hearts and very high blood pressure in order to pump blood up the long neck to the head and brain, which is approximately 15 times the size of the hearts of whales of similar size. The heads and brains of the Sauropod were held high above its heart. This presents a problem in blood-flow engineering, so a horizontal positioned neck bones were a must.

With the long-neck anatomical(解剖的) structure, it would take up too many calories to consume leaves or cones(松樹或冷杉的球果) for the upper section of conifers(松柏類,針葉樹,球果類植物). This behavior would take up roughly half of its energy intake. In addition, the neck of the Sauropod was really immobile(固定的,穩定的,不變的). So it has to be horizontal for them to move to the lower position of the tree for food, being not always has to reach food in the upper section of the tree.


  1. 脖子除了骨骼還有肌肉(muscles)去質撐頸子的重量,且其實頸腔中充滿空氣,所以並沒有想像的那麼重;
  2. 用鴕鳥(Ostrich)的例子去說明,鴕鳥有同樣情況長頸小頭, 但發展了一個強勁的心臟,促進血液輸送到neck and head;
  3. 下面樹葉還有其他的類型的恐龍競爭(too competitive),而長頸恐龍的脖子的構造就是為了使它們能夠到高出的食物,且高處食物是其他動物喫不到的。

Listening (The professor disagrees with such claim that the neck is held vertically or upright for several reasons):

Aside from neck bones in the structure, the neck in the anatomy(骨骼) also has muscles to sustain the heavy weight, so a membranous(膜的) structure called, valves(閥門,氣嘴), a hollow(中空的) organ or passage(通道) in an artery(動脈,血管) that help prevent the back-flow of blood. In addition, pneumaticity(動物氣窩,氣腔),cavities(腔) filled with air in the bone, was developed for the long neck and this facilitated the use of air to pump up the blood. It also means the neck would not be as heavy as most people think because it has much air in it, so it can be vertically positioned in the structure.

Another case can show that the neck bone structure is a vertical device. Ostrich, a large, swift-running flightless bird, can be cited as an example. It has a long bare neck and a small head as well. In order to use the neck in its fullest for survive. The function of heart has so much improved and evolved that it helps up blood transmitted to the neck, as well as the head to sustain the heavy weight.

It took much energy to use the heavy neck for food in the upper section of the tree by calculation. However, they were naturally built for reaching for leaves growing in the upper section in the food chain. The lower section of the tree, the bush and vegetation for example, were too competitive. Not, after all, all the creatures were as large as the Sauropod, which was consuming the other parts of the food in evolution. Besides, they could consume great energy by the abundance of food source that no many other creatures could deprive of(剝奪,奪走).

3. 維京人(vikings)為什麼會離開格陵蘭島(Greenland)


  1. 氣候變化(climate change),無法進行耕作(farming),導致飢餓(starvation)
  2. 維京人被別的種族驅趕(conflict group)
  3. 與歐洲的貿易路線被挪威限制(was forbidden by Norway)


  1. 維京人的主食(staple)是魚,而且有證據顯示,與魚沒有收到氣候變化的影響;
  2. 考古學家說,維京人離開的時候帶走了所有珍貴的物品,如果有外族驅趕,那麼應該沒有時間去收拾行李
  3. 經過挪威的是合法貿易路線,有一條非法的貿易路線是直接連通格陵蘭和歐洲,並且這條非法路線經常被使用。有文件曾經說過挪威國王曾多次抱怨這條非法線路。

4. Caroline bays是否是由於meteorites的撞擊形成的。

閱讀: Caroline bays是一些circular or oval形狀的depressions(低窪處),很多人認為Caroline bays是由於meteorites的撞擊形成的。理由如下:

  1. Caroline bays中的depressions形狀不對稱,一邊的沙子比另一邊的沙子高;
  2. White sand裏沒有iron,因為explosion的高溫使得iron沒有了;
  3. 可以發一些b,對他的測試證明有explosion。


  1. 教授認為撞擊不是唯一的原因,低窪不對稱還有可能是水流造成的,而且可能性更大,因為全部東北的rims都比西南高;
  2. 這樣的高溫會產生glass,但並沒有找到,所以有可能是別的原因比如chemical;
  3. b只在很少的地方發現,其他沒有lighting也會引起b的產生。

5. Three possible theories of why sturgeon fish jump into the air.


  1. 它們以在空中的昆蟲為食;
  2. 它們想要大規模地清除寄生生物;
  3. 當遊客駕駛小船侵入它們的領地時,它們會變得非常具有侵略性。


  1. 當它們在冬季捕食充分的時候,當到了夏季它們就不會進食,而且它們是從海平面這樣的低位置進食的;
  2. 大多數危險的寄生生物是位於身體內部的,而不是在身體之外;
  3. 人類的侵入是很偶然的事情,即使沒有人類的侵入,它們也依然會跳出水面。

6. 一項禁止外來動物的法律(US will issue a new law to restrict importing, selling nonnative animals.)


  1. 很多現在養寵物的人會被迫交出他們的寵物(be forced to turn their pet over to the authorities);
  2. 這項法案會花很多錢(the law is too expensive to implement.)
  3. 即使有些生物有危害,但由於它們的壽命不長,所以沒有危害(Brazil rabbits cannot stand the cold weather in the north so they cannot breed.)。


  1. 現在養寵物的人不會交出他們的寵物,法律生效後,他們只是不能夠再購買這些寵物的同類了。(it is only importing and selling new members are restricted, pet owners won』t be affected.);
  2. 這項法案所花費的錢比起治理生物危害所花的錢要少的多,而且這個錢花的更值得。(it』s worth it.)比如當地有一種蛇,對當地的物種構成威脅(destroyed many other species.)政府不得不花更多的錢去遷移這一物種(the cost to remove the python is even greater and the loss of other species cannot be compensated);
  3. 雖然動物不長壽,但是它們能夠傳播疾病(transmit diseases)比如有一種兔子,就傳播了疾病給當地的兔子,使當地99%的兔子受到危害(Brazil rabbits carries 「m」virus and can be transmitted to other animals. 99% of local animals have died.)。

