english tutor,中学补习,补习社-“债务上限”英语怎么说?

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美国东部时间8月1日晚间,美国众议院表决通过两党领袖在昨天达成的债务上限初步协议,该协议将上调政府债务上限2.1万亿美元。协议将在稍晚时候送交参议院进行表决,分析称该协议在由民主党控制的参议院获得通过的问题不大。我们来看一段英文报道:President Barack Obama on Sunday said that leaders of both parties have reached an agreement to lift the U.S. debt ceiling, reduce the federal deficit and avoid a U.S. credit default, an announcement welcomed in early trading on the Asia financial markets.Both the U.S. House and Senate were expected to meet Monday to discuss the details of the plan, which calls for increasing the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion through the end of 2012 along with $2.4 trillion in deficit reduction.美国总统奥巴马周日说,民主、共和两党领袖已经达成瞭一项协议,以提高美国债务上限,减少联邦预算赤字并避免美国信用违约。这一消息在亚洲金融市场早盘交易时段受到瞭投资者的欢迎。美国参众两院预计将于周一会面,以讨论方案的细节。该方案要求在2012年底前将债务上限提高2.4万亿美元,同时削减2.4万亿美元的预算赤字。