[英文聽力] TOEFL,託福,免費學習教材,筆記_練習技巧與準備-1,科學美國人SSS,English listening,火星土壤中的鹽分(計分,時間,加試,加試題)

最近為了再強化TOEFL iBT的英文聽力,與適應聆聽更快速的native speaking,開始養成每天聽科學美國人 (SSS, Scientific American's Sixty-sendond Science) 的習慣。所以這邊就把每天聽完的筆記與資訊分享,內容有自己覺得可以在延伸複習的同義字或其他資料。這篇是探討<Martian Soil Salts May Make Water Ice All Wet> (火星土壤中的鹽分可能讓冰融化為水)。

[英文聽力] TOEFL,託福,免費學習教材,筆記: 練習技巧與準備-1,科學美國人SSS,English listening,火星土壤中的鹽分(計分,時間,加試,加試題)

更多 [英文聽力] TOEFL,託福,免費學習教材,筆記 (Click)

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<Martian Soil Salts May Make Water Ice All Wet>

If Martians exist, even the microbial sort, they probably need liquid water. Temperatures on the surface of the red planet are below freezing, but signs exist that water flowed in the past—and perhaps still does, thanks to a Martian version of anti- freeze.


Temperatures (+s時有固定詞組搭配,像是Low Temperatures (低溫),Oven Temperatures (烤箱溫度), Surface temperatures (表面溫度),或是變動性的溫度數值.


Salts lower the freezing point of water, as anyone knows who's thrown salt on an icy sidewalk. And both NASA's Phoenix and Curiosity missions found salts called perchlorates sprinkled around the Martian surface.


,as anyone knows…(就如大家所知)
perchlorates (n.) 高氯酸鹽
sprinkle (v.) 灑


To see how perchlorates might act on Mars, researchers recreated the pressure, humidity and temperature of the planet inside a metal cylinder. They put a thin layer of perchlorates on top of water ice inside the chamber. Within minutes, droplets of liquid water formed, even at minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit.


humidity (n.) 濕度; moisture (n.)濕氣,水氣
droplet (n.); chamber (n.)房間,會議室,空間 =room =compartment (n.)隔間; (v.)劃分
滴; minus (n. a.)負號,負數的; (Preposition, prep.) 減去
Fahrenheit (n.) 華氏溫度計 (音像飛輪海…冏)
Within (perp., adv. n) (在……範圍內;不超過)


Some scientists thought perchlorates might condense water vapor from the atmosphere. But within the cylinder, no liquid water formed in the presence of salts, either alone or on Mars-like soil, unless ice was present too. The study is in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.


condense (vi.) 氣體冷卻液體; (vt.) 壓縮,濃縮=compress, squeeze
vapor (n.) 蒸氣;煙霧 = fog (n.)霧 =mist(n.) 薄霧
presence (n.) 出席,存在,參與.
either A or B 不是A就是B; A or B 為對等連接詞,只要A和B的詞性一致的單字、片語皆可
We had neither money nor food. 我們既沒有錢,也沒有食物


The finding study could explain mysterious globules seen on the leg of the Phoenix in 2008. The lander may have been dotted with drops of otherworldly water.


globules (n.) 液珠
otherworldly (a.) 脫俗的; 來世的; 超自然的


更多 [英文聽力] TOEFL,託福,免費學習教材,筆記 (Click)





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