

struct IndexIVF: Index {
size_t nlist; ///< number of possible key values
size_t nprobe; ///< number of probes at query time

Index * quantizer; ///< quantizer that maps vectors to inverted lists

* = 0: use the quantizer as index in a kmeans training
* = 1: just pass on the training set to the train() of the quantizer
* = 2: kmeans training on a flat index + add the centroids to the quantizer
char quantizer_trains_alone;
bool own_fields; ///< whether object owns the quantizer

ClusteringParameters cp; ///< to override default clustering params
Index *clustering_index; ///< to override index used during clustering

std::vector < std::vector<long> > ids; ///< Inverted lists for indexes

size_t code_size; ///< code size per vector in bytes
std::vector < std::vector<uint8_t> > codes; // binary codes, size nlist

/// map for direct access to the elements. Enables reconstruct().
bool maintain_direct_map;
std::vector <long> direct_map;

/** The Inverted file takes a quantizer (an Index) on input,
* which implements the function mapping a vector to a list
* identifier. The pointer is borrowed: the quantizer should not
* be deleted while the IndexIVF is in use.
IndexIVF (Index * quantizer, size_t d, size_t nlist,
MetricType metric = METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT);


nlist: 倒排表的長度,對應聚類的中心點數

nprobe: 每次查詢需要查的倒排list的個數


cp: 聚類配置(見文檔-Faiss聚類實現)

ids: 倒排向量ID表,由嵌套的vector實現,一個二維數組

code_size: 向量的位元組長度

codes: 倒排向量code表,向量的code就是向量本身


faiss::IndexFlatL2 quantizer(d); // the other index
faiss::IndexIVFFlat index(&quantizer, d, nlist, faiss::METRIC_L2);
IndexIVFFlat::IndexIVFFlat (Index * quantizer,
size_t d, size_t nlist, MetricType metric):
IndexIVF (quantizer, d, nlist, metric)
code_size = sizeof(float) * d;

向量的 code是向量本身 d維float, 所以code size 是sizeof(float) * d

IndexIVF::IndexIVF (Index * quantizer, size_t d, size_t nlist,
MetricType metric):
Index (d, metric),
nlist (nlist),
nprobe (1),
quantizer (quantizer),
quantizer_trains_alone (0),
own_fields (false),
clustering_index (nullptr),
ids (nlist),
maintain_direct_map (false)
FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (d == quantizer->d);
is_trained = quantizer->is_trained && (quantizer->ntotal == nlist);
// Spherical by default if the metric is inner_product
if (metric_type == METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT) {
cp.spherical = true;
// here we set a low # iterations because this is typically used
// for large clusterings (nb this is not used for the MultiIndex,
// for which quantizer_trains_alone = true)
cp.niter = 10;
cp.verbose = verbose;
code_size = 0; // let sub-classes set this




MetricType: 向量距離衡量類型:傳入的是METRIC_L2


1) 輸入

index.train(nb, xb);

nb: 待索引向量的個數

xb: 待索引向量的數組

2) 訓練初聚類

Clustering clus (d, nlist, cp);
clus.train (n, x, *quantizer);

n: 待索引向量的個數

x: 待索引向量的數組

關於聚類的細節請看文檔 Faiss的聚類實現


3) 訓練量化殘差

void IndexIVF::train_residual(idx_t /*n*/, const float* /*x*/) {
if (verbose)
printf("IndexIVF: no residual training
// does nothing by default




1) 輸入

index.add(nb, xb);

nb: 待索引向量的個數

xb: 待索引向量的數組

2) 遍歷找到每個向量最近的聚類中心點

void Index::assign (idx_t n, const float * x, idx_t * labels, idx_t k)
float * distances = new float[n * k];
ScopeDeleter<float> del(distances);
search (n, x, k, distances, labels);

nb: 待索引向量的個數

xb: 待索引向量的數組

labels: 存放每個向量距離最近的中心點ID

k: 1 (取 top 1)

其中k=1, 即查詢最近的一個

使用ScopeDeleter<float> del(distances),是因為不需要distances, 只需要labels, 函數退出,distances回收掉,留下最近的聚類中心點id數組labels

search (n, x, k, distances, labels); 的細節見文檔 Faiss暴力搜索實現

3) 建立倒排表

3.1) 遍歷所有向量

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {

3.2) 建立倒排id list

long id = xids ? xids[i] : ntotal + i;
long list_no = idx [i];
ids[list_no].push_back (id);

idx是步驟2)返回的那個距離每個向量最近的聚類中心ID 數組



3.3) 建立倒排code list

const float *xi = x + i * d;
/* store the vectors */
size_t ofs = codes[list_no].size();
codes[list_no].resize(ofs + code_size);
memcpy(codes[list_no].data() + ofs,xi, code_size);



1) 輸入

index.search(nq, xq, k, D, I);

nq: 查詢向量個數

xq: 查詢向量數組

k: 每個查詢向量返回個數 top k

D:存放返回的top k個距離

I: 存放返回的top k 個索引向量ID

2) 粗查詢(查詢聚類中心)

long * idx = new long [n * nprobe];
ScopeDeleter<long> del (idx);
float * coarse_dis = new float [n * nprobe];
ScopeDeleter<float> del2 (coarse_dis);

quantizer->search (n, x, nprobe, coarse_dis, idx);

nprobe: 返回幾個最近聚類中心點

quantizer->search (n, x, nprobe, coarse_dis, idx); 實現細節見文檔 Faiss暴力搜索實現


3) 查詢倒排表前的距離類型判斷

void IndexIVFFlat::search_preassigned (idx_t n, const float *x, idx_t k,
const idx_t *idx,
const float * /* coarse_dis */,
float *distances, idx_t *labels,
bool store_pairs) const
if (metric_type == METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT) {
float_minheap_array_t res = {
size_t(n), size_t(k), labels, distances};
search_knn_inner_product (*this, n, x, idx, &res, store_pairs);

} else if (metric_type == METRIC_L2) {
float_maxheap_array_t res = {
size_t(n), size_t(k), labels, distances};
search_knn_L2sqr (*this, n, x, idx, &res, store_pairs);


4) 查詢倒排表

void search_knn_L2sqr (const IndexIVFFlat &ivf,
size_t nx,
const float * x,
const long * keys,
float_maxheap_array_t * res,
bool store_pairs)
const size_t k = res->k;
size_t nlistv = 0, ndis = 0;
size_t d = ivf.d;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: nlistv, ndis)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
const float * xi = x + i * d;
const long * keysi = keys + i * ivf.nprobe;
float * __restrict disi = res->get_val (i);
long * __restrict idxi = res->get_ids (i);
maxheap_heapify (k, disi, idxi);

for (size_t ik = 0; ik < ivf.nprobe; ik++) {
long key = keysi[ik]; /* select the list */
if (key < 0) {
// not enough centroids for multiprobe
key < (long) ivf.nlist,
"Invalid key=%ld at ik=%ld nlist=%ld
key, ik, ivf.nlist);

const size_t list_size = ivf.ids[key].size();
const float * list_vecs = (const float*)(ivf.codes[key].data());

for (size_t j = 0; j < list_size; j++) {
const float * yj = list_vecs + d * j;
float disij = fvec_L2sqr (xi, yj, d);
if (disij < disi[0]) {
maxheap_pop (k, disi, idxi);
long id = store_pairs ? (key << 32 | j) : ivf.ids[key][j];
maxheap_push (k, disi, idxi, disij, id);
ndis += list_size;
maxheap_reorder (k, disi, idxi);
indexIVFFlat_stats.nq += nx;
indexIVFFlat_stats.nlist += nlistv;
indexIVFFlat_stats.ndis += ndis;


4.1) 初始化統計變數

size_t nlistv = 0, ndis = 0;

nlistv : 統計遍歷的倒排list個數

ndis: 統計比對過的向量個數

4.2) 開啟openmp

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+: nlistv, ndis)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {

累計各線程計算的nlistv和ndis, 形成全局的nlistv和ndis


4.3) 準備好當前查詢的變數

const float * xi = x + i * d;
const long * keysi = keys + i * ivf.nprobe;
float * __restrict disi = res->get_val (i);
long * __restrict idxi = res->get_ids (i);
maxheap_heapify (k, disi, idxi);




4.4) 開始遍歷top k 個粗聚類中心

for (size_t ik = 0; ik < ivf.nprobe; ik++) {

4.5) 確定但前的聚類中心ID

long key = keysi[ik]; /* select the list */
if (key < 0) {
// not enough centroids for multiprobe
key < (long) ivf.nlist,
"Invalid key=%ld at ik=%ld nlist=%ld
key, ik, ivf.nlist);


獲取當前對應的聚類中心ID並校驗,然後累加nlistv (一個聚類中心點對應一個倒排list)

4.6) 核心的計算

const size_t list_size = ivf.ids[key].size();
const float * list_vecs = (const float*)(ivf.codes[key].data());

for (size_t j = 0; j < list_size; j++) {
const float * yj = list_vecs + d * j;
float disij = fvec_L2sqr (xi, yj, d);
if (disij < disi[0]) {
maxheap_pop (k, disi, idxi);
long id = store_pairs ? (key << 32 | j) : ivf.ids[key][j];
maxheap_push (k, disi, idxi, disij, id);
ndis += list_size;



和查詢向量一一計算距離fvec_L2sqr (xi, yj, d) 細節見 文檔 Faiss暴力搜索實現



4.7) 最大堆排序

maxheap_reorder (k, disi, idxi);

細節見文檔 Faiss暴力搜索實現

4.8) 更新統計

indexIVFFlat_stats.nq += nx;
indexIVFFlat_stats.nlist += nlistv;
indexIVFFlat_stats.ndis += ndis;




