1. even

【熟義】 ad.甚至,也
【生義】 a.相等的,均等的
【例句】You have to wait until the water level in the pipes evens out. 你得等一等,直到各種管子裏的水位一樣高。

2. become

【熟義】 v.變成
【生義】 v.適合(某人),與…相稱
【例句】Those words do not become a person in your position. 那些話和你的身份不相稱。

3. end

【熟義】 n.①末尾②末端
【生義】 n.①目標②半邊球場
【例句】The teams changed ends at half-time. 上半場結束時交換了場地。

4. ditch

【熟義】 n.溝渠
【生義】 v.放棄
【真題例句】Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print. 暫且不考慮對紙墨以及沙沙的翻頁聲的懷念,有足夠多的動力去放棄紙張印刷。

5. report

【熟義】 v.①彙報②報道
【生義】 v.①報到②告發
【例句】Report has it that he is still alive. 傳說他還活着。

6. line

【例句】I don’t follow your line of reasoning. 我不理解你的推理方法。

7. rule

【例句】The court will rule on the legality of the action. 法院將裁定此舉是否合法。

8. develop

【熟義】 v.①發展②開發
【生義】 v.患病,得病
【例句】She developed a rare disease of the brain. 她患上了一種罕見的腦病。

9. subject

【熟義】 n.主題,題目
【生義】 n.實驗對象
【真題例句】”With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls. 埃裏克森回憶道:“在經過大約 20 個小時的訓練後,第一個受試者的數字記跨度從 7 個上升至 20 個。”

10. base

【熟義】 n.基礎
【生義】 a.卑鄙的
【例句】Their base conduct was condemned by everyone. 他們的卑鄙行爲受到所有人的譴責。

11. effect

【真題例句】Cline believes lasting change can only be effected by the customer. 克萊恩認爲只有顧客才能帶來持久的改變。

12. letter

【例句】She obeyed his instructions to the letter. 她嚴格遵照他的吩咐去做。

13. train

【例句】In the train of flood, famine and disease rise up. 水災一過,饑荒和疾病接憧而至。

14. fashion

【真題例句】Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones. 亞利桑那州試圖制定與現行聯邦政策並行的州政策。

15. smell

【例句】 The teacher in front of him, the boy with unfinished homework in hand smelt trouble. 老師站在面前,男孩手裏拿着未完成的作業,察覺到出了麻煩。

16. hold

【例句】The contract still holds. 合同仍然有效。

17. lot

【例句】She seems happy enough with her lot. 她好像對自己的境況感到很滿意。

18. feature

【真題例句】Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. 我們的雜誌刊登笑容滿面的名人和幸福美滿的家庭。

19. address

【真題例句】 Relying on ethical persuasion rather than law to address the misuse of body ideals may be the best step. 或許依靠道德勸說而非訴諸法律來解決誤用理想體形這一問題是最佳方式。

20. home

【例句】Our verbal attacks on the man rarely hit home. 我們對那個人的抨擊很少擊中要害。

21. cover

【例句】The Washington Post sent her to Bangladesh to cover the floods. 《華盛頓郵報》派她去孟加拉報道水災災情。

22. rail

【例句】Some people are always railing at their bad luck. 一些人老是抱怨自己的運氣不好。

23. ground

【例句】Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age. 僱主不得有年齡歧視。

24. second

【例句】 Everyone seconded the proposal, and it was carried unanimously. 大家都同意這個提議,該提議被一致通過。

25. understand

【例句】I understand you’re coming to work for us. 我聽說你要來爲我們工作。

26. express

【例句】It is his express wish that we should go without him. 他明確的願望是要我們不帶他一起走。

27. chance

【例句】I chanced to be there. 我恰巧在那裏。

28. inform

【真題例句】Ideally, different kinds of reading inform each other, and act as useful reference points for and counterbalances to one another. 理想的是,不同的閱讀方式互相影響,互爲有用的參考點,互相平衡。

29. game

【例句】A good hunter always had game on the table. 一個好獵人餐桌上總是不缺野味。

30. story

【例句】He filed an urgent story to his newspaper in London. 他給在倫敦的報社發了一篇緊急報道。

31. side

【例句】Frank sided with David against their mother. 弗蘭克站在戴維一邊反對媽媽。

32. smile

【例句】The weather smiled on us; it was a fine day. 天公作美,這是個晴天。

33. respect

【例句】In many respects, the dearth of moral purpose frames not only the fact of such widespread phone hacking but the terms on which the trial took place.

34. translate

【例句】Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. 安娜斯說律師在要求把醫療界的這些善意的行爲轉變成更好的護理行動方面發揮着關鍵作用。

35. air

【例句】 The weekly meeting enables employees to air their complaints. 週會可以讓僱員訴說他們的委屈。

36. drive

【例句】People think you lack drive and ambition.人們認爲你缺乏幹勁和雄心。

37. drop

【例句】She dropped politics for a new career as writer. 她棄政從文,開始新的職業生涯。

38. meet

【例句】He met their criticism with indifference. 面對他們的批評他無動於衷。

39. safe

【例句】Being a safe man, he is no doubt the best candidate as the new manager. 他辦事謹慎,無疑是新經理的最佳人選。

40. shape

【例句】These events helped to shape her future career. 這些事影響了她後來從事的事業。

41. picture

【例句】We were so caught up with the details, so we lost sight of the big picture. 我們過分關注於細節,因而忽視了全局。

42. choice

【例句】She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases. 她字勘句酌地總結了情況。

43. engineer

【例句】He immediately began engineering the election campaign. 他立即開始策劃這次競選活動。

44. strength

【例句】We won the competition for he knew where his strength and weakness lie. 他贏得了比賽,因爲他知道自身的優點和缺點。

45. surface

【例句】Rumors about the killing have begun to surface in the press. 有關這些殺人事件的傳聞開始見諸報端。

46. team

【例句】It’s a pleasure to team up with such excellent colleagues. 跟如此出色的同事共事是一種樂趣。

47. absorb

【例句】During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. 與此同時,家庭成員不得不承擔更多在退休收入方面的風險。

48. cheap

【例句】Cheap wine gives me a headache. 喝了劣質的葡萄酒我就頭疼。

49. flower

【例句】Your lordship is the flower of courtesy. 閣下真是謙虛有禮的典範。

50. foreign

【例句】The language of finance is quite foreign to her. 她對金融語言一竅不通。

51. marry

【例句】This poem marries theme and style well. 這首詩的主題和風格結合得很好。

52. sea

【例句】The lecturer looked down at the sea of faces beneath him. 演講的人俯視着下面無數張面孔。

53. sound

【例句】She is sound in body and mind. 她身心健康。

54. traffic

【例句】You can add traffic graphing if you like. 如果您願意,可以添加網絡流量圖。

55. chapter

【例句】There was a chapter in everyone’s life when everything seemed to go wrong. 在每個人的一生中都有一段時期似乎什麼都不順利。

56. ill

【例句】He wants to cure all the ills of the world. 他想消除世上所有的弊端。

57. modest

【例句】She had saved a modest amount of money. 她攢了小小的一筆錢。

58. appropriate

【例句】The minister was found to have appropriated government money. 部長被查出挪用了公款。

59. box

【例句】You shouldn’t box her ears to my face. 你不該當着我的面打她耳光。

60. fat

【例句】 People who are wrongly arrested may be paid fat compensation. 被誤抓的人有可能得到豐厚的補償。

61. funny

【例句】That drink has made feel quite funny. 我喝了那種飲料覺得很不舒服。

62. green

【例句】The new trainees are still very green. 這些受培訓的新員工還很不成熟。

63. seat

【例句】Beijing is the seat of government in our country.北京是我們國家的政治中心。

64. stage

【例句】The movie star’s public appearances were carefully staged. 那位影星的公開露面都是經過精心安排的。

65. walk

【例句】It’s a good experience for a writer to know people from all walks of life. 能夠瞭解社會各階層人物對一個作家來說是一種不錯的體驗。

66. watch

【例句】She watched her moment to cross the road. 她等待着穿越馬路的機會。

67. constant

【例句】Vanity is a constant; people will only start shopping more sustainability when they can’t afford not to. 虛榮心一直都會存在。只有當人們沒有能力去過多購物時,他們纔會以更加可持續的方式去購物。

68. exhaust

【例句】I think we’ve just about exhausted that subject. 我認爲我們對那一話題已差不多是言無不盡了。

69. handy

【例句】It’s very handy having a light above your desk. 書桌上方有盞燈很有用。

70. save

【例句】The agent answered all the questions save one. 所有問題,除了一個以外,經紀人都回答了。

71. cloud

【例句】Her judgment was clouded by jealousy. 嫉妒心模糊了她的判斷力。

72. fond

【例句】A fond mother often spoils her child. 母親過分溺愛孩子,往往會寵壞孩子。

73. hearing

【例句】I’ll try to gain a hearing for my friend. 我將盡力爲朋友爭取申辯的機會。

74. hole

【例句】This story is full of holes. 這個故事漏洞百出。

75. lame

【例句】She gave some lame excuse about missing the bus. 她找了個站不住的藉口,說是沒有趕上公共汽車。

76. minute

【例句】The author made a minute deion of the lovers’ first acquaintance. 作者對這對情侶第一次相識的情況作了細緻的描述。

77. opening

【例句】There are two openings in the office. 那家辦事處有兩個空缺。

78. passage

【例句】His confidence grew with the passage of time. 他的信心與日俱增。

79. railroad

【例句】The directors railroaded their chairman into a decision. 董事們迫使董事長倉促做出決定。

80. recognition

【例句】She was presented with an iPad in recognition of her service to the company. 她被授予一臺 iPad,以嘉獎她爲公司效力。

81. satisfaction

【例句】The shop owner received satisfaction for the damage. 店主的損失得到了賠償。

82. shot

【例句】The nurse gave me a flu shot. 護士給我打了治療感冒的針。

83. soil

【例句】Gossip can soil a person’s reputation. 流言蜚語會損害一個人的名譽。

84. solid

【例句】He was a solid figure skater. 他是一個相當不錯的花樣滑冰者。

85. station

【例句】Guards were stationed around the prison. 監獄周圍派駐了衛兵。

86. tailor

【例句】Special programmes are tailored to the needs of specific groups. 設計特殊課程,以滿足特定羣體的需要。

87. tap

【例句】Your supervisor’s experience can be tapped. 可以利用你導師的經驗。

88. tower

【例句】The ancient trees towered into the sky. 古樹參天。

89. weather

【例句】The country weathered the energy crisis. 該國渡過了能源危機。

90. weigh

【例句】I weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved. 我認真權衡了這個計劃的優點和相關風險。

91. cook

【例句】The government was cooking the books and misleading the public. 政府在造假賬誤導公衆。

92. novel

【例句】 New, disruptive technology sometimes demands novel applications of the Constitution’s protections. 有時新的、顛覆性的技術需要憲法保護的新應用。

93. plague

【例句】He was plagued by lung cancer. 他飽受肺癌困擾。

94. comb

【例句】Police are still combing the woods for the missing boy.警方仍在樹林裏搜查,尋找那名失蹤的男孩。

95. compass

【例句】Finance is not within the compass of this department. 財政不在這個部門的管轄範圍之內。

96. rocket

【例句】The reason, of course, is that costs have rocketed and ticket prices have stayed low. 當然,原因是演戲的成本高了,然而票價仍然很低。

97. rosy

【例句】To be sure, the future is not all rosy. 當然,未來的一切並不都是美好的。

98. shadow

【例句】A policeman in plain clothes shadowed the criminal all day.警察整天祕密跟蹤那個罪犯。

99. undo

【例句】We cannot undo the damage of a lifetime in only 30 days. 我們不能在短短 30 天內消除影響一生的傷害。

100. mute

【例句】The leader thought it better to mute his criticism. 領導覺得還是婉轉地提出批評比較好。

101. switch

【例句】He is always switching from one job to another. 他老是換工作。

102. brain

【例句】So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism.能夠有足夠的思想或文學天賦從而在新聞業有所建樹的作者是如此之少。

103. clutch

【例句】She’s fallen into the clutches of that awful man!她已被那個可怕的男人所控制!

104. complication

【例句】The doctors were sure they could cure the patient, but when complications set in they lost hope. 醫生們本來相信可以治好患者的病,但在出現併發症之後他們失去了信心。

105. prospect

【例句】Prospects for peace do not look good. 和平的希望看來不大。

106. instruction

【例句】Read the instructions on the bottle before you take the medicine. 服藥前請看藥瓶上的服用說明。

107. liability

【例句】Heavy liabilities forced the company into bankruptcy. 沉重的債務迫使公司破產。

108. norm

【例句】terrorists who violate the norms of civilized society違反文明社會準則的恐怖分子

109. water

【例句】The ship is sailing in Chinese waters. 這隻船正在中國海域上航行。

110. damage

【例句】He claimed $5000 damages from his employer for the loss of his right arm while at work. 他在工作時失去右臂,因此他向僱主要求賠付 5000 美元的損害賠償金。

111. pool

【例句】We pooled our money so as to buy a car. 我們湊錢買了輛小汽車。

112. free

【例句】We had a free and open discussion about religion. 我們對宗教信仰進行了一場自由公開的討論。

113. approach

【例句】It might be possible to approach the problem in a different way. 處理這個問題也許可以用一種不同的方式。

114. air

【例句】She looked at him with a determined air. 她看着他,神態堅定果斷。

115. number

【例句】They haven’t numbered the pages of the report. 他們還未給報告編頁碼。

116. avenue

【例句】Books are avenues to knowledge. 書籍是獲得知識的途徑。

117. satisfy

【例句】He satisfied me that he could do the work well. 他使我確信他能把這項工作做得很好。

118. attach

【例句】The government attached great importance to the Internet. 政府很重視互聯網。

119. sandwich

【例句】His house was sandwiched between the two tall buildings. 他的房子被夾在兩棟大的建築物之間。

120. forest

【例句】When the teacher asked the boys an easy question, a forest of hands were put up. 老師問了男孩們一個簡單的問題,許多隻手“唰”地舉了起來。

121. royalty

【例句】Besides copyright, the writer got a 10 percent royalties on sales. 除擁有版權外,作者得到 10%的版稅。

122. answer

【例句】The photograph answers to the deion of the wanted man. 這張照片與所描述的通緝犯相符。

123. responsible

【例句】The freezing weather is responsible for the cracks in the pavement. 嚴寒的天氣是導致人行道裂縫的原因。

124. agreeable

【例句】The agreeable weather makes one feel happy. 宜人的天氣讓人心情愉快。

125. reduce

【例句】Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck. 過度勞累損害了他的健康。

126. due

【例句】It said that Internet Explorer 10, the version due to appear with Windows 8, would have DNT as a default. 其(微軟)稱,IE10—預計將於 Windows 8 上市時啓動—將 DNT作爲默認設置。

127. rate

【例句】The interviewers had rated applications on a scale of one to five. 面試官按照 1~5 的等級標準對申請人進行評分。

128. hearing

【例句】The defendant’s family were present at the hearing. 被告家屬在審訊時旁聽。

129. harbour

【例句】The dishcloth can harbour many germs. 洗碗布中會藏有很多細菌。

130. kid

【例句】You’re kidding. 你這是在開玩笑。

131. shoulder

【例句】She shoulders the double burden of childcare and full-time work. 她既撫養孩子又做全職工作,承擔着雙重負擔。

132. handsome

【例句】There’re handsome prizes to win. 可以贏到豐厚的獎品。

133. shape

【例句】It is the profound tendencies of history and not the passing excitements that will shape our future. 決定我們未來的是歷史的深遠趨勢,而不是一時的衝動。

134. service

【例句】I’m having the car serviced next month. 下月我要把車送去檢修。

135. reflect

【例句】He reflected how to fulfill the task all the night. 他考慮了一晚上該如何完成這項任務。

136. invite

【例句】But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions. 但是他們現在向批評者妥協會帶來更多讓步的壓力。

137. industry

【生義】 n.勤勞,勤奮
【例句】A country’s greatest wealth is the industry of its people. 一個國家的最大財富就是人民的勤勞。

138. blunt

【例句】To be quite blunt with you, I think you are wrong. 坦率地說,我認爲你是錯的。

139. black

【例句】The unions have blacked all imports from the country. 工會拒絕處理從這個國家進口的所有商品。

140. hot

【例句】The hot tempers and hopeful disposition make them more courageous than the old. 火熱的性格和樂觀的天性使他們比老年人勇敢。

141. line

【例句】I can’t agree with the government’s line on immigration. 我不能認同政府在移民問題上的態度。

142. lift

【例句】Can I give you a lift home?你搭我的車回家好嗎?

143. leap

【例句】Jealousy leaped alight in his bosom. 妒火在他胸中升騰。

144. breakdown

【例句】She suffered a nervous breakdown. 她患有神經衰弱。

145. property

【例句】Many plants have medicinal properties.許多植物具有醫藥性能。

146. plain

【例句】They seem to exist on different spiritual planes. 他們似乎生活在不同的精神境界。

147. concert

【 例 句 】 Britain has to pursue policies in concert with other EU members. 英國必須和其他歐盟成員國一起貫徹各項政策。

148. milk

【例句】He milked his rich aunt until she hadn’t penny left. 他榨光了他那富裕的姑媽的錢,直到她分文不剩。

149. thin

【例句】The teacher said my excuse was too thin to believe.老師說我的藉口太蹩腳了,誰也不會相信。

150. match

【例句】a design well matched in colour 一個顏色協調得很好的圖案。
