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2018-04-23 03:00

/ Staff writer, with CNATurkish comedian and TV host Ugur Rifat Karlova said he feels he has become a “real Taiwanese” after getting his Republic of China (ROC) identification card last month under an amended immigration law that allows foreigners with “special talent” to gain citizenship without having to renounce their original nationality.“From now on, no one can call me laowai (老外),” said Karlova, referring to an informal Mandarin word for “foreigner.”“After I got the ID, I felt like a Taiwanese and I wanted to do more things for Taiwan, the future of Taiwan,” said Karlova, 37, one of 23 foreigners who became citizens under the Standards for Defining High-Level Professionals for Naturalization (归化国籍之高级专业人才认定标准), which went into effect in March last year.“It was a sense of belonging that money can’t buy, a sense of happiness of being at home,” he added.Despite having stayed in Taiwan for only 12 years, Karlova, better known by his Chinese name Wu Feng (吴凤), said he hopes his naturalization will encourage other foreign residents to contribute more.“I want to tell all foreigners that if you come to Taiwan, you need to cherish the society here,” Karlova said, adding that he wants to send a message to the public that foreigners can create more value for Taiwan, given the chance.Karlova is the host of a TV travel show called iWalker, which won him a Best Host award at the Golden Bell Awards in 2012. He was the first foreigner to win the award.He was recognized by the government for distinguished achievement in the field of art and culture, one of six categories of achievement for which foreigners can retain their original citizenship while receiving an ROC identity card.His naturalization made Karlova the first foreigner to be granted citizenship in that category.One of the biggest benefits of gaining ROC citizenship is that he can express his views about Taiwanese politics, society and culture on what Karlova describes as “more legitimate grounds.”Karlova also feels pressure to live up to this recognition of both his reputation and the international image of Turkey, he said.After graduating from Ankara University’s Department of Chinese and Sinology in 2006, Karlova came to Taiwan on a scholarship and attained a master’s degree in political science from National Taiwan Normal University.He chose Taiwan because his teachers and schoolmates who had previously been to Taiwan had good things to say about it, he said.Karlova entered show business after being invited by a scout to play the late George Leslie Mackay, a respected missionary in Taiwan, in a TV program. He married a Taiwanese woman three years ago and they have a two-year-old child.Karlova said he plans to promote exchanges between Turkey and Taiwan by encouraging more Turkish businesses to invest in Taiwan, inviting YouTubers to come and promote Taiwan and introducing Turkey to Taiwanese.新闻来源:TAIPEI TIMES





▲2018「澎湖国际海上花火节」19日开幕,空军派出IDF经国号战机冲场揭开序幕。(图/空军司令部脸书 )

大甲妈到清水水泄不通!朝兴宫虽不远,但由于现场沿途信众太多,民众太过热情,妈祖銮轿一直到清晨3点半才顺利驻驾,今清晨6点50分准时出发,向著最后一段路回家,预计今晚10点在大甲镇澜宫举行安座仪式。清水警方表示,昨天早上銮轿就已进入沙鹿,但光是在沙鹿、清水交界处就驻停难行,仿佛海线信众倾巢而出一般,銮轿走走停停,到深夜还在清水市区遶行主要道路,为完成钻轿的心愿,有女子钻轿过程因情绪太过激烈,身体不适而昏倒,在警方及众人合力下,将女信众抬上救护车。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 途中,大家发现一旁有位民众推著轮椅,上面坐著高龄90岁的轻微失智老父亲,本想来钻大甲妈祖銮轿,以祈求父亲身体健康,由于现场信众太多被挤到路旁,且无法排队钻轿,仅能在旁观看,无奈之余,准备在路旁目迎銮轿,此时,众人在警方的协助下,合力将老先生轮椅推向路中,警方更帮忙将銮轿抬高,让这对父子顺利钻銮轿,得到大甲妈祖的庇佑,在场的信众更是一致鼓掌叫好。在数万人陪行下,大甲妈銮轿早上从清水朝兴宫出发,下午将回到大甲市区。记者黑中亮/摄影 分享 facebook 大甲妈銮轿早上从清水朝兴宫出发,下午将回到大甲市区。记者黑中亮/摄影 分享 facebook 一位孝心民众推著轮椅,上面坐著高龄90岁的轻微失智老父亲,在众人协力下完成钻轿底的心愿。记者黑中亮/翻摄 分享 facebook 一位孝心民众推著轮椅,上面坐著高龄90岁的轻微失智老父亲,在众人协力下完成钻轿底的心愿。记者黑中亮/翻摄 分享 facebook

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