Yogi Bhajan对于孩童早课的Q& A回答

原始出处:真理之珠 1974 年 6 月


Yogi Bhajan:永远告诉他们这是成长,并且能变得伟大的时后。他们会想睡觉,在早课的时候,让他们睡在你的腿上。睡在你的腿上,并盖著毯子,他们就会睡著了,三小时的舒缓睡眠对他们是最好的,且他们在良好振动中睡著,在浅意识中也听著早课的进行。



Yogi Bhajan:不用叫醒他们,他们会做自己的早课。



Yogi Bhajan:正常来说他们醒来后会再睡回去,孩子跟猫都是正常地睡觉,不要忽略他们的哭声,除非他们哭是为了让你心烦。只要把他们带来早课,放在你的腿上让他们睡著,这是让他们睡在早课的振动之中,而非让他们主导早课。



© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

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Yogi Bhajan Q & A on Sadhana for Children

Originally published: Beads of Truth, June 1974

Question: What do we do if the children don’t choose to come to sadhana, or if they’re in sadhana and they talk and don’t relate to it?

Yogi Bhajan: Always tell them that this is the time to grow and become great. And they love to sleep, so take them in your lap and put them to sleep, right in sadhana. Put him in your lap and put a blanket over and there they go out. Three hours of soothing sleep for them is the best. But they are in good vibrations and subconsciously they have heard that sadhana.

Question: What about getting infants up for sadhana at 4?

Yogi Bhajan: Don’t wake the children up. They do their own sadhana.

Question: What if they naturally wake up at 4?

Yogi Bhajan: Normally, they wake up to sleep again. Children and cats normally sleep, and their cries should not be ignored unless they’re creating a cry just to upset you. Just bring them along to sadhana and put them in your lap to sleep. The idea is to keep them in sadhana to live in those vibrations. The idea is not that they should lead the sadhana.

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan
