平面广告(Print Ads)不像电视广告









1. World Tobacco Day Campaign 世界无烟日活动


A drive taken up to create an awareness among people that smoking does not make you look pretty. 抽烟很显然不会使妳更漂亮。

drive (n.) 宣传活动



2. Be a Volunteer 当个志愿者


Because just liking a picture on a social networking site showing a traumatized and sick child doesn't help them at all.

They don't need your sympathy, they need help.



traumatized (adj.) 心理受创的



3. Moms Demand Action 母亲反枪械活动


We ban Kinder chocolate eggs for child safety but using assault weapons is completely fine? 我们可以为了孩子的健康,不卖健达出奇蛋,却不能禁止危险的枪枝?



4. Somethings Can't Be Covered 反家暴


An ad that is aimed to fight against domestic violence and other forms of woman abuse. It strikingly brings out the agony and pain within women who are going through physical and mental abuse every single day of their lives and the fact that, no matter how hard you try to hide it...it just never does.


domestic violence 家庭暴力



5. 'A Dog Makes Your Life Happier. Adopt' – Pedigree
全球知名狗食品牌 (宝路)


This beautiful ad campaign by a well known animal food brand Pedigree, brings out the brand's social and human side. By connecting the brand to happiness and friendship that one gets from his dog is truly phenomenal because, after all, 'a dog is a man's best friend'. 一只狗儿能够使你的人生更幸福,领养吧!



6. Weight Watchers 减重专家


A very clever ad from weight watchers which develops the urge in people to come in fat and go out slim. A truly inspirational and motivational ad.

由 in 和 out 的对比,强烈凸显了瘦身公司的成效有多强大,十分激励人心的广告



7. Oogmerk Opticians 眼镜公司


'Get the respect you deserve' So true. The right glasses can make you look totally different and convey the right body language and personality attributes to the people around you. 「得到你应有的尊重」,挑对眼镜真的好重要


Optician (n.) 眼镜行



8. Pepsi vs. Coca Cola 可乐品牌之战

Pepsi and Coca Cola have always been true rivals and advertising is where they take each other down.

This particular ad by Pepsi shows a Pepsi can dressed as Coca Cola for Halloween. Scary?

Well the ad was marvelous but Coca Cola fought back and this is what happened...

(左)百事可乐:万圣节可以打扮成可口可乐。(贬低Coca Cola)



9. Colgate Dental Floss 高露洁牙线


This brilliant ad by Colgate exaggerates and imbibes the concept of the amazing dental floss that they're selling. Even takes out the toughest particles stuck in your teeth.


floss (n.)牙线 (v.)用牙线洁牙



10. Durex Condoms 杜蕾斯保险套


Doesn't need any explanations right! Extra Large Indeed...








